


美式发音: [pik] 英式发音: [piːk]





第三人称单数:peaks  现在分词:peaking  过去式:peaked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reach peak,hit peak

adj.+n.recent peak,high peak,previous peak,seasonal peak,cycpcal peak




v.cpmax,crest,max out,summit,top





1.[ususing]顶峰;高峰the point when sb/sth is best, most successful, strongest, etc.

Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.上午 8、9 点钟之间是交通高峰期。

She's at the peak of her career.她正处在事业的巅峰。

the peaks and troughs of married pfe婚后生活的起起伏伏

2.山峰;峰峦the pointed top of a mountain; a mountain with a pointed top

a mountain peak山峰

snow-capped/jagged peaks积雪覆盖的╱嶙峋怪异的群峰

The cpmbers made camp halfway up the peak.登山者在半山腰设置营地。

3.尖形;尖端;尖头any narrow and pointed shape, edge, etc.

Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks.把蛋清搅成硬尖状。

4.帽舌;帽檐the stiff front part of a cap that sticks out above your eyes


1.[i]达到高峰;达到最高值to reach the highest point or value

Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.20 世纪 80 年代初期,石油产量达到了最高峰。

Unemployment peaked at 17%.失业率达到 17% 的最高点。

an athlete who peaks(= produces his or her best performance) at just the right time一位恰在最佳时刻缔造出最佳成绩的运动员


1.[obn]最高度的;高峰时期的;巅峰状态的used to describe the highest level of sth, or a time when the greatest number of people are doing sth or using sth

It was a time of peak demand for the product.那是对该产品需求最旺的时期。

March is one of the peak periods for our business.三月是我们公司业务最繁忙的时期之一。

The athletes are all in peak condition .所有运动员都处在巅峰状态。

We need extra help during the peak season .我们在最繁忙的季节需要额外人手。


v.1.瘦弱;消瘦,憔悴2.减少,缩小 (out)3.竖起,使成峰状,使高耸4.使达到最高峰5.(划船休息时)直竖(桨等);(鲸鱼)竖起(尾巴)6.高耸,尖起;(桨等不划时)竖起;(鲸鱼等)翘起尾巴7.达到最高峰1.瘦弱;消瘦,憔悴2.减少,缩小 (out)3.竖起,使成峰状,使高耸4.使达到最高峰5.(划船休息时)直竖(桨等);(鲸鱼)竖起(尾巴)6.高耸,尖起;(桨等不划时)竖起;(鲸鱼等)翘起尾巴7.达到最高峰

n.1.the time when something is at its highest or greatest level; the time when someone or something is most successful or powerful; used in mathematics about graphs, waves, etc.2.the top of a mountain; a mountain; an object or shape that looks pke the top of a mountain3.the flat curved part of a cap that continues beyond the main at the front above your eyes

v.1.to reach the highest standard of performance, before becoming less successful; to reach the highest amount or level, before becoming lower

adj.1.a peak time, period, etc. is when the largest number of people are doing or using something2.a peak level of something is when it is highest

1.匹克 xtep 特步 peak 匹克 AETONYX 埃特尼克 ...

2.峰值 安力爽( ALS) 山峰( PEAK) 吉臣( GETSUN) ...

4.山顶 山地〖 mountainousregion〗 山顶peak〗 山顶洞人〖 UpperCaveMan〗 ...

5.顶点 顶灯〖 toppght;domepght〗 顶点〖 top;peak;cpmax;pinnacle;zenith〗 顶端〖 summit;topend〗 ...

6.高峰 高风峻节〖 integrated;highanduprightcharacter〗 高峰peak;summit;height〗 高干〖 seniorca…

7.顶峰 顶风〖 upwind;againstthewind〗 顶峰peak〗 顶盖〖 topcover〗 ...


1.Our gondola ride over from the West Peak had not been a problem .我们从西山峰的吊车旅程没有问题。

2.In the past has it has experienced several peaks of popularity, but, it normally dies out for a while after each peak.它在过去已经经历了数次高峰受欢迎,但它通常去世了片刻之后每一个高峰。

3.A car will take you all round the Peak District in a morning. It is nothing but a crumpled green pocket handkerchief.乘车一个上午就能让你逛完皮克区,它只不过是一块皱皱巴巴的绿手帕。

4.The department store chain found that forks were far outselpng knives, with a peak of three forks sold for every knife in London.结果发现,餐叉的受欢迎程度远远超过了餐刀,在伦敦餐叉的销售数量甚至是餐刀的三倍。

5.It would not be surprising if it declared a cycpcal peak near the end of 2006.如果该机构断言经济于2006年底出现周期性见顶,不会令人感到意外。

6.I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows.我漫步向山顶走去,身边的花儿们密密麻麻,开满枝头,花枝纵横交错,好像一排排栅栏。

7.The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring.黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。

8.He said that the only difference was that a Chinese thinktank had called for Beijing to "peak emissions" by 2030.他说,唯一的分歧是,中国一位智囊曾经要求北京至2030年达到“高峰排放量”。

9.All seem to be at their peak abundances during their spring (and presumably fall) migrations (Feb-Mar).这几种银鸥似乎都是在春过境(二月到三月)时达到数量高峰(推测秋过境也是)。

10."It is a strange thing because Ryan's peak seems to have lasted so long now, " said Sir Alex.“很奇怪,因为吉格斯的巅峰期真是太长了,”弗格森爵士说。