





1.终结辩论ion of Defendant’s Case)、终结辩论Closing Arguments)、指示陪审团(Instructing the Jury)、陪审团评议(Jury Depb…

2.结案陈词 the defendant’s presentation 辩护词 closing arguments 结案陈词 jury instruction 陪审团指令 ...

3.总结陈词 ... 诉讼双方 Both Sides 总结陈词 Closing Arguments 凯瑟琳现场访谈 Catherine Crier Live ...

4.总结陈辞 ... 2、《Trial Heat/ 审判现场》 3、《Closing Arguments总结陈辞》 4、《Catherlne Crier Live/ 凯瑟琳—克 …


1.Prosecutors will sum up in the case later on Monday, while the defence is scheduled to give its closing arguments on Tuesday.检察机关将在周一的晚些时候对该案进行总结,同时,辩护方将在周二给予最后的陈述。

2.The text moves sequentially, from motions during trial and selection of a jury to summary judgments, damages, and closing arguments.本书按审判顺序安排内容,从审理中的动议、陪审团的选择到简易判决、赔偿和结案陈词。

3.In closing arguments, jurors heard a prosecutor's plea for justice and a defense attorney's plea for mercy.在辩论陈诉中,陪审员们同时听到了检举人要求公正和被告律师要求仁慈的请求。

4.When each side has completed its presentation of the evidence, prosecution and defense make closing arguments to the jury.各方出示证据结束之后,起诉方和辩护方可以向陪审团进行终结辩论。

5.The attorneys' last contact with the jury, their closing arguments, follows the conference on jury instructions.律师与陪审团最后的联系是在关于陪审团指令之后的非公开的讨论。

6.After a months-long break, a landmark federal trial challenging Capfornia's ban on same-sex marriage ends Wednesday with closing arguments.经过长达一个月的间断,具有标志性的、挑战加利福尼亚州关于禁止同性婚姻的联邦审判在周三迎来诉讼终结。

7.Jurors hear closing arguments today, after nearly six weeks and 49 witnesses.在将近持续六周对49名目击证人的调查后,陪审团今天听取结案辩论。

8.The judge wants closing arguments to begin May 15th.法官希望在5月15日做出辩论终结。