

streak:[英 [stri:k] 美 [strik] ]


过去式:streaked;   过去分词:streaked;   现在分词:streaking;   复数形式:streaks;

streak 基本解释

名词(与周围有所不同的)条纹; (通常指不好的)特征(倾向); (不断经历成功或失败的)一段时期

不及物动词快速移动; 加上条纹



streak 相关例句


1. She had a long streak of bad luck.


2. streak

2. The wall was smeared with streaks of dirt.


3. I know only a few streaks about geology.


4. Bacon has streaks of fat and streaks of lean.


streak 网络解释

1. 条纹:(48)最大切割厚度(Maximum cutting thickness) 切割的工件最大垂直厚度. (49)乳化液(Emulsion) 由水、有机及无机化合物组成的胶体溶液,用于电火花线切割加工. (50)条纹(Streak) 在被切割工件表面上呈现的凹凸不平或色彩不同的痕迹.

2. streak的反义词

2. 条痕:过程包括三个阶段,在每个机组用青色油墨进行干实地印刷和减压测试,检查干实地可以确定条痕(streak)和印刷压力. 干实地减压测试可以揭示出滚筒的损坏或修补情况. 干实地油墨密度应当符合当前工厂里使用的青色密度或者行业接受的规范或指导.


3. 条状痕:straightening 矫直 | streak 条状痕 | surface check 表面裂痕

4. 条痕;纹理:stray voltage 杂散电压 | streak 条痕;纹理 | stream channel 河道;河槽

streak 双语例句

1. But you've got a streak.


2. streak的意思

2. I don`t have a mean streak.


3. streak的反义词

3. Wow, you're on a winning streak.


4. We had a streak of good luck.


5. Now. We are coming from a streak of good results and I think that this


6. I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too.


7. We are coming from a streak of good results and I think that this is the path that we will continue to take.


8. Design and evaluation of femtosecond streak image tube with large dynamic range[J].


9. streak在线翻译

9. Q. Is it possible that very long streak on an image is a real FMO and not just a satellite?

Q。那些很长的条纹有没有可能是真正的 FMO 而不只是一颗人造卫星?

10. The novel infrared-sensitive streak image tube is able to extend spectral sensitivity to 800~1600 nm.

这种新型红外扫描变像管的波长响应范围可延伸至800~1600 nm,转换效率的峰值波长为1165 nm,时间分辨率优于15 ps。

11. A new streak image tube with wide dynamic range for soft X ray was designed.


12. Optimization effect of auxiliary electrode on streak image tube.


13. In order to make the streak image closer to the actual object and to improve the measuring precision, this paper presents a correction algorithm based on image processing.



14. It is required for the formation of the primitive streak during mouse gastrulation.


15. A variation in gastrulation, involving the movement of cells into endodermal and mesodermal positions through the thickened primitive streak, arose in reptiles and can still be seen in bird and mammalian embryos, lending support



16. A variation in gastrulation involving the movement of cells into endodermal and mesodermal positions through the thickened primitive streak arose in reptiles and can still be seen in bird and mammalian embryos lending support to the theory that birds and mammals evolved from reptiles.


17. Cells on different time points (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 d) are collected to perform immunofluorescence staining of Brachyury (primitive streak and endomesodermal marker) and Sox17 and genes analysis of early developmental genes primitive streak marker (Goosecoid, Mixl1, endodermal marker (Sox17, Foxa2), mesoendodermal marker Brachyury, mesodermal marker Flk-1, ectodermal marker Pax6, extra endodermal marker Sox7, CDX2 expression.

以看家基因β-actin作为对照,采用RT-PCR方法对原肠作用基因Goosecoid (GSC、Mixl1及三胚层发育相关基因(内胚层基因Sox17、Foxa2,内中胚层前体基因Brachyury,中胚层基因Flk1,外胚层基因Pax6,胚外内胚层基因Sox7、CDX2)的表达进行检测。

18. streak是什么意思

18. There is already a developing streak of irony in the Hebrew Bible, one that the Talmud amplifies.


19. It would streak down to smash in the mountains below.


20. S High school: Elected to enter the NBA directly from high school, becoming the first-ever player in Los Angeles franchise history to make this transition … Became the 27th player to make the jump from high school to the NBA and one of two players to do so in the 1996 NBA Draft (Jermaine O`Neal)… Concluded his high school career as the all-time leading scorer in Southeastern Pennsylvania history (2, 883 points), surpassing the marks established by Hall of Famer Wilt Chamberlain (2, 359) and Carlin Warley (2, 441)… Earned USA Today`s National High School Player of the Year honors as a senior (1995-96), averaging 30.8 points, 12.0 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 4.0 steals and 3.8 blocked shots … Led Lower Merion to the Class AAAA state title as a senior, propelling the Aces to a 31-3 record, including a 27-game winning streak to end the season … Named Naismith High School Player of the Year, Gatorade Circle of Champions High School Player of the Year and to the McDonald`s All-American Team … Named Most Outstanding Player at the Beach Ball Classic in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina his senior year … Led Lower Merion to a 77-13 record his final three seasons … Named the Most Valuable Player of the 1995 adidas ABCD Summer Camp.

高 中:在读高中的时候便通过选秀直接进入 NBA······通过交易成为湖人队历史上第一位高中生直接进入N BA 的球员·······这是NBA历史上第27位直接从高中进入NBA的球员···也是1996年的新秀中唯一2位高中生之一·····还有一位就是··以2883分结束了他的高中职业生涯···这个分数是在宾夕法尼亚州东南方得分最高的·····超过了名人堂球员维尔特张伯伦原有的2359 分和卡林沃利的2441分······在高二(1995-96)是全美国最杰出的高中生球员······场均拿下30.8分··12.0个篮板···6.5次助攻··4.0次抢断````和3.8次盖帽·······作为高二的学生··带领马里昂高中以创记录的31胜3负的战绩拿下州Class AAAA的冠军····包括赛季最后的 27 场连胜·······被评为史密斯年度最有价值的高中生··拿下年度高中Gatorade Circle联赛的冠军·······然后入选麦当劳全美国队·······他高二的时候在南卡罗来 Myrtle 海滩的一流沙滩球比赛中被评··最杰出的球员····在他职业生涯的3个赛季里率领马里昂高中打出77胜13负的战绩····在1995年阿迪达斯ABCD夏季训练营中被评为最有价值球员···+aJ%pb j%Z;Uu

streak 词典解释

1. 条纹;条痕

A streak is a long stripe or mark on a surface which contrasts with the surface because it is a different colour.

e.g. There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon...


e.g. The flames begin as a few streaks of red against the pale brown of the walls.


2. 在…上留下条纹(或条痕);使布满条纹(或条痕)

If something streaks a surface, it makes long stripes or marks on the surface.

e.g. Rain had begun to streak the windowpanes...


e.g. Fine shades of grey streaked his dark hair...



Her bare feet were dirt-streaked and cracked with cold.


...soot-streaked silver trains.


3. 性格特征;特点

If someone has a streak of a particular type of behaviour, they sometimes behave in that way.

e.g. We're both alike—there is a streak of madness in us both...


e.g. He's still got a mean streak.


4. 飞奔;疾驰

If something or someone streaks somewhere, they move there very quickly.

e.g. A meteorite streaked across the sky...


e.g. He got a near perfect start, streaking away from the pack.


5. (赌博或体育比赛等中的)运气,手气

A winning streak or a lucky streak is a continuous series of successes, for example in gambling or sport. A losing streak or an unlucky streak is a series of failures or losses.

e.g. The casinos had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!


e.g. ...a losing streak that had extended back to June 1.

从 6 月 1 日开始就频频失利

streak 单语例句

1. Adding to their delight they ended the US unbeaten home streak stretching back to their last defeat to Canada at the 1932 Lake Placid Games.

2. And Irvine hopes a streak of defiance will carry them to victory and a profitable run in the tournament.

3. Australia's Adam Scott hopes to develop the same kind of ruthless streak that helps Tiger Woods close out tournaments from the front.

4. SHANGHAI - Stocks on the Chinese mainland rose for a fifth day on Monday, the longest winning streak since February.

5. Atlanta's Chipper Jones extended his hitting streak to 12 games but he hurt his right quadricep sliding into second base and didn't return.

6. It extended his unbeaten streak to 30 matches and he is closing in on his personal best unbeaten run of 35 matches set in 2005.

7. Portland coach Nate McMillan was attending a family funeral and not with the team to see the streak come to an end.

8. The only NBA club with a better record is the Dallas Mavericks, who are compiling an impressive streak themselves.

9. But the adventurous streak that drove foreigners East may be in the process of being pacified by economic transitions.

10. No one is putting up staggering numbers, or that dominating streak we saw the first two years.

streak 英英释义


1. a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background

e.g. a green toad with small black stripes or bars

may the Stars and Stripes forever wave

Synonym: stripebar

2. a distinctive characteristic

e.g. he has a stubborn streak

a streak of wildness

3. a sudden flash (as of lightning)

4. an unbroken series of events

e.g. had a streak of bad luck

Nicklaus had a run of birdies

Synonym: run



1. mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained

Synonym: mottleblotch

2. run naked in a public place

3. move quickly in a straight line

e.g. The plane streaked across the sky