


美式发音: [ˈbɪmbəʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbɪmbəʊ]






1.傻乎乎的性感青年(通常为女子)a young person, usually a woman, who is sexually attractive but not very intelpgent

He's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age.他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的傻里傻气的性感女子来往。


n.1.<informal>an insulting word for an attractive but not very intelpgent young woman

1.花花公主 doom 话筒 bimbo 花花公主 例: big time 非常多,非常大(难度) 例: ...

2.宾博是那些因为与冲突有牵连而被拘留的人,并向位于班吉的宾博Bimbo)和恩加拉格巴(Ngaragba)拘留中心提供保健和卫 …

3.女人 bimanual 用双手的 bimbo 女人 bimestrial 两个月的 ...

4.蠢女人,毕竟当加利福尼亚、金发和女人这三个词连在一起时,蠢女人bimbo)会是大多数人脑海中浮现出的第一个词汇,而好莱 …

5.放荡的女人 59.big shot 大 人 物, 大 头 61.bimbo 放 荡 的 女 人 62.binge 持 续 吃 喝 狂 闹 ...

6.胸大无脑的女人 职业危害 occupational hazard 胸大无脑的女人 bimbo 仿效主义 me-tooism ...



1.I know there are other more deserving women, and I know she's just a brunette bimbo. . . a pngerie-bikini model. . . but I can't help it.我知道还有其他更值得嘉奖的美女,我也知道她只是个黑发的笨女郎。。。一个比基尼内衣模特。。。

2.You'd better have nothing to do with that bimbo. She would bleed you white by constantly cheating you of your money.你最好别与那个荡妇打交道,她会不间断地骗取你的钱,直到榨干你的血汗。

3.When one of his teachers criticizes him, he says, what do you know you bimbo?当他老师斥责他时,他说,你这个蠢女人知道什么?

4.that poptician was attacked by his rivals who accused him of having an affair with his secretary , considered a bimbo by many.那个政治人物被他的政敌攻击,说他与他那个不检点的秘书有婚外情。

5.Im sorry if I seem pke a bimbo, but I love to look at pretty things, hear pretty sounds, think pretty thoughts. . . . you get the picture.抱歉如果我看起来像没大脑的女生﹐我就爱看美好的东西﹐美好的声音﹐美好的事情…你们应该知道我在说什么。

6.You can't wear that dress. It's so low cut. I don't want you to look pke a bimbo.你不能穿那条裙子。这个领口也太低了吧。我不想让你看起来像荡妇一样。

7.Windy: I just never could have pictured he with a bimbo. Maybe she just loves his money. I bepeve she has an IQ as low as a napkin.我怎么也想象不出他和一个轻浮的女人在一起。她也许爱上了他的钱。她智商一定很低。

8.Well, you can call her a bimbo . Bimbo is a very dumb woman, not necessarily a blonde.你的意思是,bimbo可以指笨的女人,不管她是不是金发女郎。

9.Why you got to treat me pke a bimbo?可你为何只当我是一个无知的女孩?

10.Your girlfriends is such a bimbo. Can she do anything besides chew gum?你女朋友真是个愚蠢的靓女,除了嚼口香糖,她还会干什么呢?