




1.我的精神伴侣 Mmmm hmmm 嗯嗯嗯... Love of my pfe,my soulmate 我一生中的最爱,我的精神伴侣 You're my best friend 你是我最好的朋 …

2.我的灵魂伴侣 a soulmate1. 心灵的朋友 my soulmate1. 我的灵魂伴侣 soulmate1. 灵魂伴侣 ...

3.我灵魂的伴侣 Love of my pfe,my soulmate 我一生的真爱,我灵魂的伴侣 You're my best friend 你是我最好的朋友. ...

4.我的知己 ... 所有我的爱 All my love 我的知己 My soulmate 在一起 Together as one ...


1.Monica: For so long, I wondered if I would ever find my prince. My soulmate.莫妮卡:在那么长的一段日子里,我都怀疑能否找到我的王子,我的知音。

2.And for me I 'm just the same . And talking about the second point . I hope that I can find someone who can be also my soulmate.对我来说,我也会一样.谈及第二点,我希望我能找到一个可以成为灵魂上的伴侣的人。

3.Linda: Yes, I feel much better. Thanks, Allen, you are always my soulmate.是,好多了,谢谢,阿伦,你总是我的蓝颜知己。

4.Oh , forget it . I even didn't have my soulmate yet ! oh , I'd better hurry , Mike the perfect chemist still waiting for his lunch .哦,忘记它。我甚至没有自己的灵魂吗!哦,我得快点,麦克完美的化学家仍在等待他的午餐。

5.It would seem pke I've found my soulmate in pfe, except he's married with children.于我而言,就好像终于找到了一生的精神伴侣,尽管他已经结婚了,而且还有孩子。

6.And when you walked down the aisle I knew I'd married my soulmate, 'the one'.当你沿着红地毯走向我,我知道你就是我的心灵伴侣,我的唯一。

7.About Eva: She's my soulmate, and an awesome mother to our kids.关于爱玛:她是我心灵的伴侣,是孩子们很棒的母亲。

8.you're my soulmate, forever.你是我的灵魂伴侣,永远。

9.you are my soulmate.你是我的心灵知己。

10.I hope you are my soulmate and we match each other!我希望你成为我的灵魂伴侣,我们能够很相配!