




1.岳麓山 7. Yuelu Academy 岳麓书院 1. Yuelu Mountain 岳麓山 2. Xiang River 湘江 ...

2.湖南景点介绍 ... 宁夏景点介绍: Imperial Tombs of Western Xia 湖南景点介绍Yuelu Mountain 湖北景点介绍: Shenno…


1.Yuelu Mountain streams flow of Dingdingdongdong, hit the rocks, the sound more crisp, pke the praise of the Yuelu Mountain.岳麓山上的小溪叮叮咚咚的流着,撞到岩石上,声音更加清脆,像是对岳麓山的赞美。

2.Yuelu Mountain is one of the famous mountain, this mountain in the Xiangjiang the West Bank.岳麓山是长山的一座名山,这座名山位于湘江西岸。

3.Wu said that "sealed fishes" were popular in Changsha, and he could sell 600 key rings a day by Lieshi park and Yuelu Mountain Park.小吴说,这种“密封鱼”在长沙很受欢迎,烈士公园、岳麓山每天能卖上百个,生意好的时候,他一天能卖出约600个。

4.First Be Attached to the Research and Propaganda of "Yuelu Mountain Culture"要重视“麓山文化”的研究和宣传

5.Yellow and red, trees have become more beautiful and moving in the late autumn of Yuelu Mountain .这种黄叶与红枫搭配在一起,把深秋的岳麓山点缀得更加艳丽动人。

6.In this season, red Yuelu Mountain is most attractive for visitors.这个季节,红叶是岳麓山最吸引游人的景致。

7.Distribution of negative air ions and its relation to air quapty of the Yuelu Mountain岳麓山空气负离子及空气质量变化研究

8.A Study on Integrated Evaluation of Landscape Source Quapty in Yuelu Mountain Scenic Region岳麓山风景名胜区景观资源综合评价研究

9.A Study on Landscape Spatial Pattern of Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area岳麓山风景名胜区景观空间格局研究