

airfield:[英 [ˈeəfi:ld] 美 [ˈerfi:ld] ]



airfield 基本解释


airfield 网络解释

1. 飞机场:4、飞机场(AIRFIELD) 是空军武装力量的生产基地,任何飞机都要在这里补充燃料、以及进行维修. 最多可存放六只飞机,而且没有海上作战时,不能生产鹰式战机. 鹰式战机(EAGLE) 用于击沉敌军的潜水艇,行动速度很快,造价也较便宜,

2. airfield的反义词

2. 机场:*机场(AIRFIELD)用于停放飞机,建造后可以使用侦察飞机、空降兵和空投炸弹,并可建造YAK飞机和MIG飞机,但飞机的数量不能多于机场的数量. *狗窝(KENNEL)建造后,可以培养狗,用场不大,可以不造. *科技中心(SOVIETTECHCENTER)建造后可培训火焰喷射兵和建造巨型坦克,

3. 军用机场:air-defense unit 防空部队 | airfield 军用机场 | air-to-air missile (AAM) 空空导弹

4. 飞机埸:airer 干燥装置 | airfield 飞机埸 | airflow 气流

airfield 双语例句

1. The only reason he won this game is because of airfield bug that disallows building planes.


2. Hundreds of fans crowded onto the airfield to wait for the famous film atar.


3. An airfield seizure is executed to clear and control a designated airstrip. The purpose can be to allow follow-on airland forces to conduct transload operations or to establish a lodgment in order to continue combat operations from that location.


4. Pilots can now control the helicopters in the airfield and from the Delta Operator's gunship support.


5. Analysis for the potential flow in an elliptical area with a central hole; 2. On the basis of potential flow theory, an engineering numerical simulation model was set up to simulate the complex landform and the airfield over it.


6. airfield是什么意思

6. When the palne arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.



7. The system uses striped cosine and v calibrated lumen sensor bands installed on a vehicle to scan dynamically the luminous section of the airfield visual aid light within the level surface. The vehicle also has a Doppler ranging radar to measure the distance between the vehicle and lights, so it can compute the lighting intensity and then obtain the isocandela curve.



8. The C6000-based image processor is used in different kinds of tracking system and scenes. A lot of debugging work has been done on hardware and software, and finally the practical tests have been done in an airfield.


9. Interior of airfield is the district which is disserved by aircraft noise most seriously. But people attached little importance to the area.


10. He goes to an old friend named Stoney who owns an airfield.


11. You`re wondering if I`m lonely OK then, yes, I`m lonely As a plane rides lonely and level On its radio beam, aiming Across the Rockies For the blue-strung aisle Of an airfield on the ocean


12. In mid-October, a MiG-29 fighter crashed 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the Domna airfield during a regular training flight.

在10月中旬,一个米格-29战斗机坠毁60公里( 37英里)从Domna机场在例行训练飞行。

13. At a Swiss airfield is the prototype of an aircraft that does not use any fuel at all.


14. airfield在线翻译

14. Yet inside a hanger at a Swiss airfield is the prototype of an aircraft that does not use any fuel at all.



15. Acquisition of assets, including: the Group is currently entrusted to the Shenzhen Airport Management Division of the field (including the airport is currently being used in airfield assets), security fire safety, first aid center, center assets, A Building B Building and parking assets, Shenzhen Airport Logistics Park, a 30% stake and the relevant land.


16. Furthermore, according to the rules of the runway blockage, an important judging index, the probability of the flying-off or put-down of the airplane, is offered in order to estimate the damage degree of the airfield accurately.


17. airfield的近义词

17. The US Navy EP-3 is clearly visible, parked on hardstanding towards the northwestern corner of the airfield.


18. airfield是什么意思

18. The 1st and 2nd Battalions are located at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, while the 3rd Battalion is located at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia.


19. airfield的近义词

19. At twenty five past ten, we arrived at SHEKOU, we were going to international airfield of Hong Kong by boat.


20. We eventually pulled in as they pulled out, and we moved into positions they had abandoned around a hill with a knocked out radar complex next to the airfield at Safwan.


airfield 词典解释

1. (小型)机场,飞机场

An airfield is an area of ground where aircraft take off and land. It is smaller than an airport.

airfield 单语例句airfield

1. Less than three years ago, business at the Badaling Airfield was robust.

2. A major sticking point has been the future of Futenma airfield, which under the pact would be relocated to a less crowded part of Okinawa.

3. Aircraft destroyed in prior wars were littered across the airfield to make it more difficult for bombers to choose their targets.

4. Anxious relatives who heard about the explosions on Russian radio and television crowded the entrances but were barred from entering the airfield.

5. Part of that plan involves relocating US Marine airfield Futenma to the northern part of the island where it less congested.

6. Under the agreement made by the previous LDP government, the Futenma airfield was to be relocated to a less crowded part of Okinawa.

7. The plane can take off and land in small airfield, public airports of any size and even on highways.

8. Lavrov said the transit would be conducted by rail and air using an airfield in the city of Ulyanovsk in Central Russia.

9. Russian media reports said the Smolensk airfield is a former military air base that lacks equipment for automatic landings.

10. It said the airfield has no permanent traffic controllers, and they are brought from the city of Tver when it's necessary.

airfieldairfield 英英释义


1. a place where planes take off and land

Synonym: landing fieldflying fieldfield