

particle:[英 [ˈpɑ:tɪkl] 美 [ˈpɑ:rtɪkl] ]



particle 基本解释

名词微粒,颗粒; [数,物]粒子,质点; 极小量; 小品词

particle 相关例句


1. particle

1. Particles of dirt settled on the tablecloth.


2. He is studying the properties of these particles.


3. There is not a particle of truth in his report.


particle 网络解释

1. 质点:如同研究其他事物一样,研究机械运动先要描述机械运动,这一章描述的就是可以被看作质点(particle)的那些物体的机械运动,也就是说,质点运动学(particle kinematics)中的所有概念和方法都是为了描述质点的运动而引入的,实践证明,

2. 颗粒:造成污染的原因:农药、杀虫剂使用的残余(residue)及颗粒(particle)对人类的危害规律:室内:调小音量(turn down) 宿舍隔音(sound proof) 意识到噪音没有(didnt realize)

3. particle的意思

3. 微粒:边缘抛光的主要目的在于降低微粒(particle)附着于晶圆的可能性,并使晶圆具备较佳的机械强度,但需要的设备昂贵且技术层面较高,除非各户要求,否则不进行本制程.

particle 双语例句

1. Solubility of glutamate in isoelectric point crystallized mother liquid and particle sedimentation were researched in this paper.



2. The results showed that the coke-burning rate is in first order with respect to both carbon content and oxygen partial pressure. Because of the internal diffusion, the coke-burning rate for large particle catalyst is only about 60% of that for the small one.



3. In addition, the synthesis of particles without argon flow caused the increasing particle size and decreasing magnetization.


4. Each particle is characterized by a set of statistical feature debris from the distribution of an HSI color model. The initial feature set is optimized by principal component analysis. A multidimensional scaling procedure is used for defining the classification plane. The selected features help distinguish copper-base alloy, iron and aluminum particles.


5. ATLAS is a huge general-purpose particle detector which will be installed on one colliding point of LHC.



6. The particle size and Zeta potential of the maca nano-pharmaceutics with different maca/liposome weight ratio were studied. The entrapment efficiency and physiccal stability of the maca nano-pharmaceutics were investigated. The properties of freeze-dried maca nano-pharmaceutics were also studied.


7. This is first time to designing detector for medium energy particle inChina.


8. The features of thermodynamics and particle emission during the disassembly of 129 Xe are investigated as functions of temperature and freeze-out density in the framework of the lattice gas model.


9. Along with the dissociation degree of carboxyl group anion in modified resin enlarged, the particle size of aqueous dispersion reduced, and the diameter and distribution of the particles in the emulsion became small and narrow.


10. particle

10. When the temperature was lowered to 900℃, the precipitation content of Nb reached maximum and fine Nb precipitates were found both along γ grain boundaries and inside the grains with mean particle size of 5-8 nm and interparticle spacing of about 30 nm.


11. Establish the cold model of experiment about flat-flame combustion and measure the level flow field with Particle Image Velocimetry.


12. particle的近义词

12. In view of the deficiency of Standard Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, that is, easy convergence to the local optimum, an improved renewal equation of the particles velocities is used, in which an average minimum on the renewal equation of SPSO is added so that each particle can refer to its companion's message. Furthermore, a mutation operation is added to the iterative process to initialize the positions and velocities of the unable particles in order to keep the diversity of particle swarm.


13. By seed emulsion polymerization method. The effects of various feed methods on particle size were investigated.


14. It is found that the relationship between feed particle size and characteristic parameters of comminution exist agreement.


15. With feed particle size and increase the growth of fish and fish population remained at about half full at the time.



16. There are several types of waves, their classification being made in accordance with the motion of the individual particle.


17. For polypyrrole/carbon nanotube composites, the morphology of fabricated composites can be found not only particle-type of polypyrrole but also tube-type of core-shell structure of polypyrrole/carbon nanotube composites which has been further confirmed by TEM image analysis.



18. Particle systems are a common method for creating volumetric effects in games.


19. Authon use the photon as a particle which explain the wave phenomenon of the photon, and prove the photon carry the weak charge from the prism-photons chromatic dispersion and a circular hole -photon diffraction.


20. particle

20. The number of virus particle and infectious titer were determined by UV and TCID50 method respectively.


particle 词典解释

1. 微粒;极小量

A particle of something is a very small piece or amount of it.

e.g. ...a particle of hot metal...


e.g. There is a particle of truth in his statement.


2. 粒子

In physics, a particle is a piece of matter smaller than an atom, for example an electron or a proton.

3. (语法中的)小品词

In grammar, a particle is a preposition such as 'into' or an adverb such as 'out' which can combine with a verb to form a phrasal verb.

particle 单语例句

1. When the two particle beams collide, collision data is detected by a piece of equipment called a spectrometer.

2. The new satellite has better access to data of other types like oceanic, meteorologic and hydrological information and monitor changes of the solar and space particle radiation.

3. Workers uploading cement have to wear masks to fend off the heavy dust particle in the air.

4. Scientists have filmed an electron in motion for the first time, using a new technique that will allow researchers to study the tiny particle's movements directly.

5. Better known as the " God particle ", it is the crucial link that could explain why other elementary particles have mass.

6. When plutonium decays it emits what is known as an alpha particle, a relatively big particle that carries a lot of energy.

7. The particle diameter should be less than 500 nanometers for high quality print.

8. Particle physicist Paolo Giordano and mathematician Guillermo Martinez discuss how their training has molded their minds and inspired their work.

9. The city's low altitude and terrain hinder the flow of respirable particle nuclei, a major cause of smog.

10. Green organic particle fertilizer is composed of black brown particles in the shape of rodlike or round particles.

particle 英英释义


1. a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs

2. a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions

Synonym: subatomic particle

3. (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything

Synonym: atommoleculecorpusclemotespeck