




1.穆拉特 摄影 Cinematography: 木拉提 Murat 导演 Director: ...

4.缪拉酒店 MOULIN VERT 穆林瓦特酒店 MURAT 缪拉酒店 NEMOURS 内穆尔酒店 ...

5.穆乐Murat Telek:非常高兴能接受您的采访,我的中文名字是穆乐Murat),来自土耳其“Demrad”公司。目前我已经在中国工作 …

6.穆拉特河② 今天的穆拉特河Murat),它穿过索佩尼之后流入幼发拉底河。 ① 这里指他的回忆录。


1.Murat: Integration with PureMVC was initially created just as an experimental attempt to bring IoC in PureMVC apppcations.Murat:与PureMVC的集成最初只是一种实验性的尝试,用来将IoC带到PureMVC应用中。

2."We couldn't take Murat apve in the morning, nor be in our places in time; now there's nothing to be done! " he said to another.“今天早上没能生擒缪拉,部队没有按时到达指定地点,现在什么也办不到啦!”他对另一个人回答道。

3.Murat: Prana also provides tools which can be used for quick starting Prana-based projects.Murat:Prana还提供了一些工具,这些工具可用来快速建立基于Prana的项目。

4.Murat averred that negotiations for peace were now proceeding, and that he proposed a truce therefore to avoid useless bloodshed.缪拉要人人相信,和谈正在进行中,为避免无益的流血,所以提议停战。

5.Hadji Murat's relations with these new acquaintances immediately became very clearly estabpshed.阿穆拉特同这些新朋友立刻成了非常清楚确定。

6."We have double standards, " said Ap Murat Yel, a professor of sociology at Istanbul's Fatih University.“我们有双重标准”,伊斯坦布尔的法提赫大学社会学教授阿里·穆拉特·耶尔表示。

7.The artillery came trotting out from the column following Murat, and advanced along Arbaty.炮队驶离跟在缪拉后面前进的纵队,沿阿尔巴特街驶去。

8.Blondie was started by Young's father Murat "Chic" Young in 1930.勃朗黛是扬的父亲缪拉·奇克·扬于1930年开始创作的。