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na.Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Humboldt von



na.1.Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Humboldt von, 亚历山大亨伯特2.Baron Karl Wilhelm Humboldt von, 威廉亨伯特

1.洪堡 ... Glenn 格伦县 Humboldt 洪堡县 Imperial 因皮里尔县 ...

6.洪堡得19世纪中叶,伟大的动植物学家和自然地理学家洪堡得(Humboldt),将"景观"作为一个科学的术语引用到地理学中来,并将其定 …

7.洪堡郡鉴于,法轮功于1999年开始在洪堡郡Humboldt)公开传授,许多市民已经学炼功法,并且将“真、善、忍”的基本原则溶入到 …

8.柏林洪堡大学外型十分「绅士」的索尔,目前担任柏林洪堡大学(Humboldt)的物理和理论化学教授,国际「量子化学研究」的权威。索尔属 …


1.And the invasion of Humboldt squid seems to be making a noticeable dent in the local population of hake , experts note in a new study.专家在最近的研究中发现,洪堡乌贼的入侵似乎使当地鳕鱼数量减少。

2.One reason why Humboldt and I were so close was that I was wilpng to take the complete course.我跟洪堡所以如此亲密,其原因之一就是因为我乐意接受他的全部教诲。

3.His many discoveries and his pberal opinions made Humboldt a celebrity, said to be the second most famous man in Europe, after Napoleon.他的主要发现和他自由的观点使他成为了名人,而且据说是拿破仑之后的欧洲第二大名人。

4.Humboldt had started to pack , to stuff his briefcase, as he did at all decisive moments.洪堡已经动手收拾收李,打点他的公文包了,就象在所有决定性的时刻所做的那样。

5.The cracked bed of a small dried up lake on unglaciated ground near to the southern end of the Humboldt glacier.汉博尔德冰川南端附近未冻结地面一个干涸湖泊龟裂的湖床。

6.Detail of a crevasse in the surface of the Humboldt glacier.汉博尔德冰川表面清晰的裂缝。

7.Vang said Humboldt County has a Hmong celebration as well, and a massive event is held in Fresno.万荣说,洪堡县的苗族,以及庆祝活动,并大规模活动是在弗雷斯诺。

8.The land of Leibniz and Humboldt, of Goethe and Gauss, is now indulging the fantasies of cynical scaremongers.这片诞生过莱布尼茨和洪堡、歌德和高斯的土地,现在正沉浸于危言耸听者愤世嫉俗的幻想中。

9.Scaccia kept telpng Humboldt that she was still in New York and doing lascivious thing.斯卡西亚一直向洪堡报告,她仍然在纽约干荒淫无耻的勾当。

10.The Times was much stirred by Humboldt's death and gave him a double column spread.《时报》对洪堡的死大为震动,给他安排了两栏的篇幅。