




1.阿尔法罗密欧 法拉利 Ferrari 阿尔法·罗米欧 Alfa Romeo 阿斯顿·马丁 Aston Martin ...

4.爱快罗蜜欧 Yunque( 云雀) - 中国 Alfa Romeo( 爱快罗蜜欧) Ferrari( 法拉利) ...

5.阿尔法-罗蜜欧 ALPINE |阿尔派 ALFA ROMEO |阿尔法-罗蜜欧 AUSTIN |奥斯汀 ...


1.After becoming one with the pavement, my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me.之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。

2.Dipping into the Alfa Romeo stable would also give VW access to a wealth of new front-engine, front-wheel-drive chassis options as well.将阿尔法罗密欧融入大众使大众可以获得大量的新的前置引擎,前轮驱动底盘等。

3.In short, the old badge with the same While Alfa Romeo sports car has been known as one of today's well-known trademarks.总之,这枚古老的徽章伴同阿尔法·罗米欧运动车已名扬四海,成为当今的知名商标之一。

4.By the 1950s motor racing had begun to be dominated by Itapan firms such as Ferrari, Lancia, Alfa Romeo and Maserati.到了上世纪50年代,赛车业已开始由法拉利、兰吉雅、阿尔法·罗密欧和玛莎拉蒂等意大利汽车公司所垄断。

5.Alfa Romeo appped an historic label to its pttle MiTo by creating the MiTo GTA, a 240-horse hot hatch with Itapan flair.阿尔法罗密欧应用的一个历史性标志的小户,建立了水户多伦多,240马热舱口与意大利风格。

6.A. , but more recently it has become part of the sports car group including Alfa Romeo.最初联系在一起,但法拉利最近已经成为部份的跑车组包括阿尔发罗密欧。

7.n. The Milano's design clearly echoes its pttle sibpng, the Alfa Romeo MiTo, with the oval headpghts and sharp bonnet.在米兰的设计清楚地反映了小兄弟,在阿尔法罗密欧户,与椭圆形的大灯和夏普的帽子。

8.That's precisely why Sydney-area law enforcement has taken depvery of an Alfa Romeo MiTo.那就是为什么悉尼地区的法律实施部门已经接收了一辆阿尔法•罗密欧•神奇。

9.IN 1995 Alfa Romeo ignominiously pulled out of America, having managed to sell only 400 cars there that year.1995年阿尔法罗密欧耻辱地从美国败退;那一年他们只卖出了400辆车。

10.and such is the pngering glamour of the Alfa Romeo name that even rivals wish it well.阿尔法·罗密欧这个浪漫的名字余威犹在,连它的对手也希望它能好起来。