

dingy:[英 [ˈdɪndʒi] 美 [ˈdɪŋi] ]


dingy 基本解释

形容词肮脏的; 暗淡的,乏味的


dingy 网络解释

1. 浊色:Dilution ratio 稀释比例 | Dingy 浊色 | Dipping 浸渍涂层

2. 无[失去]光泽的:dinge (车身)小凹陷或擦痕 | dingy 无[失去]光泽的 | dint 凹[压,打]痕

3. 暗黑的:dingus 小装置 | dingy 暗黑的 | dining alcove 小饭厅

4. dingy的意思

4. 暗的:geek 怪人 | dingy 暗的 | Halloween 万圣节(前夜)

dingy 双语例句

1. I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog kennel, vowing I hated a good book.


2. I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog- kennel, vowing I hated a good book.


3. And down this corridor, swinging his distress like a dingy lantern, Van Norden staggers, staggers in and out as here and there a door opens and a hand yanks him, or a hoof pushes him out.


4. Slowly, in mild afternoon sunshine, he walked up a dingy street in the direction of Mr Charrington's shop, keeping one eye open for the patrols, but irrationally convinced that this afternoon there was no danger of anyone interfering with him


5. Dola, a Greek spinster, is thirty years old but very dingy. She serves in the familial restaurant day after day.


6. Said John. We were having an important discussion about diplomacy and the next thing I know, youre talking about that diplomatic courier in the dingy suit over there.


7. And there his womenfolk, a bibulous mother and three dingy sisters, pounced upon him for his wages.


8. Here the counsel in his wig and gown, and here the old Jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let, and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hat band and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dang ling his showy seals. Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. Here The sleek capitalist, and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience, and here the shoe black; here the poet, and here the water rate collect or; here the cabinet minister, and there the ballet dancer. Here a red nosed p ublican, shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strutting thing, tawdry in paint and finery.


9. It's no more his fault that he had a golden childhood and life than it is your fault that your life was dingy gray not gold.


10. The two men who recently spent five days wished they had stayed longer there. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Vergin island to the Manmi. During the journey, the boat began to sink, they quikly loaded a small rubber dingy with food, matches, and cans of beers, and rowed for a few miles across the Carribean until they arrived at a tinny coral island.


11. Always some deserted spot, like the Place de 1'Estrapade, for example, or those dingy, mournful streets off the Mosque or along that open tomb of an Avenue de Breteuil which at ten o'clock in the evening is so silent, so dead, that it makes one think of murder or suicide, anything that might create a vestige of human drama.



12. Barely a step up from destitution, she now lives in her own cramped apartment in a dingy two-story adobe-style building. Decorated with an old bow and arrow and sepia-tinted photographs of Navajo chiefs, the apartment is also home to her new husband, Joey A.

几乎赤贫的她,现在住在肮脏的、有窄又小的两层高的土砖房里,装饰品仅是一张旧弓箭Navajo族酋长黝黑的画像,这公寓也是他的新丈夫Joey A。

13. The windows of the second floor, where the Venetian blinds were drawn up, revealing little dingy muslin curtains behind the large Bohemian glass panes, did not interest him either.


14. We spent an hour and a half in a dingy consulting room, where the doctor performed a series of tests on Yvette.


15. dingy的解释

15. This they have converted into a thing of dingy clapboards with a narrow, low-pitched roof. And the whole they have set upon thin, preposterous brick piers.


16. Finding that it was dingy and dark inside asked the people to wait outside for him and entered the bear-hole alone.


17. Arbok: It turns out that this place is pretty dingy, isn't it?


18. Just before he walks out, you can see a bright and shiny sidewalk outside, not like the dark and dingy surroundings that he walks out to.


19. dingy

19. Which I guess is my way of saying that I miss you all and that dingy place.


20. Look! I'm fed up with this dingy house and this miserable weather!


dingy 词典解释

1. (建筑或地方)昏暗的,破败的

A dingy building or place is rather dark and depressing, and perhaps dirty.

e.g. Shaw took me to his rather dingy office.


2. (衣服、室内陈设等)肮脏的,褪色的,暗淡的

Dingy clothes, curtains, or furnishings look dirty or dull.

e.g. ...wallpaper with stripes of dingy yellow.


dingy 单语例句

1. The girl was not far from me, under a dingy street lamp.

2. All that is left now are a few artefacts in a dingy museum and the dusty remains of the tombs themselves.

3. Web sites posted photographs of dogs crammed into holding pens at dingy city pounds.

4. Dingy margarine color stains are the only gifts from tourists to a water tower on the Peking University campus.

5. The pair spar for nearly two hours in a dingy, cramped kitchen in Harlem.

6. Pool tables line the sidewalks that flank the dingy little road leading to 40 basketball hoops that might alter the course of history.

7. You have the stamina to sit through longs hours of boring movies in dingy halls and try out every menu in the neighbourhood.

8. Then, they photocopy and print in bulk in dingy underground publishing workshops in nearby villages.