

wrest:[英 [rest] 美 [rɛst] ]


过去式:wrested;   过去分词:wrested;   现在分词:wresting;

wrest 基本解释


及物动词(用力)拧,扭; 费力取得; 歪曲(事实等),曲解; 扭夺,夺取,抢去

名词拧,扭; [乐](调校琴弦的)校音钥

wrest 相关例句


1. wrest

1. The policeman wrested the truth out of her.


2. He wrested it from her hands.



3. The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning.


wrest 网络解释

1. 扭打:Rest休息 wrest扭打 等我休息好了之后再继续扭打吧. 调皮的男孩一下课休息就开始扭打 为(W)什么休息(rest)好后就要扭打(wrest)啊

2. 拧:wrench 扳手 | wrest 拧 | wrestle in prayer 热忱祈祷

3. 扭:wrench 螺旋钳 | wrest 扭 | wrestle 摔角

4. 夺取:wroth 激怒的,非常愤怒的 | wrest 夺取 | wispy 纤细的,脆弱的

wrest 双语例句


1. The doorway is at knee height, and one narrow foothold of space is often all one can wrest from other passengers.


2. wrest的解释

2. Not that the forces of evil won`t try to wrest it from you, or if that fails, to erode it from you casually and seemingly imperceptibly.


3. The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.


4. Too poor to invest in power-looms, they are too divided, and perhaps naive, to wrest greater control of their market from exploitative middlemen.


5. It is not known at this time whether you will be able to wrest control of a city from someone of a similar alignment.


6. wrest的翻译

6. This is because he had indeed forded the river at Tianjin while on a campaign to wrest the throne from his nephew.


7. For the ego itself has its origins in an insane but illusory thought of death -- the belief that we can attack God in order to wrest a separate individual self from Him.


8. The comprador bourgeoisie grew more powerful, but its power rested on the ability of the upper bureaucracy to wrest control of important commercial, industrial and banking ventures from native groups in the interior.


9. You only need to wrest the switch loose, then instantly the multicolored, millions of contents such as colorful rings, colorful flowers, colorful umbrellas, lucky calligraphy in vertically-hung or horizontally-hung scrolls and cartoon style etc. burst out into the air above 3 to 26 meters.


10. wrest

10. It can be dirty and dangerous to wrest from the ground, but we're probably not going to run out of it anytime soon.


11. Separate frame and metal titanium silk in middle pole technique has improved frame intensity, and can even improve wrest resistance of rackets when hitting balls, you can also feel metal sounds from hitting balls.


12. After the repulse of this two-pronged attack, the battle centered on Japanese attempts to wrest Hill 733 from the Soviets.


13. Wrest the trident out of her hand.


14. Other fears of native-born Americans are disturbingly familiar, echoing the xenophobia once directed at Italians, Irish, and Slavs fresh off the boat—fears that Latinos are inherently too different, in culture and in temperament, to assimilate fully into the American way of life; fears that, with the demographic changes now taking place, Latinos will wrest control away from those accustomed to wielding political power.


15. One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker's hand.


16. One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijackers hand.


17. The officer managed to wrest the gun from his grasp.


18. wrest什么意思

18. The old law allowed developers to trigger a compulsory auction when it had acquired 90% of a building's units, leading to heated battles as developers sought to wrest control of flats from owners who refused to sell.


19. You wrest my words out of their real meaning.



20. I tried to wrest the gun from his hands.


wrest 词典解释

1. (尤指艰难或非法地)攫取,抢夺

If you wrest something from someone else, you take it from them, especially when this is difficult or illegal.

e.g. For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government...


e.g. The men had returned to wrest back power.


2. 抢,夺(物品)

If you wrest something from someone who is holding it, you take it from them by pulling or twisting it violently.

e.g. He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur...


e.g. He was attacked by a security man who tried to wrest away a gas cartridge.


wrest 单语例句wrest的翻译

1. The American commander declared the operation a successful first step in a major push to wrest key areas from insurgent control before January elections.

2. The church argued that the management committees would wrest control of school operations from the sponsoring organizations.

3. The deadlock is apparently eroding support for Abbas within his own Fatah movement, where some are starting to see him as someone who cannot wrest concessions from Israel.

4. Not a single respondent forecast the Democrats would wrest power from the LDP.

5. But the newly elected president has tried to wrest his full powers through a series of political decisions.

6. Bush's relentless effort to wrest Pennsylvania from the Democratic column fell short.

7. The experts feel that it would only be a matter of time before these brands wrest market share from the independent Chinese brands.

8. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko accused Russia of using the dispute to try to wrest control of the pipelines from Ukraine.

9. They will also be leading contenders to wrest the premier league title away from Manchester United.

wrestwrest 英英释义


1. obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically

e.g. wrest the knife from his hands

wrest a meaning from the old text

wrest power from the old government