

storm:[英 [stɔ:m] 美 [stɔ:rm] ]


过去式:stormed;   过去分词:stormed;   现在分词:storming;   复数形式:storms;

storm 基本解释


名词暴风雨,暴风雪; [军]猛攻,冲击; 骚乱; 动荡

不及物动词起风暴,下暴雨; 猛冲; 暴怒

及物动词袭击,猛攻; 暴怒,怒骂; 大力迅速攻占

storm 同义词



storm 反义词


storm 相关词组

1. take by storm : 攻占, 使大吃一惊;

2. be in a storm : 激动, 惶惑;

storm 相关例句


1. The enemy troops stormed the castle.



1. She stormed at her son for talking back.


2. It stormed all day yesterday.


3. The soldiers stormed into the fort.



1. The ship had no sooner dropped anchor than a storm broke.


2. A storm of applause rose from the audience.


storm 网络解释

1. 暴风:比如:火烈(flamingo)是以血魔法师首发,利用初期的烈火对对手家中的老农及建筑产生毁灭性的打击,使对手中前期缺木,降低兵种等级......可惜遇上了双操很好的你结果就不行了;暴风(storm),你还没打过,他很喜欢一开局就造铁匠铺,

2. 施托姆:就文学来说,十九世纪的德语文学从总体来看十分不景气,到下半期已然出现老态龙钟的态势,有影响的作家如凯勒(Keller),施托姆(Storm)和冯塔纳(Fontane),均已步入老年阶段.

storm 双语例句

1. The telephone station was put out of commission by the storm.



2. Since Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar, the Burmese government, industry leaders, residents and NGOs have been striving to return the lives of its people to normalcy. Six months after the storm, Tzu Chi volunteers held a groundbreaking ceremony for Da Ai homes in San Pya Village of Kungyangon which will be able to provide 744 families with a shelter from wind and rain. While they were there, volunteers also carried out home visits and an aid distribution for the villagers.


3. Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.

这头名叫 Shackle 的狮子被从一个动物园迁移到这个田纳西教堂,在这里,它和其他担心不已的居民共同安全熬过飓风的袭击。

4. Description: This shallow sea is home to an abundance of fish and underwater plants that illuminate the brilliant waters, creating an eerily beautiful contrast to the storm clouds that often loom over the area.


5. Nobody can come to fetch you off the island until the storm clears.


6. Tom: And then you came along, and wham, it's the perfect storm.


7. And 2007 was a particularly harsh year for the company when, in three separate incidence, a bus lost its wheels, a driver lost control in a winter storm, and a driver high-centered a bus at a toll booth on the Mass Pike.

而2007年,对于该公司而言,又是一个大害年。因为其先后发生了三起严重的事故:一辆公交车在行驶过程中轮胎脱落,一名司机在冬天的暴风雨天气下驾驶失控,还有就是一名司机高速驾驶以至于冲入在 Mass Pike 的一个收费亭。

8. Close all dead lights and storm doors.


9. The head of the European Central Bank pledged on Sunday to do whatever it takes to restore confidence to rocky markets, as governments world-wide pour cash into banks and markets hit by the financial storm that has toppled banks in the United States and Europe.


10. storm在线翻译

10. Storm going with thunder and fire-flag.


11. Police are compelled to open fire, the storm vigorous rain's bullet has made into Wrey the honeycomb briquet.



12. They were now illuminated by the morning radiance of a young child's disposition, but, later in the day of earthly existence, might be prolific of the storm whirlwind.


13. So, Dr. Arnall, despite the failing economy, the storm of the century here in Northern California, a disappointing roster of presidential candidates and deciding that New Year`s resolutions aren`t for me this year, I`m feeling pretty good about things.



14. It was called the Fatima Storm as it was said to be one of the Fatima Prophesies by Roman Catholics worldwide.


15. Many were built without connections to Chicago's combined sewer and storm water systems.


16. The data from anti-virus software provider Rising revealed that at least 28000 users had visited the webpage before the Storm Codec producer resolved the problem.


17. storm

17. To kind of weather the storm against him, it's not easy to do.


18. In the meantime, Emirates is well-placed to weather the rest of the storm.


19. Appear to the outside world, Standard Chartered shares financing, to weather the financial storm is one of the movement.


20. Many small firms did not weather the storm of the recession.


storm 词典解释

1. 暴风雨

A storm is very bad weather, with heavy rain, strong winds, and often thunder and lightning.

e.g. ...the violent storms which whipped America's East Coast.


2. 强烈的反应;群情激愤;激动人心

If something causes a storm, it causes an angry or excited reaction from a large number of people.

e.g. The photos caused a storm when they were first published...


e.g. The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest.


3. (掌声等的)爆发,迸发

A storm of applause or other noise is a sudden loud amount of it made by an audience or other group of people in reaction to something.

e.g. His speech was greeted with a storm of applause...


e.g. Not since the 1968 Olympic Games has a medals ceremony caused such a storm of booing.

自1968 年奥运会以来,没有哪次颁奖仪式引起过如此哗然的一片嘘声。

4. 气冲冲地疾走;冲;闯

If you storm into or out of a place, you enter or leave it quickly and noisily, because you are angry.

e.g. After a bit of an argument, he stormed out...


e.g. He stormed into an office, demanding to know where the head of department was.


5. 怒吼;大发雷霆

If you storm, you say something in a very loud voice, because you are extremely angry.

e.g. 'It's a fiasco,' he stormed.


6. 猛攻;袭击

If a place that is being defended is stormed, a group of people attack it, usually in order to get inside it.

e.g. Government buildings have been stormed and looted...


e.g. The refugees decided to storm the embassy.



...the storming of the Bastille.


7. see also: firestorm

8. 在…大获成功

If someone or something takes a place by storm, they are extremely successful.

e.g. Kenya's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.


9. 经受住考验;渡过难关

If someone weathers the storm, they succeed in reaching the end of a very difficult period without much harm or damage.

e.g. He insists he will not resign and will weather the storm.


10. the eye of the storm -> see eye

a storm in a teacup -> see teacup

storm 单语例句storm

1. But Tropical Storm Isaac could pose a threat to Romney's plans.

2. Liu Yueqing the " tough brother " has said that he didn't expect his action to raise a storm on the Internet.

3. The " state of calamity " extends the one applied to Manila and 25 provinces hit by the earlier storm.

4. It was expected to drop below tropical storm strength - 39 mph - before midnight, and was to drift into Canada later Sunday or early Monday.

5. Tropical storm Arlene brought heavy rains to Mexico City all day Thursday, causing a sewage canal to overflow and flood homes in the suburb of Ecatepec.

6. Police used water cannon and fire extinguishers to repel the protestors who attempted to storm government offices.

7. The fierce storm had the northern US Gulf Coast in its sights after it punished Cuba and killed more than 70 people across the Caribbean.

8. North Carolina's governor declared a state of emergency as the storm's track shifted northward with a forecast landfall Tuesday on the North Carolina coast.

9. The storm drew onlookers hoping to catch a glimpse of crashing waves as it marched through Atlantic Canada.

10. We face a perfect economic storm if hidden sustainability challenges catch up with our so called real economy challenges.

storm什么意思storm 英英释义



1. a direct and violent assault on a stronghold

2. a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning

Synonym: violent storm

3. a violent commotion or disturbance

e.g. the storms that had characterized their relationship had died away

it was only a tempest in a teapot

Synonym: tempest


1. attack by storm

attack suddenly

Synonym: surprise

2. take by force

e.g. Storm the fort

Synonym: force

3. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger

Synonym: ramprage

4. blow hard

e.g. It was storming all night

5. rain, hail, or snow hard and be very windy, often with thunder or lightning

e.g. If it storms, we'll need shelter