

pod:[英 [pɒd] 美 [pɑ:d] ]


过去式:podded;   过去分词:podded;   现在分词:podding;   复数形式:pods;

pod 基本解释

名词荚,豆荚; (飞机的)吊舱; (航天器或船只上可与船只主体分离的)分离舱


及物动词把(豆等)剥出荚; 去荚

pod 相关例句



1. Peas and beans grow in pods.


pod 网络解释

1. 吊舱:这种设备已由QinetiQ公司研制了几年,它是一个从潜艇投放的通信吊舱(pod),可浮在海面上,通过一条极长的光纤与母艇链接. 这样,潜艇可保持在深潜位置上,通过卫星与水面和空中平台进行高带宽通信. 从而使潜艇作为作战网络中名符其实的成员.

2. 荚:所以现在用不到;又可隐约看到黄金权 杖被蜘蛛网包著;于是先将果酱往大蜘蛛身上丢,接著把火烬(Ember)放在昆虫的巢(Hive)上,那群愤怒的昆虫会将大蜘蛛叮死;接著要做的事,用剪刀 剪开荚(Pod),拿到权杖后,再察看一下四周,


3. 过氧化物酶:尽管过氧化氢仍是对机体有害的活性 氧,但体内 6性极强的过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧 化物酶(POD)会立即将其分解为完全无害的水. 这样,三种酶便组成了一个完整的防氧链条.

4. pod:precision orbit determination; 精密定轨

5. pod:payment on delivery; 交货付款

6. pod:publishing on demad; 按需印刷

7. pod

7. pod:print on demand; 随需印刷特色

pod 双语例句

1. These results suggested that the growth of coleoptile and root was influenced by internal CaM...


2. pod的解释

2. The seeds inside this pod are harvested to make chocolate. There are several kinds of cacao trees. Most of the world`s chocolate is made from the forastero tree.


3. We didn`t have the budget to build all the cars we designed, so Mike Knapp came up with a basic round pod that we would tweak a number of different ways.

我们没有钱把所有的汽车设计都制造出来,所以Mike Knapp 找来一些圆豆荚,我们把它们拧成许多不同的形状,这简直是太有创意了。

4. And then, etiolated seedlings were stressed under the 25℃、0℃、-10℃ and -20℃, which resulted in decrease in POD activity, and that under -10℃ and -20℃ were the weakest, but there were no markedly difference between them. And the POD activity of Jingdong 8 and SCREEM were stronger than others at any temperature.



5. The results of the physiological and biochemical indexes in callus tissue of Poncirus trifoliata tested under calcium carbonate(CaCO3) stress indicated that except total iron content, the negative correlations among CaCO3 concentration and peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, active iron content, soluble protein content and callus growth were recorded.

提要测定碳酸钙(CaCO3)胁迫下枳壳愈伤组织的某些生理生化指标的结果表明:除全 Fe 含量外,CaCO3浓度与过氧化物酶活性、超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、活性Fe含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重均呈显著或极显著负相关,与培养液pH值呈显著正相关;随着培养的进程,POD活性、活性Fe和可溶性蛋白质含量、愈伤组织增重呈降低趋势,SOD和CAT活性先升后降,含高浓度CaCO3的培养液 pH值仅在20日左右略有降低。


6. Peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity of larvae on different development stage showed difference responses to ROS stress.


7. Introduced a pod-like electric vehicle in Shanghai this week, a vision for a car of the future to help solve urban-transportation problems such as congestion and pollution.


8. pod

8. Three-year-old field planted and two-year-old potted virus-free self-rooted, virus-free grafs、common self-rooted and common grafs jujube JunZao young trees were adopted. The generation rate of O_2~-, content of H_2O_2, MDA, GSH, AsA, the activities of SOD, POD, CAT, GR, APX were researched in field natural growth conditions and under water-stress.


9. Application0.1%of SFE during the period of both flowering and pod filling, the activity of SOD wasincreased by 41%, and chlorophyll b increased by 58%.The content of chlorophyll reachedmaximum in 4~5 days after application. The results showed that SFE could elevate the content of nitrogen in leaves about 2-fold, the total pods per plant by 70%, the seedweight per 100 grains by 32%, and the content of protein in seed by 4.8%.


10. pod的翻译

10. Only in recent years, the research about pod propulsion is developed in China.


11. The zymogram of POD and EST of BC1 were affected obviously by recurrent parent H. brevisubulaturn.


12. The effects of heat stress on HSP70 gene expression, energy supply in abscission zone of flower-pod and the abscission rate of flowers-pods in soybean cultivars were analyzed by Northern blot and physiological and biochemical assay.

实验运用Northern blot检测和生理生化分析等技术研究热胁迫对大豆品种花荚离层细胞的HSP70基因表达、能量供应及花荚脱落的影响。

13. The activities among phenylalanine ammonialyase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in different treatment groups get related with treatment time increased.


14. The results showed that pepper of different kind made obvious distinction in germination percentage, viability, index and activity of POD, SOD, in which Tianying and reforming string-pepper 8819 were in higher level. Tianying showed contrary tendency of germination percentage when treating by NaCl and KNO3.Chunyu got 71.4%, the biggest germination percentage by 0.3% KNO3 treatment, and distilled water could accelerate reforming string-pepper 8819 germination. Comparing to CK, POD isoenzyme bands of 4 kinds of pepper improved and dyed deeper, and under NaCl treatment, SOD isoenzyme bands was brighter than by KNO3, which indicated that NaCl could enhance SOD isoenzyme activity remarkably.

结果表明:不同品种的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数差异显著,天鹰和改良线椒8819的上述3项指标都处于较高的水平,天鹰在受到NaCl处理时的发芽率和受到 KNO3处理时的发芽率表现截然相反的趋势,春雨在0.3%KNO3处理下有了71.4%的最大发芽率,用蒸馏水处理改良线椒8819更有利于发芽;相对CK而言,4个品种辣椒种子在NaCl、KNO3处理下,其POD同工酶谱带的带数增加,染色加深,而它们在受到同浓度离子的不同处理时,SOD同工酶酶带的亮度高低为:NaCl>KNO3>CK,说明高浓度的NaCl处理能显著提高辣椒种子的SOD同工酶活力。

15. It's not surprising that Maribel and Horace are marrying; they were always like two peas in a pod growing up.


16. pod

16. The results indicated that the three extracts from the M. maudiae leaves had inhibited the seed germination rate, the root length, seedling height and fresh weight of three plants to some extent, and the protein content and the activity of perxidase and hyperoxide mutase in the seedlings were also decreased. However, the content of malondiadehyde was increased.


17. pod是什么意思

17. In this article five different variety's chickpea seedlings were taken as a test material, the 5 plant physiological and biochemical indicators, such as hyperoxide mutase, peroxide enzyme, pro-line, soluble sugar and third dial were detected, under the stress of 0.2 and 0.5 mol/L NaCl.

以5个不同品种的鹰嘴豆幼苗为材料,分别进行0.2和0.5 mol/L NaCl胁迫,对其超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、脯氨酸、可溶性糖和丙二醛5个植物生理生化指标进行检测,对结果分析发现在0.2和0.5 mol/L NaCl胁迫下,POD和可溶性糖含量差异不显著,其余指标都表现为差异极显著,说明试验所选5个鹰嘴豆品种均有较强的抗盐能力。

18. The disease index and incidence of a disease, activities of catalase, perioxidase, superoxide dismutase and phenylalanine ammonia alyase of seashore paspulum were studied with the treatments of different sources of silicon and inoculation with Curvularia lunata Boed and Rhizoctonia solani under substrate culture. The results were:1. The disease index of silicon application after inoculation of Curvularia lunata Boed were significantly lower than CK, and the disease index of organic silicon was the lowest (15.97%) and its control effect was 61.23%.

本文采用基质培试验,根据不同硅源处理对草坪草海滨雀稗草接种弯孢霉叶枯菌Curvularia lunata(wakkerBoed和褐斑病后,对海滨雀稗草叶片的病情指数、发病率的调查和CAT、POD、SOD及PAL酶活性的测定,结果表明:1、硅处理和接弯孢霉叶枯菌后病情指数都显著低于不施硅处理,其中以有机硅处理病情指数最低,为15.97%,防效达61.23%;硅处理和接褐斑病的病情指数无机硅最低,为5.00%,防效达51.21%。

19. The results indicated that the responses of different enzymes varied to different pathogens and silicon could enhance the resistance of seashore paspulum to Rhizoctonia solani and Curvularia lunata Boed via regulating the biochemical and physiological processes relating to pathogen resistance.


20. The activities of CAT, POD and SOD were the highest at treatment of potassium silica acid, while the acticity of PAL was less with nanosilicon application and potassium silica acid when Curvularia lunata Boed was inoculated.


pod 词典解释

1. 荚;荚果;豆荚

A pod is a seed container that grows on plants such as peas or beans.

e.g. ...fresh peas in the pod.


e.g. ...hot red pepper pods.


pod 单语例句

1. The experts said returning the calf to her pod poses problems, partly because they do not know exactly where the group is.

2. It is recovering under the watchful eye of marine vets and is expected to rejoin the pod and his mate Echo within eight weeks.

3. Two NASA astronauts and a NASA flight surgeon will be in the underwater pod with the robot.

4. But because not all conversations are meant to be public, the speaker can be extended from its pod to hang over the ear.

5. He more or less did that in the opening minutes of the 1978 remake, which starred Donald Sutherland as the hero menaced by the pod people.

6. I have grown up with him, so we are like two peas in a pod.

7. Up to four people can fit inside the pod, which rights itself in water and can survive a drop of 10 meters.

8. After 20 minutes, the sleeping pod wakes up the customer with a combination of vibrations and light.

9. The equipment pod was recovered intact after the observation had been carried out as planned.

10. But the experts say she is too young to survive without the other members of her pod.

pod 英英释义


1. a detachable container of fuel on an airplane

Synonym: fuel pod

2. a group of aquatic mammals

3. a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant

Synonym: seedpod

4. the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)

Synonym: codseedcase


1. produce pods, of plants

2. take something out of its shell or pod

e.g. pod peas or beans