



美式发音: [diˈvælju] 英式发音: [diːˈvæljuː]



第三人称单数:devalues  现在分词:devaluing  过去式:devalued  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.devalue dollar


v.diminish,lessen,undervalue,bring down,cheapen



v.1.to officially reduce the value of a countrys money2.to treat someone or something as if they are not important

na.1.The variant of devaluate

1.贬值的 17。prosperityn。 繁荣 21。devalued 减值的,贬值的 22。yieldto 屈服, …

2.减值的 17。prosperityn。 繁荣 21。devalued 减值的,贬值的 22。yieldto 屈服, …

3.被贬值的 Necessity (名词)必要性,必须品 Devalued (形容词)被贬值的 Suspicious (形容词)猜疑的 ...

4.价钱降低 ... [replace;change;alter] 更换 [devalued] 价钱降低 [lower one's status] 比喻地位降低 ...

5.贬抑验、 声音、 論述风格、 推論邏辑在语艺传统下是被贬抑devalued) 与漠视的」 (Foss, Foss & Trapp, 1991; 林静伶译…

6.掉价儿 ... 掉过 to swap places 掉价儿 ;devalued;to have one's status lowered 掉泪 to shed tears ...


1.Since the end of 2001, US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth, as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued.2001年底以来,随着大宗商品价格飙升和本币贬值,美国贸易条件的恶化幅度已达八分之一。

2.S. devalued the dollar in 1933, he said, the prices of some commodities, which had been spirapng lower, suddenly began to go up.他说,美国1933年让美元贬值的时候,曾经不断下滑的部分大宗商品的价格突然之间开始回升。

3.Currency analysts stated that such a revaluation could have stabipzed the system but these nations said the dollar should be devalued.货币分析家说,这样的币值调整稳定了国际货币体系,但这些国家认为美元应该贬值。

4.Savers who could not get their money out of banks before its forced conversion would not be happy to be paid in a devalued currency.那些在货币进行强制兑换之前没能将钱从银行取出的储户不会乐意拿到贬值的货币。

5.Historically, legal tender laws have been used by governments to force their citizens to accept debased and devalued currency.历史上,政府曾使用法定货币法强迫公民接受被降低纯度和贬值的货币。

6.Whether or not the RMB will be devalued depends on the international economic situation and China's balance of international payments.人民币是否贬值取决于国际的经济状况和中国的国际收支状况。

7.In terms of the old gold measure, the dollar has devalued by 98% since the end of the Bretton Woods era.根据旧式的黄金标准进行衡量,自布雷顿森林体系时代结束以来,美元已经贬值了98%。

8.Contrary to what Harold Wilson once said, the pound in your pocket has been devalued.与哈罗德•威尔逊(HaroldWilson)曾经所说的相反,你口袋里的英镑已经贬值。

9.Similarly, Nokia, which has already lost ground to Apple, cannot afford to see its intellectual property devalued.同样地,已让苹果占了上风的诺基亚,无法眼睁睁看着自己的知识产权贬值。

10.While other nations' currencies devalued against the dollar inthe 2008 financial crisis, someeconomists note, the renminbi did not.一些经济学家指出,在2008年金融危机中,当其他国家货币相对美元贬值之际,中国的人民币并没有跟着一起贬值。