

spare:[英 [speə(r)] 美 [sper] ]


过去式:spared;   过去分词:spared;   现在分词:sparing;

spare 基本解释

及物动词节省,俭省; 不用,抽出,省掉; 宽恕,饶(命),救命,使某人免遭(麻烦等); 出让,割爱,分让

形容词多余的,剩下的(钱等),空闲的(时间等); 预备的,备用的,替换用的; 多余的,瘦的,少量的; 薄弱的,简陋的,粗陋的

名词备用零件,备用轮胎; 节省,俭省; 〈美〉(头两个球把十柱打得)全倒; 预备品,替换品

不及物动词节约; 节省; 饶恕; 宽容

spare 同义词


动词relinquishdispense withyieldforegoomitsacrificegive updo withoutsurrenderpart with

spare 反义词


spare 相关例句


1. He has nothing to do in his spare time.



1. spare的反义词

1. Can you spare me a few litres of petrol?


2. They took his money but spared his life.


3. She never spares the butter when baking.


4. We may meet again if we are spared.


spare 情景对话


A:What do you do in your spare time?


B:I like to play golf and badminton.


A:What do you usually do every evening?


B:I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.



A:What’s your favorite hobby?


B:My favorite sport is tennis.


A:Do you like to read books?



B:I enjoy reading so much that I always read in a quiet afternoon with a cup of good coffee.


A:By the way, would you like to see movies.


B:That’s OK.


Lift Furniture

A:Could you help me lift some furniture, Marie?


B:Sure, what would you like me to do?



A:Well, first, you could go upstairs and grab the yellow key.


B:The one on the table?


A:Yes. Then, you could come back down and unlock the spare bedroom here.



B:Then what would you like me to move?


A:Do you think you would be able to move this chair into the room by yourself?


B:Sure, not a problem.


A:You might want to stretch your legs a bit. You don’t want to hurt yourself. And make sure you bend your knees so you don’t hurt your back.



B:Good idea. Anything else you’d like me to move?


A:Just a few things—the television, the blue lamp, and the coffee table.



B:Is that all?


A:That’s it. I’ll be upstairs. Shout if you need anything.


spare 网络解释

1. 补中:每格里有两次投球机会,如在第一次投球时全中,就有需要投第二球. 每一格可能出现三种情况:1.失球(MISS)无论何种情况,在一格的两次投球时,未能击倒10个瓶,此格的分数为击倒的瓶数,未击中用一个(-)符号表示. 2.补中(SPARE)当第二次投球.

2. spare的翻译

2. 备用:每个进程又有多个线程,以获得基于进程的MPM的稳定性. Apache总是试图维持一个备用(spare)或是空闲的服务线程池. 这样,客户端无须等待新线程或新进程的建立即可得到处理. 初始化时建立的进程数量由

3. 备用的:Apache设置了一些备用的(spare)或者是空闲的子进程来处理即将接收的请求,这样可以避免服务器接收到请求后在创建子进程. 在Unix系统中,父进程通常以root身份运行以便邦定80端口,而 Apache产生的子进程通常以一个低特权的用户运行.

spare 双语例句


1. In her scarce spare time, Cico trains for marathons and gets her company to support athletes, artists and historians in Brazil.



2. Yes, I like to play table tennis on spare time, it`s my hobby and interests.


3. I'm something of a handyman in my spare time.



4. The company's products include: Ingersoll-Rand, FS, SuIIair, Atlas copco, Hanshin, ANDEROL, AUGUST, WOYO, CompAir, LIUTECH, KAESER, SCREW, MATTEI, HANIBELL, PUMA, IWATA, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Linghein, GANEY, WOLF, ECOAIR, ASK, MITSUISEKI, Enric, RC, ROTORCOMP, BOGE air filters, oil filters, the smallest pressure valve, oil separation small, oil-concept, unloading valve, emptying valve, 精密过滤器, nose seal, Intake valve, solenoid valves, silencers, high and low voltage lines, automatic drainage, and cold-water-cooled, coolers, trap, the intake valve cylinder, patch, sensors, AB contact, Wen Kongfa, spiral valve, Compressors for oil, one-way valve, off oil valves, compressors carbon deposition cleaning agent, overhaul and other major brand bearing compressor accessories and after-processing equipment, while sales of general machinery, engineering machinery, tunneling machinery, power machinery, mining Machinery and spare parts.

公司的产品包括:Ingersoll-Rand、FS、SuIIair、Atlas copco、Hanshin、ANDEROL、AUGUST、WOYO、CompAir、LIUTECH、KAESER、SCREW、MATTEI、HANIBELL、PUMA、IWATA、KOBELCO、HITACHI、Linghein、GANEY、WOLF、ECOAIR、ASK、MITSUISEKI、Enric、RC、ROTORCOMP、BOGE空气过滤器、油过滤器、最小压力阀、油细分离器、观油镜、卸荷阀、放空阀、精密过滤器、机头轴封、进气阀、电磁阀、消音器、高低压油管、自动排水器、分冷及水冷,冷却器、疏水阀、进气阀气缸、膜片、传感器、AB接触器、温控阀、螺旋阀、压缩机专用油、单向阀、断油阀、压缩机积碳清洗剂、大修轴承等各大品牌压缩机配件及后处理设备,同时销售通用机械、工程机械、掘进机械、动力机械、矿山机械及零配件。

5. In your spare time, what do you like to do?


6. Then I whip it out anytime I have spare time, waiting at the doctor`s office, in line at the post office, driving in the Indy 500 … you know.

读书 我喜欢上哪儿都带上一本小说,一有时间就拿出来,在候诊室里,在邮局排队时。

7. Now I use the EEE PC on and off all day, it is constantly switched on and connected to my wireless LAN in my house, every time I leave the house it gets thrown into my bag along with my mobile phone, if I find myself with a few minutes to spare during the day, maybe drinking coffee in a cafe or waiting for a doctor in the hospital then I can whip it out and get some work done.


8. He was sitting in his strange uniform on one of the spare horses, looking uneasily about him.


9. spare的反义词

9. It is possible to get some very cheap flights with either one of the well known budget airlines or by picking up a spare seat on one of the hundreds of charters that fly to Spain every day.



10. One of my friends in Blog called the phenomenon that on the one hand, we spare no efforts to produce blood, on the other hand, don`t cure and care those bloody wounds.


11. Before microscope analysis was performed, dielectric loss and partial discharge measurement had been performed on one new spare stator bar and other three ones which were exactly used in the microscope analysis.



12. Corporate culture principle: s tudy, enterprising, study again Business enterprise service principle: benefit with each other、service first The business enterprise development attitude: You will achieve an end if you concentrate on one thing, we will spare no efforts to the development of the appliance industry!


13. Spare a thought for me...


14. spare的解释

14. And if you think that tourists are suffering, spare a thought for the poor animals.


15. Did he spare a thought for us?


16. Try to spare a thought for those who care for you.



17. If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me...


18. Because in good times we always spare a thought for the bad times.


19. spare

19. As your agent we shall spare no effort to promote the sale of your''.



20. Many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this


spare 词典解释

1. 备用的;预备的

You use spare to describe something that is the same as things that you are already using, but that you do not need yet and are keeping ready in case another one is needed.

e.g. If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost...


e.g. Don't forget to take a few spare batteries...


2. 剩下的;多余的;空闲的

You use spare to describe something that is not being used by anyone, and is therefore available for someone to use.

e.g. They don't have a lot of spare cash...


e.g. The spare bedroom is on the second floor...


3. 剩余,剩下(时间、金钱或空间)

If you have something such as time, money, or space to spare, you have some extra time, money, or space that you have not used or which you do not need.

e.g. You got here with ninety seconds to spare...

你到这里的时候还剩 90 秒钟时间。

e.g. It's not as if he has money to spare...


4. 抽出,拨出(金钱或其他资源)

If you spare time or another resource for a particular purpose, you make it available for that purpose.

e.g. She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting...

她说她只能抽出 35 分钟时间参加我们的会议。

e.g. He's a very busy man, and it's good of him to spare the time to visit...


5. 使免遭伤害;使幸免

If a person or a place is spared, they are not harmed, even though other people or places have been.

e.g. We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared...


e.g. Not a man was spared...


6. 不让…难堪(或难过)

If you spare someone an unpleasant experience, you prevent them from suffering it.

e.g. I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject...


e.g. Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms...


7. 瘦削的

Someone who is described as spare is tall and not at all fat.

e.g. She was thin and spare, with a sharply intelligent face.


8. 简单的;不加修饰的;简朴的

Something such as a room that is spare is very plain with no unnecessary features.

e.g. Inside, the two small rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.


9. see also: sparing

10. 不遗余力/不惜工本

If you spare no effort in doing something, you do it as well as possible, without worrying about the amount of work involved. If you spare no expense in doing it, you do it as well as possible, without trying to save money.

e.g. The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly...


e.g. Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot.


11. 可怜一下(不幸的人)

If you spare a thought for an unfortunate person, you make an effort to think sympathetically about them and their bad luck.

e.g. Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May...

可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧—— 5 月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。

e.g. I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.


12. to spare someone's blushes -> see blush

spare 单语例句

1. Aside from a cadre of top aides working for Lawlor, the staff around Ridge is exceedingly spare.

2. I also encourage my children to do calisthenics in their spare time.

3. She also has taken on an active role in training Chinese English teachers in her spare time.

4. " China will remain an ideal business destination and we will spare no efforts to find our right market position and capture all business opportunities ".

5. The move was done in order to spare Yuan time to take care of the adopted children.

6. She said she feels carefree and enjoys shopping, getting facials and sipping tea with friends during her spare time.

7. Instead of lending their spare cash to each other or the rest of the economy, banks have parked it with the central bank at extraordinarily low interest rates.

8. Yin got some spare cash when the government relocated her family twice and gave her handsome compensation.

9. These may include help to manage payments and cash flow more efficiently, maximizing returns on spare capital or protecting the business from various forms of risks.

10. The paintings on exhibit are casual drawings done in her spare time and show her unique expressions and new understanding of classical Chinese painting.

spare 英英释义


1. a score in tenpins

knocking down all ten after rolling two balls

2. an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle

Synonym: fifth wheel

3. an extra component of a machine or other apparatus

Synonym: spare part


1. use frugally or carefully

2. give up what is not strictly needed

e.g. he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey

Synonym: give uppart withdispense with

3. refrain from harming

Synonym: save

4. save or relieve from an experience or action

e.g. I'll spare you from having to apologize formally



1. lacking embellishment or ornamentation

e.g. a plain hair style

unembellished white walls

functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete

Synonym: plainbareunembellishedunornamented

2. lacking in amplitude or quantity

e.g. a bare livelihood

a scanty harvest

a spare diet

Synonym: bare(a)scanty

3. thin and fit

e.g. the spare figure of a marathon runner

a body kept trim by exercise

Synonym: trim

4. more than is needed, desired, or required

e.g. trying to lose excess weight

found some extra change lying on the dresser

yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant

skills made redundant by technological advance

sleeping in the spare room

supernumerary ornamentation

it was supererogatory of her to gloat

delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words

extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts

surplus cheese distributed to the needy

Synonym: excessextraredundantsupererogatorysuperfluoussupernumerarysurplus

5. kept in reserve especially for emergency use

e.g. a reserve supply of food

a spare tire

spare parts

6. not taken up by scheduled activities

e.g. a free hour between classes

spare time on my hands

Synonym: free