

hope:[英 [həʊp] 美 [hoʊp] ]


过去式:hoped;   过去分词:hoped;   现在分词:hoping;   复数形式:hopes;

hope 基本解释

名词希望,期望; 希望的东西; 被寄予希望的人或事物、情况; 抱有希望的理由





hope 同义词

动词yearn forexpectdesire

hope 反义词



hope 相关词组

1. hope against hope : 抱一线希望;

2. hold out hope : 对...抱希望, 有理由期待;


hope 相关例句


1. I hope that he will succeed.


2. I hope to see you and your family soon.




1. We have a slim hope of success.


2. There is much hope of further improvement.


3. You're my last hope.


hope 情景对话


A:It seems to be clearing up.


B:It’’s such a nice change.


A:I really don’’t think this weather will last.



B:Let’’s just hope it doesn’’t get cold again.



A:It looks like it’’s going to be sunny.


B:Yes, it’’s much better than yesterday.


A:They say we’’re going to get some rain later.


B:Oh, let’’s just hope it stays warm.


A going concern-(赢利企业)


A:Whats your overseas branch factory going?



B:Not very good at first. It has been two years before it becomes a going concern.


A:Once you break the ice, it will be better and better.


B:I hope so.


hope 网络解释

1. hope的意思

1. 期待:E期待(Hope) 回复精神点数(SP)E补给(Renew) 补充能量和弹药. 在一些作品中也会降低气力. E幸运(Luck)/努力(Gain) 增加击落敌军时获得的资金/经验值. 在有些作品中没有努力,这时幸运也增加获得的经验值. E再动(Enable) 给指定的友军恢复行动力.

2. hope

2. hope:helium oxygen proton and electron; 质子和电子

3. hope:the heart outcomes prevention evaluation; 研究计画


4. hope:heart outcomes prevention evaluation; 如心脏后果预防评价

hope 双语例句

1. Freedom is any nation's undying soul, as well as the hope for them to live on.


2. Willfulness is a very intense character, but common sense should be a character, I hope I know a friend is a reasonable person, a good heart and a sincere heart!


3. hope的意思

3. For better development in the future, Mr.*** decided to go to Britainfor further study. Our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totallyagree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr.*** can come backto our company for further work after finishing his study.


4. Here's the liqueur. I hope you like il.


5. As long as there is hope that after the fall would not be unable to stand up again.


6. We hope you'll come back and stay with us again in the future.


7. hope的反义词

7. Eg:Good riddance. I hope I never see you again.


8. hope

8. I hope to receive your further commands at an early date.


9. We hope we can abate the manpower detrition by computerization, and make contribution on e-learning.


10. Concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can becom


11. hope是什么意思

11. I hope all this is clear.


12. Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.


13. hope

13. There seems to be no hope of ever getting the debt back from him.


14. I hope Moore Park to open a bank.


15. I hope the person who got my thermal flask would find more mileage than 3 minutes.


16. It was hesitant hesitate to you in the hope that he came is against him.


17. hope的翻译

17. I guess the neighbors of this old man also has very coloful life, I hope the kids who live there also like doodle.


18. Teacher thank you for listening to my introduction, I very much hope that you can become a student studying in the future life, I hope that teachers can give me help and guidance on, my level of English is not very good, hope that at your guidance, I put the shortage of places to improve and enhance.


19. How can we retain hope or have any chance of true fulfillment in our lives with all this going on?


20. hope什么意思

20. His last film as a director was The Fighting Temptations, almost six years ago, so let`s hope that he can shake off some ring rustiness and make Wild Target live up to its name.


hope 词典解释

1. 希望;期望

If you hope that something is true, or if you hope for something, you want it to be true or to happen, and you usually believe that it is possible or likely.

e.g. She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray...


e.g. He hesitates before leaving, almost as though he had been hoping for conversation...


2. 指望;奢望

If you say that you cannot hope for something, or if you talk about the only thing that you can hope to get, you mean that you are in a bad situation, and there is very little chance of improving it.

e.g. Things aren't ideal, but that's the best you can hope for...


e.g. I always knew it was too much to hope for.


3. (对未来的)希望,期望,指望

Hope is a feeling of desire and expectation that things will go well in the future.

e.g. Now that he has become President, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system...


e.g. But Kevin hasn't given up hope of being fit...


4. 希望;期望;盼望

If someone wants something to happen, and considers it likely or possible, you can refer to their hopes of that thing, or to their hope that it will happen.

e.g. They have hopes of increasing trade between the two regions...


e.g. The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space...


5. 被寄予希望的人(或事物)

If you think that the help or success of a particular person or thing will cause you to be successful or to get what you want, you can refer to them as your hope .

e.g. ...England's last hope in the English Open Table Tennis Championships...


e.g. Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana.


6. 从最好的方面想;抱乐观的希望

If you are in a difficult situation and do something and hope for the best, you hope that everything will happen in the way you want, although you know that it may not.

e.g. I took the risk and hoped for the best...


e.g. Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best.


7. (不应)抱有很大的希望

If you tell someone not to get their hopes up, or not to build their hopes up, you are warning them that they should not become too confident of progress or success.

e.g. There is no reason for people to get their hopes up over this mission...


e.g. I don't want you to build your hopes up, but I'll have a word with Fred tomorrow.


8. 没有一线希望;毫无机会

If you say that someone has not got a hope in hell of doing something, you are emphasizing that they will not be able to do it.

e.g. Everybody knows they haven't got a hope in hell of forming a government anyway.


9. 很高期望;很大希望;厚望

If you have high hopes or great hopes that something will happen, you are confident that it will happen.

e.g. I had high hopes that Derek Randall might play an important part...


e.g. Britain's three-day event team has high hopes of winning the Olympic gold medal...


10. 存一线希望;抱着万分之一的希望

If you hope against hope that something will happen, you hope that it will happen, although it seems impossible.


e.g. She glanced about the hall, hoping against hope that Richard would be waiting for her.


11. (表示礼貌)我希望,但愿

You use 'I hope' in expressions such as 'I hope you don't mind' and 'I hope I'm not disturbing you', when you are being polite and want to make sure that you have not offended someone or disturbed them.

e.g. I hope you don't mind me coming to see you...


e.g. I hope I haven't said anything to upset you.


12. (表示警告他人不要做愚蠢或危险的事)我希望,但愿

You say 'I hope' when you want to warn someone not to do something foolish or dangerous.

e.g. You're not trying to see him, I hope?...


e.g. I hope you won't be too harsh with the girl...


13. (表示更加礼貌和委婉)我希望,我想

You add 'I hope' to what you are saying to make it sound more polite and less rude or less definite.

e.g. I'm the best man for the job, I hope...


e.g. Fraulein Wendel is well, I hope?


14. 怀着(…发生的)希望

If you do one thing in the hope of another thing happening, you do it because you think it might cause or help the other thing to happen, which is what you want.

e.g. He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college...


e.g. We will be analysing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible.


15. (在不太可能的情况下)对…继续抱有希望,痴心妄想

If you live in hope that something will happen, you continue to hope that it will happen, although it seems unlikely, and you realize that you are being foolish.

e.g. I just live in hope that one day she'll talk to me...


e.g. My mother bought lots of tickets and lived in hope of winning the prize.


16. 毫无希望;绝无可能

If you say 'Some hope', or 'Not a hope', you think there is no possibility that something will happen, although you may want it to happen.

e.g. The industry reckons it will see orders swell by 10% this financial year. Some hope.


hope 单语例句

1. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.

2. The Prime Minister expressed the hope that both countries would exchange parliamentary, business and cultural delegations to further strengthen the relations.

3. And I hope people in Seattle are too busy buying season tickets to notice.

4. Some drivers recommend waiting outside busy shopping malls so you can hope into a cab as someone else is getting out.

5. But for Shorty S and other scratch DJs, there is hope.

6. But then you look at the San Antonio Spurs and all hope for the West is not lost.

7. She is a title favorite in the event in London and has an outside medal hope in the 100m butterfly.

8. And they have kindled a gleam of hope for the establishment of a multilateral security system in the region.

9. Let us hope we will not have to wait too long to see changes, or at least for that day when more ordinary citizens think about buying tickets.

10. The just concluded CPC meeting inspires hope because it aims to translate potential into actual buying power.

hope 英英释义



1. one of the three Christian virtues

2. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future

e.g. there is little or no promise that he will recover

Synonym: promise

3. a specific instance of feeling hopeful

e.g. it revived their hope of winning the pennant

4. the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled

e.g. in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope

5. someone (or something) on which expectations are centered

e.g. he was their best hope for a victory


1. intend with some possibility of fulfilment

e.g. I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening

Synonym: go for

2. be optimistic

be full of hope

have hopes

e.g. I am still hoping that all will turn out well

3. expect and wish

e.g. I trust you will behave better from now on

I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise

Synonym: trustdesire