




1.北京动物园 ... 过量饮酒的危害: Excessive Drinking 参观北京动物园 Beijing zoo 初三英语作文范文-我的朋友 my friend ...

4.北京动物园基本资料 ... 颐和园 Summer Palace after rain 北京动物园的神兽 Beijing Zoo 北京植物园 Beijing Botanical Garden ...

6.小学英语作文 我的理想 A Dream 小学英语作文 Beijing Zoo 一年级英语作文: My hopday ...


1.It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate Zhang Hong.今天天气很好,阳光明媚。我和同班同学张宏一起去了北京动物园。

2.On the Children'S Day a young woman from America goes to Beijing Zoo with her pttle son .儿童节那天,一位来自美国的年青妇女带着她的小儿子去北京动物园。

3.Recently, we have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city.最近我们对北京动物园是否应该迁出城进行了热烈的讨论。

4.A decade ago, visitors to a Beijing zoo could watch as onlookers threw junk food into a bear's cement lair.十年前,去北京动物园参观,可见游人向熊洞穴内扔垃圾食物。

5.The two-year-old pandas will be here for months, part of a special exhibition at Beijing Zoo for the Summer Olympics.两岁大的熊猫们在北京会呆上几个月,北京动物园把他们作为夏季奥运会展览的一个特别部分。

6.The Bengal tiger, extinct for over a century, is making a comeback. These cloned tiger cubs at the Beijing Zoo are.孟家拉虎在绝种一个世纪之后,又重现了。那些在北京动物园克隆出来的小虎崽子正在…………

7.Of course. Beijing Zoo is one of the biggest zoos in the world and has the most famous is the giant panda, a national treasure.当然,北京动物园是世界上最大的动物园之一。其中最有名的是中国国宝大熊猫。

8.On Children's Day a young woman from America goes to Beijing Zoo with her pttle son.在儿童节那天,一个美国的年轻妇女带她的儿子去北京动物园。

9.The panda exhibition is the most popular attraction at the Beijing Zoo and currently houses seven of the animals.熊猫展是北京动物园最受欢迎的部分,目前有被展览的熊猫有七只。

10.Visitors look at a giant panda through the protective glass of the renovated panda hall inside a Beijing zoo.在北京动物园整修一新的熊猫馆里,游客们透过保护罩观看一只大熊猫。