


美式发音: ['hedˌfoʊn] 英式发音: ['hedfəʊn]






n.1.Same as headphone

1.耳机 suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决 headphone 耳机 symphony 交响乐 ...

2.耳筒 Camera Bag 相机袋 Headphone 耳筒 Projector 投影机 ...

3.头戴式耳机 Head gap 磁头缝隙 Headphone 头戴式耳机 Headset 头带式耳机 ...

4.监听耳机 调音台 Mixers 监听耳机 Headphone 键盘箱包- Keyboard Bags ...

5.支持耳机输出 DVI 数字显示接口 Headphone 支持耳机输出 BUS 系统总线扩展接口 ...

6.双耳式耳机 convenient 便利的,方便的 headphone 双耳式耳机 Phipps 菲利普公司 ...

7.听筒 听随〖 obey;allow〗 听筒headphone;earphone;earpiece〗 听闻〖 hear〗 ...


1.Later on, I could only hear music with the headphone. There was no sound when I unplugged. There is still ring tone though.隔几天,只能插入耳机才能听音乐,外放放不出声音了(但来电铃声是有的)

2.But in a few short years, it has used it to grow a thriving business that dominates the headphone market among teens and twenty-some things.但通过这种做法,这家耳机及配件生产设计公司在短短几年内便经历了蓬勃的发展,成为青少年耳机市场的主导者。

3.Off the wall headphone designs were meant to give users a distinct means of expression.打破传统的耳机设计就是要让用户表现出自己的特立独行。

4.The young man squirms as Mr Kanagaraj presses him for an answer via microphone and headphone.当Kanagaraj督促他通过耳机和麦克风回答问题时,这个学生不安地扭动着身体。

5.We've mentioned how to make a cable wrapper out of an old gift card, and that's great for headphone cables.我们之前讲过,如何用旧的贺卡做数据线缠绕器,这对手机数据线非常有用。

6.The Ericsson R380's screen was monochrome, and it had no speaker, headphone jack, expansion card slot, Bluetooth, camera, or GPS.爱立信的R380是黑白屏幕的,既没有扬声器、耳机插口,也没有蓝牙、摄像头或GPS。

7.The headphone impedance plot is a measure of the dynamic resistance in ohms of the headphones over the entire audible frequency range.耳机阻抗剧情是动态抵抗的措施在耳机的欧姆在整个可听见的频率范围。

8.The prism comes with a headphone jack on either side, so two people can psten to it at once.“棱镜”两侧各附带一个耳机插孔,所以两个人可以同时收听。

9.Technology blog Engadget is also reporting that the Courier will also have built in camera and a headphone jack for media playback.科技博客Engadget也报道Courier将配有摄像头和耳机插孔以便于媒体播放。

10.A battery pack, which lasts about 20 hours on each charge, pops out of the top of the right headphone.右耳机上方有一个凸出的电池盒,电量充满电池可持续使用近20小时。