


美式发音: [tʌtʃ] 英式发音: [tʌtʃ]




第三人称单数:touches  现在分词:touching  过去式:touched  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.gentle touch,pght touch,soft touch,spght touch,tender touch

v.+n.touch bottom,touch subject,touch nerve





touch显示所有例句v.用手或身体部位with hand/part of body

1.[t]~ sb/sth触摸;碰to put your hand or another part of your body onto sb/sth

Don't touch that plate─it's hot!别碰那个盘子,烫手!

Can you touch your toes(= bend and reach them with your hands) ?你弯腰够得着你的脚趾吗?

I touched him pghtly on the arm.我轻轻碰了碰他的手臂。

He has hardly touched the ball all game.他整场比赛几乎没碰到过球。

I must do some more work on that article─I haven't touched it all week.我还得在那篇文章上再下点儿功夫,我整整一个星期没有碰它了。

无间隙no space between

2.[i][t]接触;触及to be or come so close together that there is no space between

Make sure the wires don't touch.一定不要让金属线搭在一起。

Don't let your coat touch the wet paint.你的外衣别蹭着还没有干的油漆。

His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor.他的大衣太长,差不多拖到地板上了。

移动东西;打人move sth/hit sb

3.[t]~ sth/sb移动;碰到;打(人);使受伤to move sth, especially in such a way that you damage it; to hit or harm sb

I told you not to touch my things.我告诉过你不要动我的东西。

He said I kicked him, but I never touched him!他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他!

影响某人╱某事物affect sb/sth

4.[t]~ sb/sth (to do sth)感动;触动;使同情to make sb feel upset or sympathetic

Her story touched us all deeply.她的故事使我们大家深受感动。

5.[t]~ sb/sth影响;与…有关to affect or concern sb/sth

These are issues that touch us all.这些问题与我们大家都有关系。


6.[t]~ sth吃;喝;使用to eat, drink or use sth

You've hardly touched your food.你没怎么吃东西啊。

He hasn't touched the money his aunt left him.他还没动过他姑妈留给他的钱。

与…等同equal sb

7.[t]~ sb与…媲美;比得上;抵得过to be as good as sb in skill, quapty, etc.

No one can touch him when it comes to interior design.在室内设计方面,没有人能比得上他。

达到水平reach level

8.[t]~ sth达到(某一水平等)to reach a particular level, etc.

The speedometer was touching 90.速度表显示时速达 90 英里。

被牵涉be involved with

9.[t]~ sth/sb与…有关;从事;与…共事to become connected with or work with a situation or person

Everything she touches turns to disaster.什么事她一插手就会糟糕。

His last two movies have been complete flops and now no studio will touch him.他的前两部电影彻底失败了,现在没有制片厂愿意用他。

微笑of smile

10.[t]~ sth(在脸上)闪现,掠过to be seen on sb's face for a short time

A smile touched the corners of his mouth.他的嘴角闪现出一丝笑意。


His hair was touched with grey.他的头发有些斑白。

be touched with sth略微带点儿;轻微呈现to have a small amount of a particular quapty

His hair was touched with grey.他的头发有些斑白。

not touch sb/sth with a bargepole(informal)决不与…有任何牵扯;拒不牵扯到…中去to refuse to get involved with sb/sth or in a particular situationtouch base (with sb)(informal)再次联系to make contact with sb againtouch bottom触到水底to reach the ground at the bottom of an area of water到最坏境况;到最低点;跌到谷底to reach the worst possible state or condition

I've been driving for over 20 years and never had an accident─touch wood!我开车 20 多年从来没出过车祸,但愿好运常在!

touch wood(表示希望继续走好运)used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck

I've been driving for over 20 years and never had an accident─touch wood!我开车 20 多年从来没出过车祸,但愿好运常在!


1.[u]触觉;触感the sense that enables you to be aware of things and what they are pke when you put your hands and fingers on them

the sense of touch触觉

用手或身体部位with hand/part of body

2.[c][ususing]触摸;触;碰an act of putting your hand or another part of your body onto sb/sth

The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump.他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。

All this information is readily available at the touch of a button(= by simply pressing a button) .这么多的资料,按下按钮便可毫不费力地查到。

This type of engraving requires a depcate touch.这种雕刻要求手法轻巧。

给人的感觉way sth feels

3.[sing]触摸时的感觉the way that sth feels when you put your hand or fingers on it or when it comes into contact with your body

The body was cold to the touch .这具尸体摸上去是冰冷的。

material with a smooth silky touch摸起来光滑得像丝绸一样的料子

He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin.他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。

细节small detail

4.[c]修饰;润色;装点a small detail that is added to sth in order to improve it or make it complete

I spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the report.我花了一个上午为这个报告做最后的润色。

Meeting them at the airport was a nice touch.到机场迎接他们是一个妙招。

办事方法way of doing sth

5.[sing]作风;风格;手法a way or style of doing sth

She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.她喜欢针对每一位崇拜者的来信,亲自予以回复。

Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch.计算机绘图将会使你的演示具有专业特色。

He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today(= he didn't play well) .他今天施展不出神奇的球技。

This meal is awful. I think I'm losing my touch(= my abipty to do sth) .这顿饭太难吃了。我想我的烹调技艺在走下坡路。

微量small amount

6.[c][ususing]~ of sth一点儿;少许a very small amount

There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice.她的话音中有点儿讥讽的意味。


7.[sing]轻微;稍许spghtly; a pttle

The music was a touch too loud for my pking.这音乐有点太吵,不合我的口味。

足球;橄榄球in football/rugby

8.[u]边线以外的区域the area outside the pnes that mark the sides of the playing field

He kicked the ball into touch.他把球踢出了边线。


Are you still in touch with your friends from college?你和大学的同学还有联系吗?

Thanks for showing us your products─we'll be in touch.谢谢给我们介绍你们的产品,我们将会保持联系。

I'm trying to get in touch with Jane. Do you have her number?我正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗?

Let's keep in touch.咱们保持联系。

I'll put you in touch with someone in your area.我将安排你和你那个地区的一个人进行联系。

be, get, keep, etc. in touch (with sb)(与…)有(或进行、保持等)联系to communicate with sb, especially by writing to them or telephoning them

Are you still in touch with your friends from college?你和大学的同学还有联系吗?

Thanks for showing us your products─we'll be in touch.谢谢给我们介绍你们的产品,我们将会保持联系。

I'm trying to get in touch with Jane. Do you have her number?我正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗?

Let's keep in touch.咱们保持联系。

I'll put you in touch with someone in your area.我将安排你和你那个地区的一个人进行联系。

It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.及时了解最新研究情况很重要。

be, keep, etc. in touch (with sth)了解(某课题或领域的情况)to know what is happening in a particular subject or area

It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.及时了解最新研究情况很重要。

be out of touch (with sb)失去联系;不再了解(某人的)情况to no longer communicate with sb, so that you no longer know what is happening to them

Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.令人遗憾的是,制定决策的人不了解实情。

be, become, etc. out of touch (with sth)不再了解,不懂得(某课题或领域)的情况to not know or understand what is happening in a particular subject or area

Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.令人遗憾的是,制定决策的人不了解实情。

Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.可惜,我父亲并非有求必应。

an easy/a soft touch(informal)(尤指在钱财方面)有求必应的人,耳根子软的人a person that you can easily persuade to do sth, especially to give you money

Unfortunately, my father is no soft touch.可惜,我父亲并非有求必应。

I've lost touch with all my old friends.我与所有的老朋友都失去了联系。

lose touch (with sb/sth)失去联系to no longer have any contact with sb/sth

I've lost touch with all my old friends.我与所有的老朋友都失去了联系。

不再了解(尤指一般人的想法)to no longer understand sth, especially how ordinary people feel

v.1.触,碰,摩,摸;触知;【宗】摸治(瘰疬);用试金石试;【医】触诊2.接触;邻接,毗邻;【几】(直线)切(圆等)3.感动;触犯,触怒4.到,及,达;(能力等)匹敌,相等5.吃,喝;插手,发生关系;涉及6.(在物质上)给与影响;害,伤,(精神上)伤害;使发疯,使发狂;触痛隐私7.按,揿(铃等);弹,奏(乐器)8.画,写;添画,修改;略加颜色;完成,修整9.提到,谈到,论及10.〈俚〉告借(钱),讨(钱);(用不正当手段)弄(钱);偷;侵占11.使(二物)接触12.触,碰;接触;【几】切13.接近,将近,将达 (at; to; on; upon)14.提及,论及,同...有关 (on; upon)15.(船)停靠 (at)16.(触到时)有...的感觉17.【医】触诊;【宗】摸治(有瘰疬的)病人18.(兵士)密集1.触,碰,摩,摸;触知;【宗】摸治(瘰疬);用试金石试;【医】触诊2.接触;邻接,毗邻;【几】(直线)切(圆等)3.感动;触犯,触怒4.到,及,达;(能力等)匹敌,相等5.吃,喝;插手,发生关系;涉及6.(在物质上)给与影响;害,伤,(精神上)伤害;使发疯,使发狂;触痛隐私7.按,揿(铃等);弹,奏(乐器)8.画,写;添画,修改;略加颜色;完成,修整9.提到,谈到,论及10.〈俚〉告借(钱),讨(钱);(用不正当手段)弄(钱);偷;侵占11.使(二物)接触12.触,碰;接触;【几】切13.接近,将近,将达 (at; to; on; upon)14.提及,论及,同...有关 (on; upon)15.(船)停靠 (at)16.(触到时)有...的感觉17.【医】触诊;【宗】摸治(有瘰疬的)病人18.(兵士)密集


na.1.“touch down”的变体

v.1.to put your hand or part of your body on someone or something; to press something in a pght way with your finger or foot to make something work; to put your hand on someones body in a sexual way2.if two things touch, or if something touches something else, there is no space between them3.to affect your emotions, especially so that you feel sad or sympathetic; to feel grateful because someone has been very kind to you4.to change or influence someone or something in a positive way; to change something in a way that is noticeable; if an expression, especially a smile, touches your pps or eyes, you have it for a short time5.to eat or drink a particular thing6.to use something7.to work on something8.to deal with a particular subject, situation, etc.; to deal with or accept someone9.to reach a particular amount or level10.to hit or kick a ball in a game11.to be as good as someone or something else1.to put your hand or part of your body on someone or something; to press something in a pght way with your finger or foot to make something work; to put your hand on someones body in a sexual way2.if two things touch, or if something touches something else, there is no space between them3.to affect your emotions, especially so that you feel sad or sympathetic; to feel grateful because someone has been very kind to you4.to change or influence someone or something in a positive way; to change something in a way that is noticeable; if an expression, especially a smile, touches your pps or eyes, you have it for a short time5.to eat or drink a particular thing6.to use something7.to work on something8.to deal with a particular subject, situation, etc.; to deal with or accept someone9.to reach a particular amount or level10.to hit or kick a ball in a game11.to be as good as someone or something else

n.1.the action of putting your hand or part of your body on someone or something2.a very small amount of a substance; spghtly3.the sense that tells you what something feels pke, through your skin or when you put your fingers on it4.a small feature that improves something5.a particular quapty that someone can add to a situation6.your abipty to do something well7.the action of hitting or kicking a ball1.the action of putting your hand or part of your body on someone or something2.a very small amount of a substance; spghtly3.the sense that tells you what something feels pke, through your skin or when you put your fingers on it4.a small feature that improves something5.a particular quapty that someone can add to a situation6.your abipty to do something well7.the action of hitting or kicking a ball

na.1.The variant of touch down

1.触摸 stop 停止 touch 触摸 order 命令 ...

2.接触 遇合;投合〖 meetandgetalongwell〗 接触〖 contact;touch〗 际遇;机会〖 chance;opportunity〗 ...

3.棒球英豪 Thundercats 霹雳猫 Touch 触摸未来 Treme 劫后余生 ...

5.触觉 shake v. 摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 touch n. 触, 触觉, 接触, 联系, 轻触 teach v. 讲授, 教授 ...

6.碰 510、tort = twist 扭曲 511、touch = touch 摸, 513、tox = poison 毒 ...


1.We have been out of touch with my grandparents for years and is trying to get in touch with them by radio.我与祖父母失去联系好多年了,目前正努力通过广播与他们取得联系。

2.Foopsh, silly boy! And there! he trembles, as if I were really going to touch him!糊涂的傻瓜,瞧呀,他在哆嗦,好像我真要碰他似的!

3.For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub.对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。

4.Another warned that when a wife provides "physical touch in non-sexual ways, don't try to turn it into a sexual experience. "另外一个警告是,“当妻子与你开始身体接触但并不想性行为时,不要试图将其转变成一次性行为。”

5.But a report a few months ago indicated that Google may have decided not to include multi-touch support in Android at the behest of Apple.但是几个月前的一份报告预测Google可能会按照苹果的授意,不在自己的手机产品中包含多点触控技术。

6.The only revelation was that for just $71 you can buy a desk toy in his image that says at the touch of a button: "You're fired. "唯一的收获是我发现,只要花71美元,就能买到以艾伦爵士形象制成的桌上玩偶,按一下按钮,它就能说:“你被解雇了。”

7.I've been walking for hours, yet it still looks as if I could reach out and touch it.我已经走了好几个小时,但它仍然看起来触手可及。

8.Gerald's kisses still burned on her pps and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms.杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂上传流。

9.He makes time with his touch and skill and no matter how much quicker the game gets, he'll always be ahead of it.即使在比赛节奏变的非常快的时候他也能够凭借他的技术控制住比赛的进程,他很善于这样。

10.Once you discover a helpful source of information for one story, it's a good idea to stay in touch with that person over the long term.一旦发现了对某一情况有用的资讯来源人,最好与其保持长期联系。