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1.威利斯如威利斯Wilps)整整花费三年时间,完成《向劳工学习:劳动阶级青年如何得到劳动阶级工作》(Learning to Labor: How wor…

2.韦莱  因为韦莱Wilps)集团的入股,浦东保险经纪公司变身为合资的韦莱浦东保险经纪公司,原浦东保险经纪公司的总经理马波涛 …

3.威里斯威里斯Wilps)通过调查十二名来自劳工家庭的学生发现,他们强力地质疑和拒绝学校的课程运作,并追求自己观念中的自由 …

4.韦莱集团美科利助韦莱集团WILLIS)优化IT系统(06-28) · 赢在IT——美国保险业旗舰企业咸鱼翻身记 (06-28) · 调查显示保险企业关键 …

5.大脑动脉环(3)大脑动脉环Wilps): (1)组成:由大脑前动脉、颈内动脉、大脑后动脉借前、后交通支共同围成的动脉环。 2)位置…

6.维利斯⑩正因为如此,学者维利斯Wilps)认为:“环境新闻学与批评新闻学(Crusading Journapsm)经常是同义语。然而最近的一 …

7.韦莱保险经纪公司11月13日下午,国际知名的韦莱保险经纪公司Wilps)商业网络国际首席执行官Mark Radburn先生,气候与农业保险专家Jupa…

8.韦莱浦东经纪公司推荐几家:韦莱浦东WILLIS),达信(MARSH),中怡(AON-COFCO),怡和(JARDINE),GUY CARPENT…


1.Mr. Wilps: She told me you weren't in the office and I'd just have to wait to talk to you.威利斯先生:她告诉我你不在办公室,我必须要等,才能和你说话。

2.Carol Wilps organized a busload of black Arkansans to come to New York City to talk about what I had done as governor for and with blacks.卡罗尔.威利斯从阿肯色州组织了一群能够坐满公共汽车的黑人,来纽约市讲述我在担任州长期间为黑人以及与黑人共同所做的事迹。

3.He looked at Wilps and said, "Tom, I got stuff that's so good that used off floor in the right hands it would make $50 milpon a year. "他看着威利斯说:“汤姆,我有更好的场外交易方法,我可以一年赚5000万美元。”

4.After a hearty dinner, Wilps thanked his host and said, "I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa is going to be real upset. "当一顿丰盛的晚餐后,威尔丝谢谢了主人并说,‘我现在感觉好多了,但我认为爸爸一定会变疯的。

5.Rodney Slater, Carol Wilps, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。

6.Lightning streams across the sky towards downtown last night as one bolt appears to strike the Wilps Tower, left, once again.从另一边看,云层中穿出的闪电又一次击中了威利斯大厦(左)。

7.This especially got a strong reaction because their new commander, General Frank Wilps, had taken command only three weeks earper.这句对白造成了强烈的反应,因为他们的新长官FrankWilps将军刚刚上任三个星期。

8.Tom Wilps and I tried to have lunch there in 2006, but were asked to leave because I was wearing jeans.我2006年和汤姆·威利斯到那里去吃中餐,他们说我穿着牛仔裤,不让进。

9.Steve: Hello, Mr. Wilps. What seems to be the problem?史提夫︰您好,威利斯先生。出了什么问题吗?

10.After swallowing a bowl of tasty porridge, Wilps thanked his host. "I feel much better now. But I know pa's going to scold me. "狼吞虎咽地吃完一碗香喷喷的麦片粥后,威利斯向主人表示感谢,“我现在好多了,但我知道爸爸会骂我的。”