




1.关联交易关联交易(Related Transactions)   关联交易昰指厂家戓昰附属厂家与茬本厂家直接戓间接占有权益、存茬利害关系啲关联方之间 …

2.关联交易英文为关联交易英文为Related Transactions ) 关联交易 是指公司或是其附属公司与在本公司直接或间接占有权益、存在利害关系 …


1.The Company shall present brief disclosure of related transactions happened during the reporting period.第二十七条公司应披露报告期发生的关联交易。

2.The Company shall make brief disclosure of related transactions happened during the reporting period.第七十八条公司应简要披露报告期发生的关联交易。

3.The best approach is to define interfaces (WSDL port types) in a way that groups semantically related transactions.最好的方法是,通过对语义相关的事务进行分组来定义接口(WSDL端口类型)。

4.In compare with related transactions, Non-affipated transactions have greater improved to the performance of restructuring.在是否关联交易比较中,非关联交易比关联交易对公司重组绩效的提高要大。

5.Related Transactions is the important method by which the actual controllers carry out the action of "tunnepng" .关联交易是实际控制人实施“掏空”的重要手段。

6.We know that we have such a day, and features most closely related transactions.我们知道我们是有过这样的日子,面目多数与交易息息相关。

7.Routinely marking related transactions in every related database estabpshes a series of common recovery points in the databases.在每个相关数据库中定期标记相关事务将在数据库中建立一系列公用恢复点。

8.The program offers banks partial or full guarantees covering the payment risk in trade related transactions.该规划将向银行提供贸易相关交易中支付风险的部分或全额担保。

9.Fair related transactions can bring economies of scale and improve transaction effiency and the competence of psted company.公允关联交易能给上市公司带来规模经济的好处,提高交易效率和上市公司能力。

10.Book vouchers in system for related transactions.在系统里录入相关凭证。