




1.替古人耽忧 ... 他国 another country 替古人耽忧 ;crying over spilt milk 卫国 to defend one's country ...

2.无益的后悔 being disappointed by events 失望的事件 crying over spilt milk 无益的后悔 wanting to turn back the clock 想回到过去 ...

3.替古人担忧 ... 替古人耽忧 ;crying over spilt milk 替古人担忧 ;crying over spilt milk 疑虑 misgivings ...


1."Oh, dear me! " exclaimed Carrie. Then she settled back with a sigh. "There's no use crying over spilt milk, " she said. "It's too late. "“哦,天哪!”嘉莉叫道。然后,她叹了一口气,又靠在座位上。“无法挽回的事,哭也没用了,”她说,“太迟了。”“是太迟了,”

2.It is no use crying over spilt milk. You can't take back what you said to her. I think she will eventually forgive you.覆水难收。你不能收回对她说过的话。我认为她最终还是会原谅你的。

3.Sue's mother told her there was no use crying over spilt milk.苏的母亲告诉她,后悔是无济于事的。

4.But rather than sitting there crying over spilt milk, begin to speak out positive options and solutions.与其为倾倒的牛奶哭泣,不如开始说出那些积极的选择和方法。

5.You dropped yor ring into the sea and you'll never find it now, so there's no use crying over spilt milk.你的戒指掉进了大海,你永远找不到了,因此作无益的后悔是徒劳的。

6.It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have missed a lot of precious things in our pfe without knowing to cherish them.为溢出的牛奶而哭没有用的。在我们生命中错过许多宝贵的事情而不知道珍惜他们。

7.It is no use crying over spilt milk. why should I constrain?这个意思是,覆水难收,我又何必勉强。

8.There is no need to regret for what has happened. It's no use crying over spilt milk.没有必要后悔所发生的事情,哭也于事无补。

9.Still no use crying over spilt milk. Let's see what Bobby Jackson can do.事情过去了,后悔也没有用。让我们看看鲍比杰克逊能做什么吧。

10.It is no good crying over spilt milk.牛奶洒了哭也无益。