

stand up

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第三人称单数:stands up  现在分词:standing up  过去式:stood up  



na.1.to put your body into an upright position from a sitting or lying position2.to not come to meet someone who you have arranged to meet, especially someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with3.to react in a particular way to severe conditions or treatment4.to still seem true or correct after being examined carefully5.to state or show pubpcly that you support someone or something, especially when something unpleasant or dangerous could happen to you as a result1.to put your body into an upright position from a sitting or lying position2.to not come to meet someone who you have arranged to meet, especially someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with3.to react in a particular way to severe conditions or treatment4.to still seem true or correct after being examined carefully5.to state or show pubpcly that you support someone or something, especially when something unpleasant or dangerous could happen to you as a result

1.意为站起来 ... “ work out ” 计算出,想出。 “stood up意为站起来, “set out ” 出发, 开始, 陈列, 宣布, 移植, 陈述 , ...

2.被放鸽子 scary 真的 stood up 被放鸽子 going down 惨败 ...

3.站起来了ch);因为Martin Luther King 站起来了stood up),Barack Obama才能竞选总统(run <for president>);因为Barack Obam…

4.爽约 ... Show off( 炫耀) stood up( 爽约) Strike an attitude( 摆架子) ...


1.How I pinchedpricked myself, rubbed my eyes, stood up, sat down again, nudged Joseph to inform me if he would EVER have done.我掐自己,戳自己,拽自己的耳朵,站起来,坐下,并用肘碰碰约瑟夫,让他告诉我,这些结束的话。

2."So, any questions? " He said . One of the girl stood up and said "Please, sir, may I have our teacher back? "“还有什么问题吗”他说。一个女孩站起来说:“先生,你可以让我们的校长回来了吗?”

3.There was a silence, Chloe's eyes glazed, then abruptly she stood up and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.一阵寂静,克洛艾的眼睛黯淡了。她突然站起来走进卧室,砰地一声关上门。

4.He stood up, kissed the robe, put it on his head, then put it to his heart and said, 'I accept, I accept, I accept.他站起来,亲吻了圣人的袍服,把它放到了他的头上,然后又放到他的心上并且说:“我接受,我接受,我接受。”

5.He moved nearer the edge, stood up, and with a vigorous sweep of his arm, cast out the pne.他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。

6.When at last Fudge had stood up to leave, the Prime Minister had stood up too.最后,福吉起身准备离开了,首相也站了起来。

7.What would have happened to you if you had stood up in class one day and told your students this is all rubbish?如果你有一天上课时对你学生说,书的内容就是垃圾,会发生什么?

8.A tall man stood up in the stands, walked out on the field, and came up to me.一个高个男人从看台上站起来,走到比赛场地里,朝我走来。

9.He arranged the flowers carefully, as if they were sitting on a grave, then stood up and admired them.他小心地把花放好,好像它们是在墓碑前,然后站起来欣赏了一会儿。

10.and that ladies and gentlemen of the Birmingham Business Blog reading community was that, everyone stood up and went back to work.这就是伯明翰商业博客阅读社的故事,每个人都站起来并且回去做自己的工作了。