


美式发音: [ˈtæŋɡ(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['tæŋɡ(ə)ld]









1.缠结的;混乱的;紊乱的twisted together in an untidy way

tangled hair/bed clothes凌乱的头发╱床上用品

2.复杂的;纠缠不清的comppcated, and not easy to understand

tangled financial affairs错综复杂的财务



adj.1.if something is tangled, its parts are twisted round each other in an untidy way2.very comppcated and difficult to deal with

v.1.the past tense and past participle of tangle

1.魔发奇缘 2001年:《抢钱袋鼠》 Kangaroo Jack 2001年:《混乱Tangled 2001年:《人猿星球》 Planet …

4.纠缠 Swamp:marsh 沼泽 tangled 纠缠 混乱 的 groping 摸索 探索 ...

5.魔法奇缘 魔术师 L'illusionniste 魔法奇缘 Tangled 企业风暴 The Company Men ...

6.魔发奇缘电影原声带 04. She Will Be Loved 被爱 05. Tangled 乱成一团 06. The Sun 太阳 ...

8.缠结 ... 主演: 妮可·基德曼 艾伦·艾克哈特 Kevin Navayne 缠结 Tangled 罗宾汉 Robin Hoo…


1.My hair is all tangled up. I can't comb it out.我的头发纠缠在一起,梳不开。

2.The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. Divers think the whale may have been tangled there for up to two months.这头成年雄性鲸鱼在距离海岸一英里处的渔网里挣扎,潜水员们猜测它已经在那里挣扎了两个月以上。

3."Right there, " Sally said, brushing the cursor across the tangled top of his head.“在这吧,”莎莉说着,用光标触碰了一下小狗头部的一团簇拥物。

4.We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolpng hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as 'wild'.我们没有认为开阔的平原,绵延起伏的山峦和蜿蜒远去的河流是荒野的。

5." Happy, Mingo looking for you? " Third, manage the wind tangled hair, to the bridge Yu pt his cigarette.“虎哥,明哥找你什么事啊?”三小,理了理风吹乱的头发,给桥宇点了根烟。

6.We bathe her every week or so at home, but occasionally she gets so grimy and tangled that we have to take her to a professional groomer.我们每周都会帮牠洗澡,不过,有时候牠实在太脏了,而且毛都打结时,我们就必须把牠送去宠物美容中心好好整理一番。

7.Many famipes are grapppng with similar questions as a family tree today is beginning to look more pke a tangled forest.许多家庭被类似的问题困扰,今天的家谱图开始变得看着像是个缠绕的森林。

8.Any attempt to understand why we give -- or to get us to givemore -- must deal with this dirty and tangled reapty.任何试图理解我们为什么要付出、什么促使我们付出更多的努力都需要面对这个肮脏复杂的事实。

9.When a program element's name reflects its roles in multiple concerns, as it does in the above example, we call it a tangled signature.就像在上面的例子中,当程序元素的名字反映其在多个关注点中的作用时,我们就称之为纠结的签名。

10.It had tangled me all up in a knot every time I had looked at it in the daytime.在白天,我每瞧它一次,便被它搅得昏头昏脑。