

booth:[英 [bu:ð] 美 [bu:θ] ]



booth 基本解释

名词售货棚,摊位; 公用电话亭; 隔开的小间; (选举)投票站

booth 相关例句


1. I had a Pepsi at a refreshment booth around the corner.


2. booth的近义词

2. He went into the phone booth and dialed the number.


booth 网络解释

1. booth的近义词

1. 展位:会展运输商(ETS)所要做的工作概括起来就是保证展会的参展商的展品安全、及时地到达展位(BOOTH), 在展会结束进行回运等工作. 图1中所有加入的接点方都是围绕着核心企业的,接点各方在核心企业(会展主办方)邀请的参展商信息需求的驱动下,

2. 小室:与此同时,隔声小室(Booth) 和隔声屏风等附属设施在录音室中得到广泛使用. 尽管如此,自然混响音乐录音室在音乐录音中仍然占据不可替代的重要作用. 多传声器多声轨录音工艺首先对通道和声迹之间的隔离度都提出了十分严格的要求.

3. booth的解释

3. 货摊:](tooth)的复数形式是teeth,那为什么货摊(booth)的复数形式不是beeth?一只鹅是goose,两只鹅是geese,那么一只麋鹿是moose,两只麋鹿就应该是meese了?为什么一条索引是index,两条索引却成了indices.

4. 摊位:农夫市场一般只在周末才有,而且得赶早,和国内的赶集相似,但是每人一个摊位(booth)干净而整洁. 农夫市场有些蔬果非常特别,不是超市常见的. 比如说,在这里能看到白瓤和黄瓤的西瓜,五颜六色、形态各异的西红柿,柠檬形状的杂交黄瓜,

booth 双语例句


1. Beijing real estate is the average advertising sales volume dropped 1%, Shanghai is 1.2%, Guangzhou is 2-3%. April 5, held in the spring exhibitions, trade, real estate finance Wantong 300 million in one fell swoop down 24 booth, a one-time basis will be one million square metres of high-grade residential hats market.


2. I'm so sorry to tell you that the contract we signed with exibit booth 834 was terminated and there is no need for the contact examined and approved again.


3. The group -- sitting in a private booth upstairs -- ordered Kobe beef meatballs and lamb and steak satays.



4. And 2007 was a particularly harsh year for the company when, in three separate incidence, a bus lost its wheels, a driver lost control in a winter storm, and a driver high-centered a bus at a toll booth on the Mass Pike.

而2007年,对于该公司而言,又是一个大害年。因为其先后发生了三起严重的事故:一辆公交车在行驶过程中轮胎脱落,一名司机在冬天的暴风雨天气下驾驶失控,还有就是一名司机高速驾驶以至于冲入在 Mass Pike 的一个收费亭。

5. The buildup, action, and structural design of water-retrieving painting booth with movable gantry were elucidated, while the design characteristics, cost, and application of the painting booth were introduced as well.


6. Properties for sale in a booth, Miss Lu on the smaller three-bedroom units are very interested.


7. Range of application: Polycarbonate is able to be used in decorations of roof, clapboard and panel wall, greenhouse, telephone booth, advertising board, lamp house, etc


8. booth

8. The enterprise uses the different depreciation method to be possible to cause the booth sales volume which each time the fixed asset amortizes to be different, thus influence enterprise's dutiable obtained, then influence assessed income tax.


9. Through the details of the win, the booth design fully reflects the characteristics of Chongqing Stock Exchange, trading of property rights has become the most prominent of the General Assembly on one of the bright spots.


10. Both gems were recovered with The Delong Star Ruby being dropped off for ransom at a phone booth in Florida.


11. Agfa HealthCare invites you to visit its booth at RSNA 2007 (South Building - Hall A -# 4106) to discover its solutions and Works in Progress.

爱克发医疗保健公司诚挚邀请您参观其在 RSNA 2007上的展台(南楼-A 厅-4106号展台),并了解更多正在紧张中的解决方案和工作。

12. I'll be in that booth over there. You'll be able to hear me. 30 minutes, okay?


13. Later, I manned the booth of a gas station and ended in court for having sold liquor to a minor.


14. After comforming the Receipt by the organization committee, both parties conform the area and booth number.


15. To 32 proportions, the zinc base alloy +ABS engineering plastics material quality, the vehicle door may open, light and rear light when vehicle advance or backlash can shine, the ultra cruel wristwatch remote control, the unique multi-purpose automobile booth, brings the demonstration lamp, under the demonstration pattern, the booth can revolve, demonstrated the lantern festival illuminates on the booth the automobile body, just like the vehicle to unfold is same, under the charge pattern, in the booth 65th battery can set in 10 minutes the vehicle in the NI-MH battery to fill, after takes down the vehicle, uses the wristwatch remote control to be allowed to embark!


16. After several years of sediment, Wantong estate decision in the spring of this year to launch offensive on April 5 in the ITC held in the spring exhibitions, Wantong Corps spend 300 million in one fell swoop down 24 booth, including a total of Wanquan launch the new homes, new Asian Games new homes, new car new homes, Metro International, a network of five groups and human habitation, will be one million square metres of one-time high-grade residential hats market.



17. German interior designer, master in painting and decorating, semi professional photographer and booth builder is looking for a job in haikou, i want to stay here for roundabout one year.


18. booth的反义词

18. RIM is setup with a booth at CES but they do not seem to be very prepared beyond that so I am not quite sure what to expect.


19. This is a poet debut soon Pavilion booth when the Lan Sheng described the King is also a poet embrace of the mind itself.


20. Please, for your own saftey, please stay in the booth.


booth 词典解释

1. 小隔间;电话亭;投票间

A booth is a small area separated from a larger public area by screens or thin walls where, for example, people can make a telephone call or vote in private.

e.g. I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar...


e.g. In Darlington, queues formed at some polling booths.


2. (餐厅或咖啡馆中的)火车座,雅座

A booth in a restaurant or café consists of a table with long fixed seats on two or sometimes three sides of it.

e.g. They sat in a corner booth, away from other diners.


3. (通常设在集市的)娱乐棚,售货摊

A booth is a small tent or stall, usually at a fair, in which you can buy goods or watch some form of entertainment.

4. (展会的)展亭,展位

A booth is a stall at an exhibition, for example with a display of goods for sale or with information leaflets.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 standbooth 单语例句

1. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.

2. The estate includes a red English telephone booth and English garden, as well as a red Chinese gate and cedar pagoda.

3. Authorities set up a health booth on Wednesday for passengers arriving from Japan for a health check up on request.

4. She stopped at every booth for photos with the children, saying " chimpanzee " rather than " cheese " when posing for snapshots.

5. And even the iconography of the Hong Kong exhibition venue and Cisco's booth was shown on the video.

6. The couple bought a booth in a small commodity market and decided to sell fashion jewelry.

7. Visitors at a computerized tomography equipment booth at a medical equipment show in Beijing.

8. The dining room is up a narrow set of stairs and fitted with plenty of booth seating.

9. You could see the look of displeasure on Bryan's face and he quickly moved away from the DJ booth.

10. " This toll booth should have been shut down a long time ago, " a driver surnamed Zhao said.

booth 英英释义


1. small area set off by walls for special use

Synonym: cubiclestallkiosk

2. a small shop at a fair

for selling goods or entertainment

3. a table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches