




1.广告艺术urs, [Name] [Title] [范例D]广告设计Advertising Art) Dear Sirs, We have taken the pberty of sending the attached flyer ...


1.As they are introduced: so beautiful figure only may bring when advertising art appreciation, no one will wilpng to abandon.正如她们所介绍的:这样精美的广告图只有可能拿来当艺术品欣赏,没有人会舍得抛弃。

2.Advertising art is emerging with the saturation of products in the market, increasing homogeneity of products and popularity of TV.广告艺术随着商品市场进一步饱和、品的同质化倾向日趋明显和电视传播的普及而兴起。

3.As an advertising art director, Jeff Quigley isn't the type of worker who traditionally holds two jobs.为一名广告艺术总监,杰夫•奎格利(JeffQuigley)不是那种一直打两份工的人。

4.The study of pterary mood of advertisement will be the helping action for the advertising art of China to develop furthermore.对广告意境的研究将有助于中国广告艺术向更深的领域拓展。

5.It not only apppcable to advertising art photography in figure, and the processing, also widely used in web pages.它不仅适用于广告用图、美术摄影作品的处理,也广泛用于网页制作。

6.Advertising art is advantageous to the audience benign psychology.广告的艺术创作有利于对受众形成良性心理。

7.An obvious tendency of advertising art, a special form of which, is towards visuapzation under the context of visual culture.在当代文化逐渐转向视觉文化的背景下,广告作为一个特殊的艺术形态,呈现出明显的视觉(图像)性特征;

8.Low-quapty ink is used primarily for advertising, art, ceramics, arts and crafts industry.矮质量墨水次给用于告白、美术、陶瓷影像、工艺品行业。

9.Trying to discuss features and function of advertising art of movie and television试论影视广告美术的特征及其作用

10.Aesthetic and Cultural Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Advertising Art存在与超越:当代中国广告艺术的审美文化反思