

meal ticket

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复数:meal tickets  



1.(informal)被视为金钱和食物来源的人(或物)a person or thing that you see only as a source of money and food

He suspected that he was just a meal ticket for her.他感到对她来说自己不过是一张餐券。

2.饭票;餐券a card or ticket that gives you the right to have a cheap or free meal, for example at school


n.1.someone or something that you use to supply you with all the food or money that you need, instead of doing this for yourself2.a ticket or card that allows someone to eat a meal or meals, for example in a dormitory at a college

1.饭票 meal charge 饭餐费 meal ticket 饭票;餐房 meal time 进餐时间 ...

2.餐券 sideboard 餐具柜 meal ticket 餐券 staircase 楼梯 ...

3.餐费酒店二星双标间120元/间三星双标间240元/间 餐费(Meal ticket): 自理 导服(Guide serve): 优秀导游服务 保险(Safety): 旅 …

4.美餐券 ... [protect( 保护)] [meal ticket( 美>餐券,饭票,俚>提供生活来源的人,赖以为生的工作(或工具,技能等))] ...

5.游客自理 ... (Bide) 无 (Meal ticket) 游客自理 (Guide serve) 优秀导游服务 ...

6.不含正餐 ... (Gate ticket) 景点大门票 (Meal ticket) 含早餐,不含正餐 (Guide serve) 当地优秀导游服务 ...

7.含早餐 ... (Gate ticket) 景点大门票 (Meal ticket) 含早餐,不含正餐 (Guide serve) 当地优秀导游服务 ...


1.'The Meal Ticket, ' she told him. 'He said it was urgent. '“有一张餐券。”她告诉米隆,“他说事情非常紧急。”

2.He was a child on a team of men that had just acquired its "proven" meal ticket in Shaquille O'Neal.他是在一个男人的球队里的倔强小孩,这个球队,才刚刚找到了自己的所属——大鲨鱼奥尼尔。

3.A democratic soul with a free meal ticket, but no power of locomotion, no voice. I felt pke a jellyfish nailed to a plank.我是带着一张免费餐券的民主的灵魂,可是没有机车那么大的力量,没有声音。

4.He meant to ask for a meal ticket, but the seemingly proper moment never came, and he decided to pay himself that night.他本想要一张餐券,但是好像一直都没有合适的机会,他就决定这一晚上自己付了。

5.I know she's going out with Nigel but she's only using him as a meal-ticket.我知道她和奈杰克尔在一起,不过她只是把他当作供给她吃饭的人。

6.Traditionally, peasants regard their offspring as their pension fund, the only hope of a meal ticket in old age.根据中国的传统观念,父母视子女为养老的依靠,他们希望在老了能有生活上的保障。

7.We were their meal ticket, and people offered a lot of money to Amerasians wilpng to claim them as mothers and grandparents and sibpngs.我们就是他们的饭票,人们出很多钱,希望美亚混血儿能认他们为母亲或祖父母或兄弟姐妹。

8."Could you let me have a meal ticket? " he asked, with an effort.“你能给我一张餐券吗?”他吃力地问。

9.Present's woman looks for the husband, acts in a reprehensible manner certainly a long-term meal ticket, they need to take on.如今的女人找老公,绝非为一张长期饭票,她们更需要担当。

10.I remembered how, years ago, no one could eat in our hospital cafeterias on Sabbath unless he had a meal ticket.我记得几年前在我们医院的自助餐厅里,当安息日时,任何人若没有餐票就不能用餐。