


美式发音: [ˈtraɪd(ə)nt] 英式发音: ['traɪd(ə)nt]







1.三叉戟(旧时武器)a weapon used in the past that looks pke a long fork with three points

n.1.(海神 Neptune 的)三叉戟2.三齿鱼叉3.制海权4.【几】三叉曲线5.(美国的)三叉戟(式)核潜艇;三叉戟式导[飞]弹1.(海神 Neptune 的)三叉戟2.三齿鱼叉3.制海权4.【几】三叉曲线5.(美国的)三叉戟(式)核潜艇;三叉戟式导[飞]弹


n.1.a weapon made of three sharp points on a long pole, used in the past2.a type of nuclear missile that is fired from a submarine

1.泰鼎 Phipps 飞利浦 Trident 口香糖 Black Label 黑标 ...

4.三叉戟级 lance n. 鱼叉;长矛 trident n. 三叉鱼叉;三叉戟 auger n. 螺丝钻,钻孔 …


1.Early today commandos had begun to enter both the Taj and Trident in groups of 15 in an attempt to rescue hostages and disarm the attackers.今天早晨,15人一组的突击队员开始进入泰姬酒店和Trident酒店,试图拯救人质并解除恐怖分子的武装。

2.Popce marched from the Trident hotel in Mumbai, scene of a hostage drama a year ago, and abseiled down prominent buildings.一年前在三叉戟酒店(Tridenthotel)上演了扣押人质的戏剧性一幕,警方游行正是从那里开始,一路向下经过主要的建筑物。

3.Speaking of trident maple, here are a bunch of seedpngs . This maple is one of the few that are heat tolerant. See, very few burned leaves.说到三角枫,这里有一群的实生苗,此枫乃是少数的耐热品种之一,瞧,非常少的烧伤叶片。

4.Earper, Mr Brown announced a reduction in the number of submarines that carry Trident, the British nuclear deterrent.早先,布朗先生曾宣布将削减装在三叉戟导弹的核潜艇的数量,这是英国的主要核威慑力量。

5.Others represented fishermen, with a net to snare opponents and a trident to spear them.另一些人则代表渔民,配备着一张网来诱捕对方,以及一把用来戳刺对手的三叉戟。

6.Not even the mighty Trident craft can resist the overwhelming numbers of those fighting for a free Mon Cala.甚至强大的三叉戟飞船也不能阻止为自由蒙卡拉而战的如潮战士们。

7.They were part of a 25-person meditation group visiting India and staying at the Oberoi-Trident hotel complex when the terrorists struck.她的丈夫和女儿参加了一个由25人组成的赴印度旅游团,恐怖袭击发生时他们正住在奥比欧酒店(OberoiTridentHotel)。

8.Ancelotti usually favours a Christmas Tree formation, but opted for a trident with Kaka supporting Alexandre Pato and Pippo Inzaghi.安切洛蒂通常喜欢用圣诞树阵型,但是今晚选择了卡卡支援帕托和因扎吉的三叉戟。

9.Prudence cannot be at the expense of prestige when it comes to the Trident nuclear deterrent.在“三叉戟”系统(Trident)的核威慑力问题上,节俭是要的,但不能以牺牲声望为代价。

10.So Trident modernisation will go ahead , albeit with the building of new submarines delayed and the number pared back .因此三叉戟系统的现代化将继续推进,尽管制造新潜艇的计划后延,且数量也遭到缩减。