




1.女贞路 ... 在图书馆( Library) 在女贞路Privet Drive) 遇见金妮( Ginny) ...

3.水蜡树街 佐科玩笑商店 Zonko''s Joke Shop 女贞街 Privet Drive 分院帽 Sorting Hat ...

5.捕食性螨 ... 1. 女贞树 common privet 2. 捕食性螨 privet drive 2. 女贞路 privet hedge ...


1.The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive.夏季最严热的日子逐渐走入尾声,小文金镇女贞路上硕大的方房子都笼罩在夏末的慵懒和宁静之中。

2.However, he had to leave Privet Drive number in advance, never leave the house he had pved for nearly 15 years of local.然而,他不得不提前离开女贞路号,永远离开这个他曾经生活了将近十五年的地方。

3.All he did say was that Dumbledore was going to be in some place called Privet Drive at some point that day.他所说的只是邓布利多在那天因为某个原因要去一个叫女贞路的地方。

4.The cat was still there. It was staring down Privet Drive as though it were waiting for something.那只猫还在原地,正目不转睛地盯着女贞路路口,好像在等待什么。

5.However, he had to leave ahead of No. 4 Privet Drive, he had never left this place pved sixteen years.然而,他不得不提前离开女贞路4号,永远离开这个他曾经生活过十六年的地方。

6.The car turned right at the end of Privet Drive, its windows burned scarlet for a moment in the now setting sun, and then it was gone.汽车到了女贞路尽头往右一拐,车窗在西斜的太阳照耀下射出火一般的红光,然后就不见了。

7.Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step, but Privet Drive had _1_ changed at all.自从德思礼夫妇一觉醒来在大门口台阶上发现他们的外甥以来,快十年过去了,女贞路却几乎没有变化。

8.He rolled down the window, the night air whipping his hair, and looked back at the shrinking rooftops of Privet Drive.他摇下车窗,晚风拍打着他的头发,女贞路的屋顶在下面渐渐缩小,

9.The next evening, she met Dumbledore in Privet Drive and shortly thereafter Hagrid arrived on the flying motorcycle with Harry.第二天傍晚,她在女贞路和邓布利多见面,很快海格也带着哈利乘坐飞天摩托到达了。

10.Knowing that the Angpa is a two-door model makes the account of Harry's rescue from Privet Drive in CS3 difficult to follow.知道安格里亚是双门车型,使得在《密室》第3章中对援救哈利离开女贞路的记述难以理解。