



美式发音: [dɑ:nd] 英式发音: [dɑ:nd]




过去分词:darned  现在分词:darning  第三人称单数:darns  


darned— see alsodarn



v.1网站屏蔽ed to express annoyance or frustration with somebody or something2.to mend a hole in a piece of clothing or fabric using long interwoven stitches to fill the gap3.to repair a piece of clothing by sewing stitches across the hole4.mend(esp.sth.knitted,eg.a sock)by passing thread in and out and in two directions1网站屏蔽ed to express annoyance or frustration with somebody or something2.to mend a hole in a piece of clothing or fabric using long interwoven stitches to fill the gap3.to repair a piece of clothing by sewing stitches across the hole4.mend(esp.sth.knitted,eg.a sock)by passing thread in and out and in two directions

n.1.a repair to a piece of clothing or fabric using long interwoven stitches2.a repair to a piece of clothing, done by sewing stitches across the hole

int.1网站屏蔽ed instead of a swearword to express irritation, displeasure, or surprise2网站屏蔽ed when you are annoyed about something

1.岂有此理的 darnel [植] 毒麦 darned 岂有此理的, 非常, 可恨的 单词词性> darky 蔑>黑人 ...

2.可恨的 ... alluring adj. 诱惑的 darned adj. 可恨的 outsmart vt. 智胜 ...

3.岂有此理地 ... 岂有此理 outrageous 岂有此理地 darned 岌 perilous ...

4.该死 ... describe: 形容,描述 darned: 该死 celebrate: 庆祝 ...

5.可悲的 ... give back 归还 darned a. 可悲的 fuzzy a. 模糊不清的 ...


1.The official reason for the delay is a parts shortage, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what part would be hard to get.官方对推迟发布的理由是,有一个部件缺货,哪个部件那么难弄到?!

2.It's all about where you know you jolly well need to let go versus where you're jo0lly well too darned scared to do any such thing.这是关于你知道自己在某些方面该放手了却又害怕不敢这么做之间的冲突。

3.There are too many serious people trying to get everybody else to be too darned serious.如此多的谨慎的人们想让别人也这样可恨的认真来生活

4.Chen's gift to him for appearing on the show? A doll with Geithner's pkeness darned in the cultural costume of the god of wealth.陈鲁豫送给他作为出席嘉宾的礼物是什么?是一个着中国传统服装、酷似盖特纳的泥塑财神。

5.In one of the defense groups, as two teachers got enmity from each other, they took their resentment out on the students. How darned!在其中一个答辩小组里,两位老师由于以前有恩怨,竟然发泄在学生身上,岂有此理!!

6.FOR a man who has placed "hope" at the centre of his campaign, Barack Obama can sound pretty darned depressing.作为把“希望”当作选举宣传核心的候选人,贝瑞克.奥巴马却岂有此理的让人感到沮丧。

7.With Windows 8, the days of booting into a desktop full of app icons, file folders and that darned Recycle Bin are over.在Windows8的桌面上,布满了一系列的应用程序图标,传统的文件夹和回车站已经不见了。

8.But remember back to when the web was mainly text-based and how darned fast it was to get information.但要记住,当初从主要是基于文本的万维网获取信息时,它的速度是何等的快。

9.He told her: "Well, these darned cigarette people finally did it. They were lying all the time. "他告诉她:好吧,这些可恨的卖烟的人真的这么干了,他们一直在撒谎。

10.For those who watch television commercials, it's a common complaint: Why are the commercials so darned loud?对于那些看电视广告的人,他们经常抱怨的是:广告声音怎么这么大?