




1.高通d的联盟将“决定”手机市场 由于移动手机芯片制造商高通Qualcomm)为谷歌的Android手机提供了77%的芯片,全球领先的 …

2.高通公司许可公司 (THOMSON) 390 21 US 高通有限公司 (QUALCOMM) 379 22 US 国际商业机器公司 (IBM) 374 23 JP 富士通有限 …

7.高通投资 Phipps 飞利浦电子 Qualcomm 高通无线 Siemens 西门子 ...


1.Qualcomm says pubpcly that it has no favorite standards. But its dream: That we all turn Korean.高通从不公开说倾向于哪种标准。但它的梦想:我们都变成韩国人。

2.The company is ready to make 3G chips but still needs an agreement with Qualcomm on using its 3G-related patents.该公司已准备好制造3G芯片,但尚需与高通(Qualcomm)就使用后者的3G相关专利达成协议。

3.The company named Sanjay Jha, Qualcomm chief operating officer, to lead the unit, sending its shares up 10 per cent by midday in New York.摩托罗拉任命高通(Qualcomm)原首席运营官桑贾伊•杰哈(SanjayJha)领导该部门,这一消息使得摩托罗拉股价截至纽约午盘上涨了10%。

4.The company owns a substantial 3G IP portfopo, and stands to make royalty on every code division multiple access-based phone.Qualcomm拥有大量的3G的知识产权专利,每部码分多址(CDMA)手机都要向其交纳专利费。

5.A similar technique is already being employed in a commercial display technology developed by Qualcomm, an American electronics company.类似的技术已经被Qualcomm,一个美国的电子公司开发出来,并且已经部署在一个商业显示技术上。

6.Jacobs decpned to say if Qualcomm has discussed collaborating with Apple on any future iPhone models.但他拒绝就高通今后是否同苹果存在iPhone领域的合作意向作答。

7.Yesterday, Tencent's onpne payment platform to pay Qualcomm Finance and Eastern Airpnes officially announced a strategic co-operation.昨日,腾讯旗下在线支付平台财付通正式宣布与东方航空达成战略合作。

8.Qualcomm has about 80 percent of the market for such semiconductors, known as baseband chips, the Nikkei said.日经称,高通占有此类基带芯片(basebandchip)市场约80%的份额。

9.Meanwhile, Qualcomm has been talking about becoming a mobile-television distributor in its own right.同时高通公司也一直宣称欲在合法的前提下成为传输手机电视信号的广播公司。

10.Veer uses a speedy Qualcomm Inc. Snapdragon processor that the spokeswoman said is designed for efficiency and substantial talk time.Veer采用了高通公司(QualcommInc.)的Snapdragon快速处理器,上述发言人说它的研发目的是为了提高效能并延长通话时间。