

patty:[英 [ˈpæti] 美 [ˈpæti] ]



patty 基本解释



patty 网络解释

1. patty

1. 帕蒂:两对娃娃(1 对金发的来自法国,一对褐发 的来自阿根廷)、一只狗和高朋满座的客人,围绕在希利斯和他美丽妻子帕 蒂(Patty)身边. 我在客厅中安顿下来,听希利斯和进化生物学家杰伊.古 尔德谈论大规模运用并行计算原理的电脑应用在演化理论上的效应.

2. patty的近义词

2. 小馅饼:派 pie | 小馅饼 patty | 肉馅饼 meat pie; patty

3. 侯佩岑 蔡依珊:Patrick譚耀文鄧建泓雷有暉 | Patty侯佩岑蔡依珊 | Paul黃貫中鍾保羅方保羅謝偉俊秦沛

patty 双语例句

1. Wait in the clinic for six hours so she can play patty cake?



2. Now the old bum was shouting from across the room: Do ya know patty cake?


3. Play peek-a-boo, patty cake, or other social games?


4. patty

4. Now the oldbum was shouting from across the room: Do ya know patty cake?



5. Patty: The pleasure was all ours, Patty cake.


6. Now the old bum6) was shouting from across the room:Do ya know patty cake?



7. Patty, 43, rarely ventures from her Raymond, New Hampshire, home. Not with diabetes destroying her kidneys and pancreas. Not with dialysis treatments every five hours. Not with the phone call she'd been waiting four years to receice the call that would summon her for the double organ transplant she so desperately needs to live the call that could come at any time.



8. Patty, 43, rarely ventures from her Raymond, New Hampshire, home. Not with diabetes destroying her kidneys and pancreas. Not with dialysis treatments every five hours. Not wi k中 th the phone call she'd been waiting four years to receice the call that would summon her for the d 65 ouble organ transplant she so desperately 北美文学网 needs to live the call that could come at any time.

43岁的帕蒂难得冒险从新罕布什尔州雷蒙德市的家里走出去,因为她的糖尿病正在损坏肾脏和胰腺,因北美枫年为她每隔5小时要透析,因为她4年来一直在等 D 待一个电话--等着接受急需的救她命的双器官移植--北美文学网这个电话随时都个j 可能自打来。

9. One hundred and six years ago, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred J.

一百零六年前,Patty Hill和Mildred J。

10. Campaign manager Patty Brooks puts the finishing touches on Palmer`s victory speech.


11. Patty: No, but I don't want an old fogy or some kid straight out of medical school!


12. I will purchase for myself and my baby.-- Patty on December 29, 2006



13. As time passed, Farina and Patty put their energies into another project, the first Mushroom Jazz interactive CD–ROM for Om Records.

随着时间的推移,法里纳和帕蒂把他们的精力到另外一个项目,首先蘑菇爵士互动的CD - ROM的嗡记录。


14. They were long involved in elementary education, and Patty, in particular.


15. Krabs is expanding his Krabby Patty kingdom one restaurant at a time.


16. Plankton: Yes, my plan is working perfectly, now that I've turned Krabs into a helpless baby, the Krabby Patty secret formula will be mine!


17. Patty: Miss, I`d like to buy a leather belt.


18. patty是什么意思

18. This is the 2nd time Patty hosted a big show, but she was calm and natural yesterday. It was a noticeable success for her switchover from a newscaster to an artiste. In fact, she initiated for the sub-lessor character.


19. patty的解释

19. With a little more creativity on condiments and ingredients, coupled with the author's skill, new cuisines can be created, such as fried eel pieces, dried oysters in sweet sauce, beef rolls, Kwai Lin chicken patty and parsley pancakes.


20. patty的翻译

20. Four days earlier, Patty is talking to her mom at home in America.


patty 词典解释

1. 小肉饼

A patty is a small, round meat pie.


2. 牛肉饼

A patty is an amount of minced beef formed into a flat, round shape.


e.g. ...the beef patties frying on the grill behind the counter.


patty 单语例句

1. Their veggie patty is a colourful and hearty potato and sun dried tomato combination that is slightly grilled and holds well together.

2. LPGA pioneer and record major winner Patty Berg died on Sunday at the age of 88 after battling Alzheimer's disease.

3. Jay Chou's pressure also comes from Patty Hou's mother who does not show any liking for the young pop star.

4. So I produced'The Patty Duke Show, 'and I did something nobody else in TV ever did.

5. Being set on gorging on a beef patty, my friend and I each decided to choose our own burgers.

6. I'm talking about genuine burgers, and that means just one thing - a beef patty.

7. For Patty Dann, that wrenching task came sooner than any mother would wish.

8. " It's never easy against Patty but I was pleased with the way I played, " Dementieva said.

9. Patty Sikes said the family's 2008 Prius appeared to have an accelerator malfunction a few weeks ago but it was brief.

patty的反义词patty 英英释义


1. round flat candy

2. small pie or pasty

3. small flat mass of chopped food

Synonym: cake