




1.高朋网 Gaopeng 高朋团购--低折扣的餐饮、 Sohu 搜狐-中国最大的门户网站 ...

3.好评 罗乔德姆 rojot&work (GAOPENG)(0% 好评) 杉杉 FIRS ...

4.许迅 ... 陈安平 Guangsheng Zhu 许迅 Gaopeng 希望能够实现 support !!! ...

5.巽寮湾 ... 巽寮湾海尚湾畔酒店 巽寮湾-- xunpaowan网址被屏蔽- 巽寮湾海尚湾畔酒店 巽寮湾-- gaopeng网址被屏蔽- ...


1.GaoPeng also sacrificed quapty for quantity, by hiring in a rush hundreds of Chinese employees in just a few months.此外,高朋重量不重质,在数个月内匆忙招聘了几百名中国员工。

2.GaoPeng said the cuts were needed as part of an organizational restructuring, according to the employee.员工反映,高朋说裁员是公司机构重组计划的一部分。

3.Gaopeng said the decision to make the drastic cuts was driven by considerations of performance.高朋网表示,之所以决定大举裁员,是基于业绩的考虑。

4.According to the Chinese academy of social sciences notice, the domestic famous psychologist GaoPeng professor, is unable to come on time.根据中国社会科学院通知,国内著名心理学家高鹏教授,因故不能按时到我公司来。

5.Group buying site Gaopeng. com has so far laid off 70 employees in south Chinese cities, and 50 were dismissed in Beijing last month.高朋网已经在华南地区裁员70人;上个月,仅北京地区就有50人被解雇。

6.In June, Ouyang Yun, chief operating officer of Gaopeng, told the FT the company had hired 3, 000 employees and expanded to 50 cities.今年6月,高朋网首席运营官欧阳云向英国《金融时报》表示,该公司招聘了3000名员工,扩张到了50个城市。

7.GaoPeng will pkely face more challenges as investors pour money into rival group-buying sites, he added.而投资人把资金注入了高朋竞争对手的团购网站,高朋将面临更多挑战。

8.Some employees of Gaopeng have cheated on an lottery that reward winner with iPhonein May.部分高朋员工在五月份一次将iPhone作为奖品的抽奖活动中作弊。

9.Groupon's China venture, GaoPeng, is conducting mass layoffs at offices in more than 10 cities, according to a current employee.一位现任雇员透露,Groupon在中国的子公司高朋正在10多个城市进行大规模裁员。

10.Mr Ouyang, a senior Tencent executive, holds the title of chief operating officer of Gaopeng.身为腾讯高管的欧阳云,在高朋的头衔是首席运营官,但行使代理首席执行官职权。