




1.前置胎盘 1. 子宫收缩不良( Placenta Abruption) 2. 胎盘留滞( Placenta previa) ...

4.何谓前置胎盘2013: 何谓前置胎盘(Placenta Previa)2013: 狗狗今天剖腹生产了 快来救救我喔??? 2013: 请问肩难产预防有哪些注意事项? 201…

5.前置性胎盘五月二十五日的新闻,一名妇人剖腹产,不料因前置性胎盘(placenta previa) 导致产后大量失血,住院两个多月恐截肢;其夫怒 …

6.前置胎盆临床考试当天, 病人是前置胎盆Placenta Previa )的妇女。她很好很健谈,病历得好了, 后做身体检查, 尿液抽取。

7.完全性前置胎盘,怀孕 33 周,因阴道出血而入院检查,经诊断为完全性前置胎盘Placenta previa)。


1.Objective To investigate the cpnical significance of Ultrasound diagnosis for placenta previa during late pregnancy.目的探讨超声诊断孕晚期前置胎盘的临床意义。

2.Conclusion There were important cpnical significance for placenta previa by ultrasound examination.结论超声对前置胎盘的诊断有重要的临床意义。

3.Case Report(s): A 32-year-old woman underwent a cesarean section due to placenta previa totaps and a previous cesarean section.病例报告:一位32岁孕妇因完全性前置胎盘及前胎剖腹产接受剖腹产。

4.Objective: To discuss the value of performed uterine suture early in hemostasis of placenta previa during caesarean section(method A).目的:探讨尽早缝合子宫(A法)对前置胎盘剖宫产时出血的止血效果。

5.Objective: To investigate the high risk factors, diagnosis and management of complete placenta previa.目的探讨前置胎盘合并胎盘植入的高危因素及处理方法。

6.Objective To discuss the value of interrupted circular suture in hemostasis of placenta previa during cesarean section.目的探讨环形间断缝合在前置胎盘剖宫产术时出血的止血效果。

7.Placenta previa occurs 6 to 15 times more often after a woman has had an abortion.在女性人流后前置胎盘发生率会6-15倍于常人。

8.Objective: To investigate the high risk faetors, diagnosis and management of complete placenta previa.目的:探讨中央性前置胎盘的病因、诊断、处理。

9.Methods: 65 caesarean section patients with placenta previa were reviewed retrospectively(27 patients of complete previa).方法:对65例前置胎盘(含27例中央性前置胎盘)剖宫产病例进行回顾性总结分析。

10.Objective To investigate the value of transperineal sonography(TPS) in the diagnosis of placenta previa of late pregnancy.目的探讨经会阴超声(TPS)对孕晚期前置胎盘的诊断价值。