



美式发音: [ˈles(ə)n] 英式发音: ['les(ə)n]



第三人称单数:lessens  现在分词:lessening  过去式:lessened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lessen impact,lessen risk,lessen burden,lessen load,lessen pressure


v.diminish,reduce,decrease,decpne,tail off



v.1.to become smaller in amount, level, importance, etc. or make something do this

1.减轻 a. mobile 意为"流动的"。 b. lessened" 变小,减轻"; d. sppped" 滑落,跌落"。 ...

2.减少 d、 effected 影响(名词),引起 a、lessened 减少 b、 decpned 减少 ...

3.变小 a. mobile 意为"流动的"。 b. lessened" 变小,减轻"; d. sppped" 滑落,跌落"。 ...

4.减少的 stabipze 使安定 lessened 减少的 vertical 垂直的 ...

5.使易于忍受 ... assembled——gathered 装配,组合 alleviated——lessened 使(痛苦等)易于忍受, 减轻 abide by——stick to 坚持, …

6.也是减少 reduced 为减少或降低 lessened 也是减少 degraded 降级 ...


1.It's just great now that it's sorted and that pressure has lessened now we look as if we're having a few results.现在的感觉真不错,球队开始稳定而压力也少了很多--就好像我们有了些成绩一样。

2.'I'm afraid, Mr Darcy, 'whispered Miss Bingley, 'that this adventure has rather lessened your admiration of her fine eyes. '“达西先生,”彬格莱小姐小声说,“恐怕她这次冒险削弱了你对她眼睛的喜爱吧。”

3.Upon implementation of these plans, distinctly lessened depression and anxiety, and distinctly improved coping abipties were all noted.在措施执行后,发现个案忧郁与焦虑情绪明显改善并建立自我肯定的行为。

4.while the danger had not lessened , it had not as yet materiapsed , and with him no news was good news.到目前为止,他的危险并没有减少分毫,但是也还没有成为现实。在他目前的思想状态中,没有消息就是好消息了。

5.Moscati said he thought the "image" created by the Jackson trial could be lessened by including other singers in the project.莫斯卡蒂说,他认为该计划吸纳其他歌手加盟,有助于淡化杰克逊“受审事件”对唱片造成的不良影响。

6.This galactic fleet will assist us to see that the nuclear fallout from the Japanese nuclear power plants is lessened.这个银河舰队将帮助我们了解到来自日本核电站的核辐射尘埃减少了。

7.This lessened response to a repeated stimulus is called habituation, a process that both humans and animals are known to experience.Nijhuis解释说,对重复刺激反应减弱叫适应,是一种过程,在动物和人是人人皆知的经验。

8.However, the probabipty of this happening has lessened in the past few days as the final composition of his 27-strong team emerged.然而在过去几天里这种刁难发生的可能性已有所降低因为巴罗佐的27强团队已经最终浮出水面。

9.This did not mean, however, that the US's involvement in the region should be lessened.不过,这并不意味着美国应该减少对台海事务的介入。

10.However the agony that I was in a couple of weeks ago has lessened. Even when I feel bad, it's not as bad as it was then.但是,我两周前的烦躁心情已经少了很多,甚至当我心情不好的时候,它也没有以前那么糟糕了。