




1.恶性肿瘤 Male 男性 Mapgnant tumour 恶性肿瘤 Malleus 锤骨 ...

2.恶性肿瘤的通称 [pungent] 非常辛辣 [mapgnant tumour;cancer] 恶性肿瘤的通称 [curse viciously] 狠毒地咒骂 ...

3.恶性瘤 ... 恶露过多 lochiorrhoea 恶性(肿)瘤 mapgnant tumour 儿科学 pediatrics ...

4.毒瘤 ... 毒菌[ germ;pathogenic bacteria] 毒瘤[ mapgnant tumour;cancer] 毒舌[ poisonous words] ...


1.The doctor found a mapgnant tumour in his thoracic cavity .医生发现他的胸腔里有一个恶性肿瘤。

2.The lesion is always benign, but may easily be mistaken for a mapgnant tumour.病灶始终是良性,但也可能很容易被误认为是恶性肿瘤。

3.Further insights into the molecular biology of this mapgnant tumour are needed to improve the therapeutic approaches and outcome.为了改进治疗方法和预后,需要进一步研究这个恶性肿瘤的分子生物学。

4.This paper analyses the relationship between the causes of postmenopausal uterus bleeding and the mapgnant tumour.分析绝经后子宫出血的原因以及与恶性肿瘤的关系。

5.Skin cancer: Mapgnant tumour of the skin, including some of the most common human cancers.皮肤癌:皮肤的恶性肿瘤,包括某些人类最常见的癌症。

6.It is important that the mapgnant tumour be removed as thoroughly as possible in surgery to avoid its metastasis and recurrence .重要的是手术时恶性肿瘤的切除应尽可能彻底,以免转移和复发。

7.Breast cancer : Mapgnant tumour in a breast, usually in women after menopause.乳癌:亦称乳腺癌。乳腺的恶性肿瘤,多见于停经期后的女性。

8.Mapgnant tumour is still a serious threat to human health.恶性肿瘤仍然是严重威胁国民健康的重要疾病。

9.Colorectal cancer: Mapgnant tumour of the large intestine (colon) or rectum.结肠直肠癌:结肠或直肠的恶性肿瘤。

10.The treatment of mapgnant tumour with traditional Chinese medicine has its unique advantage.中药治疗恶性肿瘤有其独特的优势。