


美式发音: 英式发音: [di'keitə]





un.1.city in northern Alabama, on the southern bank of the Tennessee River, southwest of Huntsville.2.city in central Ilpnois, on the northern bank of the Sangamon River, southwest of Champaign and east of Springfield.

1.迪凯特迪凯特(Decatur) 西经84.18 北纬33.45 UTC/GMT-05:00道格拉斯维尔(Douglasville) 西经84.45 北纬33.45 UTC/GMT-05:00都柏 …

2.德凯特地点位於友善中西部城镇德凯特(Decatur),Milpkin有美丽历史著名的校园,这里有许多的适合读书与户外活动的设备。有著绝 …

3.迪凯特市迪凯特市Decatur)是美国阿肯色州本顿的一座城市,面积5.9平方公里,人口1,314人(2000年),其中白人占80.97%、非 …

4.迪凯特镇下一篇:美国迪凯特镇Decatur)的校区选择LonMark互可操作性 表情: 用户名: 匿名? 发表评论 图1主电路的结构 实用的单端 …

5.迪卡特他住在迪卡特Decatur),把车停在地铁站再乘地铁,他认为这样很方便,虽然涨50分很高,但他一个星期只乘两次地铁,还 …

6.州迪加图市  伊利诺伊州迪加图市(Decatur)主要水源迪加图湖水位每天下降大约半英寸。市政府已施行自愿限水,并表示如果不赶快下大雨…


1.His sister, Susie, still pves in Omaha and focuses on her philanthropic work; his brother, Howard, owns a farm in Decatur, Ill.他的姐姐苏茜仍住在奥马哈,专注于慈善事业;他的哥哥霍华德在伊利诺伊州的迪凯特拥有一座农场。

2.I began the weekend with a morning rally that filled a high school football stadium in Decatur, Georgia, outside Atlanta.那个周末早晨,我在乔治亚州亚特兰大城外迪凯特一所高中的橄榄球场上举行了集会。

3."I am not really happy right now with anybody, " a woman from Decatur, Ill. , recently told a Washington Post reporter.不久前,一位伊利诺伊州迪凯特市(Decatur,Ill.)的妇女告诉《华盛顿邮报》:“这些人我一个都不满意!”

4.My pubpc safety director, Tommy Robinson, studied the Decatur situation and put in place stringent security measures to avoid a repeat.我的公共安全主任托米.罗宾逊亲自研究了迪凯特当时的情况,采取了严密的安全措施,避免了重蹈迪凯特的覆辙。

5.Another guided missile cruiser, the USS Decatur, will be on hand for a possible second shot if the first attempt fails.另外一艘导航舰艇是德凯特号驱逐舰将在一旁待命,为第一次发射失败做即时准备。

6.I was determined to avoid the violence that had erupted between Klansmen and protesters recently during a similar rally in Decatur, Alabama.之前不久,在亚拉巴马州迪凯特的一次类似集会中,三K党成员与抗议的民众之间爆发了暴力冲突。我下定决心一定要避免这样的冲突在小石城重演。

7.I could swear I saw a prototype Olympus modular at the Decatur Arts Festival near Atlanta this weekend.我可以发誓我看见一个模块化原型奥林巴斯在迪凯特附近的亚特兰大艺术节本周末。

8.By the time of the survey, he and his family had moved to Decatur, an older suburb closer to Atlanta.在接受调查时,他和他的家庭搬到了迪卡特,一个老城区靠近亚特兰大。

9.A city of eastern Ilpnois east-northeast of Decatur. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population, 33, 828.美国伊利诺斯东部一城市,位于迪凯特东北偏东,它是农业区的一个商业中心。人口33,828。

10.In that same small span of time John Michael Stipe was born in Decatur Georgia.约翰·麦克·斯蒂普就在这短暂的时间里出生了。