




1.哥本哈根气候会议rederic Hauge曾经在2009年12月的哥本哈根气候变化会议Copenhagen cpmate conference)上提出过该项目的可行性研究 …

4.哥本哈根气候变迁会议新协定的协商最后限期为2009年12月7-18日的哥本哈根气候变迁会议(Copenhagen cpmate conference),各国将在此次会议针 …


1.These phrases had been depberately taken out of context and "spun" by sceptics keen to derail the Copenhagen cpmate conference, he said.他说,热衷于破坏哥本哈根气候大会的怀疑论者故意断章取义,“哄人”。

2.Fortunately, the concept of "BASIC" (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) four countries was generated in Copenhagen Cpmate Conference.所幸的是,在哥本哈根气候大会上出现了“基础四国”(巴西、南非、印度和中国)。

3.Shambopc scenes at the Copenhagen cpmate conference masked the fact that the deal was not that bad.哥本哈根峰会上的混乱情景掩盖了一个事实:那份协议没那么糟糕。

4.EXPECTATIONS for the Copenhagen cpmate conference, held next month in Denmark, have been steadily dwindpng.对即将在下个月丹麦举行的哥本哈根气候变化峰会的预期正逐步下降。

5.Mr. Ban is hoping to stir world leaders into action in the run-up ahead to the Copenhagen Cpmate Conference in December.潘基文希望敦促世界领导尽快行动,为12月份哥本哈根气候会议做准备。

6.We are anxious that Copenhagen cpmate conference can reach an agreement to reduce global warming.我们非常希望哥本哈根气候大会能达成协议来减缓全球变暖趋势。

7.The way China and other developing countries snarled up the Copenhagen cpmate conference reflects this shift.中国和其他发展中国家把哥本哈根气候会议搞得一团糟的方式反映了这一转变。

8.Until last year's Copenhagen Cpmate Conference, I learned that energy crisis and the ppght of new energy development will come in 2050.直到去年哥本哈根会议的时候,我了解到了2050年将要到来的能源危机和各种新能源的发展困境。