

staggering:[英 [ˈstægərɪŋ] 美 [ˈstæɡərɪŋ] ]


过去式:staggered;   过去分词:staggered;

staggering 基本解释

形容词蹒跚的; 难以置信的,令人震惊的; 犹豫的


动词错开; 蹒跚(stagger的现在分词); 使…感到震惊[担心]


staggering 相关例句



1. The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.


2. staggering的解释

2. In the wind, the three oaks appeared staggering on the slope.


3. staggering的反义词

3. Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffered in those years.


4. The cost is staggering.


staggering 网络解释


1. 交错:而交错(staggering)价格调整就能在保证名义粘性的基础上进行平滑调整,交错调整是指厂商综合考虑现在价格水平和其他厂商在未来的定价策略所进行的最优定价行为.

2. staggering

2. 巨大的,令人吃惊的:cyclical 循环的 | staggering 巨大的,令人吃惊的 | get over 痊愈,恢复


3. 参差党:staggered circuits 相互失谐级电路 | staggering 参差党 | staining technique 染色法

4. staggering的翻译

4. 参差调阶:staggered-tooth double-helical gear 交错齿人字齿轮 | staggering 参差调阶 | stagnant film 滞膜

staggering 双语例句

1. staggering的意思

1. And in particular the staggering corruption of the oil and gas industry.


2. Yearend Float (in $ millions)YearGEICOGeneral ReOtherReinsuranceOtherPrimaryTotal1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 871 We`re pleased by the growth in our float during 2000 but nothappywith its cost. Over the years, our cost of float has been very close tozero, with the underwriting profits realized in most years offsetting theoccasional terrible year such as 1984, when our cost was a staggering19%. In 2000, however, we had an underwriting loss of $1.6 billion, which gave us a float cost of 6%. Absent a mega-catastrophe, we expectour float cost to fall in 2001 - perhaps substantially - in large partbecause of corrections in pricing at General Re that should increasinglybe felt as the year progresses. On a smaller scale, GEICO mayexperience the same improving trend.

对於2000年的浮存金成长我们感到相当欣慰,但却对其成本不甚满意,一直以来,我们浮存金成本通常都维持在接近於零的低水准,有时好的时候,还能享有可观的承保利益,来弥补像1984年那样糟糕的年度,当年的资金成本高达19%,不过2000年我们的承保损失却高达16亿美金,这使得我们的浮存金成本飙高至6%,除非再发生什麼重大的灾难,否则我们预期2001年的浮存金成本将会大幅下降,主要的原因是General RE已经逐渐开始反映调整价格,至於GEICO虽然规模较小,但也应该会有同样的情形。


3. I had in mind natural catastrophes when I said that, but instead we were hit by a man-made catastrophe on September 11th - an event that delivered the insurance industry its largest loss in history. Our float cost therefore came in at a staggering 12.8%. It was our worst year in float cost since 1984, and a result that to a significant degree, as I will explain in the next section, we brought upon ourselves. If no mega-catastrophe occurs, I - once again expect the cost of our float to be low in the coming year. We will indeed need a low cost, as will all insurers.

去年我曾告诉各位,除非发生什么重大的灾难,否则我们浮存金的成本将可由 2000 年 6%的高档往下降,当时我心里想到的是自然天灾之类的意外,但任谁也想不到发生的竟是 911 恐怖份子攻击事件这样的人祸,它造成保险业有史以来最重大的损失,也让我们的浮存金成本大举飙高到 12.8%,这是自 1984 年以来最惨的记录,而且大部分的责任,在后段我还会再详加解释,要归咎于我们自己。

4. Yearend Float (in $ millions) Year GEICO General Re Other Reinsurance Other Primary Total 1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 87120014, 25119, 31011, 26268535, 508 Last year I told you that, barring a mega-catastrophe, our cost of float would probably drop from its 2000 level of 6%. I had in mind natural catastrophes when I said that, but instead we were hit by a man-made catastrophe on September 11th - an event that delivered the insurance industry its largest loss in history. Our float cost therefore came in at a staggering 12.8%. It was our worst year in float cost since 1984, and a result that to a significant degree, as I will explain in the next section, we brought upon ourselves.

去年我曾告诉各位,除非发生什么重大的灾难,否则我们浮存金的成本将可由 2000 年 6%的高档往下降,当时我心里想到的是自然天灾之类的意外,但任谁也想不到发生的竟是 911 恐怖份子攻击事件这样的人祸,它造成保险业有史以来最重大的损失,也让我们的浮存金成本大举飙高到 12.8%,这是自 1984 年以来最惨的记录,而且大部分的责任,在后段我还会再详加解释,要归咎于我们自己。

5. Yearend Float (in $ millions) Year GEICO General Re Other Reinsurance Other Primary Total 1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 871 We`re pleased by the growth in our float during 2000 but not happy with its cost. Over the years, our cost of float has been very close to zero, with the underwriting profits realized in most years offsetting the occasional terrible year such as 1984, when our cost was a staggering 19%. In 2000, however, we had an underwriting loss of $1.6 billion, which gave us a float cost of 6%. Absent a mega-catastrophe, we expect our float cost to fall in 2001 - perhaps substantially - in large part because of corrections in pricing at General Re that should increasingly be felt as the year progresses. On a smaller scale, GEICO may experience the same improving trend.

对於2000年的浮存金成长我们感到相当欣慰,但却对其成本不甚满意,一直以来,我们浮存金成本通常都维持在接近於零的低水准,有时好的时候,还能享有可观的承保利益,来弥补像1984年那样糟糕的年度,当年的资金成本高达 19%,不过2000年我们的承保损失却高达16亿美金,这使得我们的浮存金成本飙高至6%,除非再发生什麼重大的灾难,否则我们预期2001年的浮存金成本将会大幅下降,主要的原因是General RE已经逐渐开始反映调整价格,至於 GEICO虽然规模较小,但也应该会有同样的情形。

6. These figures are staggering for smaller countries and even give pause to most first world ones.


7. And the potential for damage, loss of life, and greater harm to the environment is staggering.


8. staggering的意思

8. I can no longer be careless about my disobedience when each cutting word and selfish deed cost Jesus so much. My petty anger and constant selfishness had staggering consequences for Christ.


9. staggering

9. The imagination starts with the beat, a battery, a pen and the friction of the guitar. The year of 2005, the 19th century, salty sea breeze, the ghost-like frequency, the staggering steps, children`s play, and flies buzzing in the faint light...


10. Africa has the highest rate of child disablement in the world. Some think 10-20% may be disabled, a staggering number, but since they are rarely seen in clinics and schools that is hard to verify.


11. But the number of student deaths seems likely to exceed 10, 000, and possibly go much higher, a staggering figure that has become a simmering controversy in China as grieving parents say their children might have lived had the schools been better built.



12. Daniel managed to climb up into the staggering along in the background, he will be rushed to hospital for emergency medicaltreatment.


13. staggering

13. But there's another possible answer to the question: the photographer who shot those staggering pictures of Ruby gunning him down.


14. Staggering adaptation of Thomas Keneally's best-seller about the real-life Catholic war profiteer who initially flourished by sucking up to the Nazis, but eventually went broke saving the lives of more than 1, 000 Polish Jews by employing them in his factory, manufacturing crockery for the German army.


15. With China's vast market demand and its successful marketing strategy, South Korea's LG Electronics set a staggering sales achievement in Chinese electronics industry and has occupied a tiny bit of land.


16. He's drunk and is staggering.


17. staggering是什么意思

17. It also dramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we c an have working together on the same problem – and that scales up the rate of innovatio n to a staggering degree.


18. staggering的近义词

18. Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, and to the fading flower the glory of his joy, who were on the head of the fat valley, staggering with wine.


19. This secretary, though not many, but this is staggering.


20. For the enlightenment of those who are not so intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob in the vile parlance of our lower class licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a calf newly dropped from its mother


staggering 词典解释

1. 令人大吃一惊的;令人震惊的

Something that is staggering is very surprising.

e.g. ...a three-year contract reputed to be worth a staggering £5,000-a-week...

据称高达每周 5,000 英镑的三年期合同

e.g. The results have been quite staggering.



The South Pole expedition proved to be staggeringly successful.

这次南极探险结果非常成功。staggering 单语例句staggering什么意思

1. They are by no means the only government plans to rescue the staggering real estate sector faced with the hovering housing prices.

2. Wolf also pointed to the management of the consequences of China's " simply staggering " investment ratio as a big challenge for China.

3. The country is still staggering from 27 years of civil war, and those who play domestically earn about $ 500 a month.

4. A staggering 43 million Americans get food stamps today, a clear indication of the scale of poverty.

5. Their staggering and unprecedented success in becoming European soccer champions has brought the first of this summer's major sporting events to a truly remarkable climax.

6. With the flow of a staggering number of peasants into cities, the issue of migrant workers has come to the fore.

7. Rupp said that although DR Congo's war formally ended five years ago, " ongoing strife and poverty continue to take a staggering toll ".

8. The project is expected to cost a staggering $ 650 million upon the completion of the construction of the houses and infrastructure on site.

9. The banking giant HSBC alone had to cough up a staggering $ 17 billion in US subprime writedowns last year.

10. The situation in the West appears grim with crashing stock markets, staggering unemployment rates and other manifestations of the global economic crisis.

staggering 英英释义


1. so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm

e.g. such an enormous response was astonishing

an astounding achievement

the amount of money required was staggering

suffered a staggering defeat

the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying

Synonym: astonishingastoundingstupefying