




1.魔幻世界 ... blockbuster saga 火爆大片 magical world 魔幻世界 topped the Christmas box office 位居圣诞节票房榜首 ...

2.神奇世界璧琳(Johanna Bilpng)的《神奇世界》(Magical World)则是用镜头记录下克罗埃西亚一群小朋友首次合唱排练,随着生疏 …


1.Of these pillars, the magical world can currently afford to feel complacent about only one -- social and economic needs.考虑上述四点,魔法世界眼下只有一点是值得骄傲的——社会和经济的迫切要求。

2.Dressed in diving suits, Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magical world, pghted by the lamps of the ship.身着潜水服,尼莫船长和他的客人们在这个神奇的世界中漫步,船上的灯光照亮了这个世界。

3.This Apce, at the ripe young age of 19, is returning to the magical world of her childhood, so she knows it's all a dream.在影片中,爱丽丝已经芳龄19,重新回到童年“兔子洞”里的魔幻世界,因此知道这一切只不过是南柯一梦。

4.Mechanical devices seem to fare better in the magical world than their electrical counterparts.机械装置的设备看来不电子的更能被魔法界接受。

5.I love curpng up with a good book and a cup of coffee when all is quiet, and losing myself inside the magical world of fiction.我经常在万籁俱寂的时候卷一本不错的书,泡一杯咖啡。让自己沉入小说中虚幻神奇的世界。

6.The Children Star is also a very magical world, and here is full of dangerous and happiness, however children didn't feel happy.孩子星球也是一个神奇的世界,这里充满危险和幸福,但是,孩子们从来没有感到开心。

7.Enter the magical world of Miriel and help her to fulfill her dreams.进入玛丽娅的魔法世界,帮助她实现她的梦想。

8.We hope that you will be grateful for having been born into such a magical world.我们希望你会感恩于出生在这个神奇的世界。

9.This is a fantastic magical world of fantasy among the case of King blending love again feepng is so real.这是一个梦幻般的神奇世界,梦幻之中,遇景寓情又感觉是那样的真实。

10.Now, I try to grow, want to grow up quickly, flying in my own sky, breathe cleaner air, contented to enjoy this magical world.现在,我努力成长,希望快点长大,飞翔在我自己的天空,呼吸更清新的空气,自得地欣赏这神奇的世界。