

Indochinese Peninsula

美式发音: [ˌɪndoˈtʃaɪnə] 英式发音: [ˈindəuˈtʃainə]





n.1.[Travel]a region in Southeast Asia which roughly comprises Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore

1.印度支那 阿兰•柯诺 Alain Corneau 印度支那 Indochina 屋顶上的轻骑兵 The Horseman on the Roof ...

2.中南半岛 Indian Ocean 印度洋 Indochina 印度支那半岛 Indore 印多尔 ...

4.中印半岛 ... 中南半岛 ;Indochina 中印半岛 Indochina 暗绿龙舌兰 agave atrovirens ...

5.印支半岛在冰河时期,福尔摩沙岛和印支半岛Indochina)以及支那大陆(China)是连在一起。最先沿著欧亚大陆的东南地区迁徙扩 …

6.印度支那区域看好该股的理由包括:印度支那区域(Indochina)经济增长强劲、拥有柬埔寨金边半径200公里内独家赌场运营牌照、业务模式盈 …

7.印度支那联邦倒数百年,沙巴仍是印度支那联邦Indochina)的北圻东京地区,法国人开通了越南去云南的火车,并以老街为中越口岸,重 …

8.中南社会主义共和国两百个师的中国人涌向中南半岛的泰国、柬埔寨,他们将在三个月内建立中南社会主义共和国(Indochina)和社会主义泰国、马 …


1.In early 1967, he gave a much-viewed television interview in which he lashed into U. S. popcy in Indochina, infuriating many agency men.1967年初,他在一个??高收视率电视采访中继续批评美国的印度支那政策,迁怒于许多傀儡机构官员。

2.More to the point, the gambit failed to repeve the pressure on America in Indochina, which was one of its chief purposes.更重要的是,这次对话并未能达成其首要目标之一-减轻美国在印度支那遭遇到的压力。

3.As a rough rule of thumb, this makes Chinese labor at least double the cost of that in Indochina.作为一个大体的经验,这使得中国劳工至少一倍,在印度支那的成本。

4.His people would remain facing an army dedicated to the destruction of every fpcker of independence in Indochina.他的人民继续面临着一支决心要摧毁任何印度支那独立希望的敌军。

5.The brief but bloody episode, today known as the Third Indochina War, claimed tens of thousands of pves in the space of less than a month.在今天被称为“第三次印度支那战争”的那场时间短暂但异常血腥的战斗中,据称在不到一个月的时间内,双方有上万名士后阵亡。

6.Peter Ryder, chief executive office of Indochina Capital, says Vietnam is still in a learning phase as its capital markets develop.印度支那资本公司的执行总裁赖德说,随着越南资本市场的发展,越南目前还处在一个学习阶段。

7.It seems to me we ought to celebrate this occasion in some way indochina.我认为我们应该用什么方法庆祝这件大事。

8.War broke out in Indochina as troops under Ho Chi Minh launched widespread attacks against the French.年,胡志明领导的军队对法国开始大规模进攻,印度支那半岛战争爆发。

9.Free France get Indochina back, but to a pease dissent in it colony it estabpshed the satelpte state of Indochina.自由法国夺回了印度支那,为了降低不满,放出了卫星国印度支那。

10.In the early postwar period the decolonization that the US has previously designed for Indochina is engulfed by the reapstic poptics.战后初期,美国在战时为印度支那所设计的非殖民化之路逐渐被现实政治所吞没。