

heirloom:[英 [ˈeəlu:m] 美 [ˈerlu:m] ]



heirloom 基本解释



heirloom 相关例句


1. heirloom

1. She has gotten jewels and other family heirlooms.


heirloom 网络解释

1. 传家宝:据诗中介绍,这口橡木箱是男爵的传家宝(heirloom),它来自威尼斯(Venice),上面有特伦特的安东尼(Antony of Trent)雕刻的大量圣诞故事画,里面还装着某个远祖的公爵礼服(ducal robes).


2. 传家宝, 相传动产:commercial aggression 商业侵略 | heirloom 传家宝, 相传动产 | bearer stock certificate 不记名股票

3. (祖传物):sun in my mouth(吃掉太阳) | heirloom(祖传物) | harm of will(欲望罪恶)

4. heirloom的意思

4. 传家之宝:heirless /无继承人的/ | heirloom /传家之宝/ | heirship /继承人的地位[权利]/继承/

heirloom 双语例句

1. heirloom是什么意思

1. Kamut is an heirloom, non-hybrid ancient grain from the nile region of Egypt. Compared to Wheatgrass Powder, green Kamut Juice Powder is 25% richer in protein, 10% higher in beta carotene, 90% higher in potassium, 148% higher in calcium, 50% higher in iron and possesses 49% higher antioxidant activity. Kamut contains more riboflavin, thiamine and niacin than common wheat, and is significantly higher in Vitamin E and chlorophyll. Of the 18 amino acids usually found in wheat, 16 are higher in Kamut (from 34% to 65% higher).

Kamut是小麦的近亲,但营养成份比小麦草还要高,与小麦草汁相比,Kamut草汁多25%的蛋白质、多10%的胡萝卜素,多90%的钾、多148%的钙、多50%的铁、多49%的抗氧化物等,Kamut 含有更多的riboflavin,thiamine and niacin,特别是叶绿素及维他命E,且不含Gluten,不会引起过敏问题。

2. heirloom的反义词

2. The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa.


3. Chandler: The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa. Got it from my dad. He got itfrom his dad. How did I ever get born?


4. This is a classic and timeless heirloom design.


5. You can even hand it down to your children, thereby creating an heirloom.


6. It's a priceless family heirloom. I don't have time to explain it.


7. Heirloom chicken. I like the sound of that.


8. If no one offers you an heirloom, I recommend one of the ubiquitous global brands, sweeteners and stabilizers included.


9. Mahmoud brings an amazing heirloom salad and i'm teaching him knit/pearl and then i ask how the uranium enrichment was going

Mahmoud 带来了各种传家宝,我正在教他穿珍珠,然后我问他铀浓缩的事怎么样了。

10. Plant many of sweet heirloom varieties that are red, orange and yellow, large and small; and remember you can also enjoy green tomatoes before they ripen for another flavor in your cooking.


11. heirloom

11. Taking Manas River Valley as study case, and combining data collection with field investigation and theoretical analysis method, the paper analyzed mainly the special natural conditions, the development situation of agricultural water and existing problem in the region, and proposed ideas for developing water-saving farming system as well. According to the topography and landform character and the water resources in this region, the study set forth seven kinds of water-saving farming system being suitable for different type regions, namely dry farming and grazing model in low hilly area, heirloom fruits and vegetables planting model in the upper and middle part of alluvial dilurial fan, the model of forage planting by saline water irrigation in the alluvial fan edge, the rice-cotton rotation model in spring overflow area, cotton planting model in the alluvial plain, multiple cropping model with sequential cropping and relay intercropping in dry delta part, and the farming model of the efficient agroforestry ecosystems in the ancient lakeside plain.


12. Boss: Oh, that is the case, although you like to joke, just like the dress I like to patronize the shop, it seems that you want to wear clothes or decent, and look at this hand-made clothes, Elizabeth, who legend in the world only one pass through, and I store it as family heirloom, it seems that only you can wear this grade with the clothes on here we do indeed spoil the it, and try to see, more fitting, more like a custom-made for you, like, too perfect, like a gentleman like you have to participate in a lot of dance, of course wear a decent, if so.

to see our new varieties of it -老板:噢,原来是这样,虽然您喜欢开玩笑,就像刚才穿着那样来光顾我的小店,看来您要的衣服还是正经场合穿的,看这件伊丽莎白亲手作的衣服,传说世界上曾经只有一个人穿过,我小店把它当传家之宝,看来只有您才能配穿这种档次的衣服,放在我们这儿,也确实糟踏了它了,试试,看,多合身,多象是为您定做的一样,太完美了,想您这样的绅士一定要参加很多的舞会,自然是要穿的体面的,假如这样。

13. heirloom什么意思

13. Because I am in the process of making my will, I already interrogate any possible future purchase for its potential heirloom status.


14. It is an excellent thing, a protective talisman, an heirloom, which should under no circumstances be discarded before the thorough and total abolition of imperialism abroad and of classes within the country.


15. Get your seeds your heritage and heirloom seeds so that we can continue to grow our own food.


16. But that little gravy boat is much more than an heirloom to me.


17. Thought politic work as being our party's benign tradition and heirloom, it is radical politic preponderance and politic guarantee of the state and society.


18. heirloom

18. That said, home life is rarely just sunshine and freshly made heirloom beds.


19. The body is granted to you for this high purpose; but, you are now misusing it, like the person who cooked his daily food in the gemstudded gold vase that came into his hands as an heirloom.


20. French climbing pea is already exploring makeshift supports from twigs in their pots and a native American pole bean heirloom, famed for its copious crop, will be sown at the end of the month.


heirloom 词典解释

1. 祖传遗物;传家宝

An heirloom is an ornament or other object that has belonged to a family for a very long time and that has been handed down from one generation to another.


heirloom 单语例句heirloom

1. Miura and his wife Yoko started their project a decade ago by going from farm to farm collecting samples and seeds of heirloom vegetables.

2. He will make a trilogy of lobster, white asparagus and heirloom tomato.

3. Some heirloom varieties look more like variegated pumpkins with their striped and segmented fruits.

4. It is sweetened with blue gum Buzz Honey and other aromatics and served with parsnips, heirloom carrots and baby beetroots.

heirloom 英英释义


1. something that has been in a family for generations

2. (law) any property that is considered by law or custom as inseparable from an inheritance is inherited with that inheritance