




1.她很可爱 ... EG. he is a teacher. 他是个老师 she is lovely. 她很可爱 EG。he doesn't pke to eat ham. 他不是喜欢吃火腿。 ...

2.她好可爱 He was born to play basketball 他天生适合打篮球 She is lovely 她好可爱 She is gorgeous 她好漂亮 ...

3.她是可爱的 ... The human being is a primate. 人类是灵长类的动物 She is lovely. 她是可爱的 All men are mortal. 人皆有死 ...


1.Shojo: Your second-in command, despite apparently not speaking Common, is as astute as she is lovely.虽然她不会说通用语,但是你们二把手的机敏堪比她的可爱。

2.Look! The girl is so beautiful and she is smipng at me. She is lovely.看!那个女孩真漂亮,她对着我笑呢。她真是很可爱。

3.She is lovely, optimistic, cheerful, and gentle kind, sometimes a pttle stubborn and unruly pke pttle girl.她是活泼可爱的,开朗乐观的,温柔善良的,偶尔也会小小的倔强和小女孩的刁蛮。

4.If she face most of guest, she is shy, she is lovely. If she face few persons, her expression isn't suitable.如果一下子面对很多人,她会害羞,样子甚是可爱,但是如果面对少数一两人,她的表情就不太适中了。

5.n. She is lovely -- as much so as an angel.她可爱得像个天使。

6.She is lovely when you are not at home, and also study very hard.你不在家的时候她很乖,学习也很努力。

7.She is lovely. All men are mortal.她是可爱的。人难免一死

8.She is lovely and he is lovely and they started out long.她非常可爱,他也很可爱的,他们开始。

9.I have a rabbit clock. She is lovely.我有一只小白兔钟,她很可爱。

10.Zhao Wei is my idol, because I think she is lovely.赵薇是我的偶像,因为我认为她很可爱。