

condemn:[英 [kənˈdem] 美 [kənˈdɛm] ]


过去式:condemned;   过去分词:condemned;   现在分词:condemning;

condemn 基本解释

及物动词(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责; 宣判; 宣布…不能使用; 迫使…陷于不幸的境地

condemn 相关例句


1. The old bridge has been condemned.


2. condemn的反义词

2. This house is condemned.


3. We condemn his foolish behavior.


4. Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil.


5. His writings condemned him.


condemn 网络解释

1. 声讨:我本人,对于给个人带来两难困境的现象更为兴趣盎然;对我不能完全理解的事情,我在宽容(condone)与声讨(condemn)之间难定取舍;我将更多的精力用于令人不知所措的文化剧变的研究.

2. 非难,判罪:28 audit 查帐 | 29 condemn 非难,判罪 | 30 condone 宽恕,容忍

condemn 双语例句

1. condemn的解释

1. Diverse, but all are valid, and we condemn those who steal our voice and say that we


2. condemn

2. It would forever condemn the losing brand to a second-place position.


3. condemn在线翻译

3. They had assailed Him in great numbers, but their schemes to ensnare and condemn Him had been in vain.


4. We condemn, reject and detest, with the approval of this same sacred council, each and every thing done by those sons of damnation, Bernard Carvajal, Guillaume Briconnet, Rene de Prie, and Frederick of San Severino, formerly cardinals, and their supporters, adherents, accomplices and disciples -- who are schismatics and heretics and have worked madly to their own and others'ruin, aiming to split asunder the unity of holy mother church at the quasi-council held at Pisa, Milan, Lyons and elsewhere -- whatever the things were in number and kind that have been enacted, carried out, done, written, published or ordained up to the present day, including the imposition of taxes carried out by them throughout the kingdom of France, or shall be done in the future.

我们谴责,反对和痛恨批准,同样神圣理事会,每个人所做的事情的儿子诅咒,伯纳德瓦哈尔,纪尧姆Briconnet ,雷日Prie ,和弗雷德里克的圣塞韦里诺,原红雀,以及他们的支持者,信徒帮凶和弟子-谁是schismatics和异教徒和已经疯狂到自己和他人的毁灭,旨在分裂四分五裂的团结,圣母教堂的准安理会举行了比萨,米兰,里昂和其他地方-不管事情的数量和种类已经颁布,实施,完成撰写,出版或晋牧至今,包括实行税收进行了他们在整个英国,法国,或应这样做的未来。

5. condemn什么意思

5. Concrete condemn condense on condition that conditional conduct 等 conductivity conductor cofer conference confess confidence confident confidential n.

传导性,传导率 n。领队,指挥;售票员,列车员;导体,导线 v。商谈;授予,赋予 n。会议,讨论会 v。供认,承认,坦白,仟悔 n。信任;信心,自信;秘密,机密 a。

6. condemn的反义词

6. Also, I've been told that after convening an assembly to condemn me, my high sc


7. Men and women of every age, who have understood that it is no use to condemn, to lament, to recriminate, but it is better to respond to evil with good.



8. Do not condemn, and you will not condemned.


9. condemn是什么意思

9. If I only knew that I came to help and not condemn.


10. He was one of my earliest supporters and had every right to condemn me.


11. Disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to


12. Of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair.


13. condemn的意思

13. Health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people



14. Firing squad: a detachment assigned to shoot persons condemn ed to death.


15. That every segment of affection is very beautiful, every Cheng Xiang accompany also all make people be enchanted, is that the pity being able to not own lets me feel more condemn a family dependant, missing being to there be no a dormancy at the midnight lets me feel being reluctant to leave affection is a questionnaire not having an answer more, hard tracking down is maybe to some extent regretful to be not able to make life more perfect, one silk is sentimental, meeting make this answer sheet more consummate, pack up self state of mind also for a long time, continue missing a flower along bar, You will have gain rain missing me, you have come him across just now, have continued walking you finally will gain self beauty but I will be mute in distance wishing happiness to you


16. All these uses will require much more advanced and powerful machines which will automatically condemn even the most advanced computer today to the garbage can of twentieth century.


17. condemn什么意思

17. Life is not a trap set for us by god so that he can condemn us for failing.


18. condemn

18. Angela: I don't expect you to understand or approve of the decision I made, but I hope you can keep an open mind and not condemn it.



19. We have no right to condemn others.


20. I'm not going to condemn anyone here or even talk about what to feed your baby.


condemn 词典解释

1. 谴责;指责

If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.


e.g. Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence...


e.g. Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability, attitude and application.


2. 宣判;判处(某人刑罚)

If someone is condemned to a punishment, they are given this punishment.

e.g. He was condemned to life imprisonment.


e.g. ...appeals by prisoners condemned to death.


3. 使陷入(不愉快的境地)

If circumstances condemn you to an unpleasant situation, they make it certain that you will suffer in that way.

e.g. Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work...


e.g. He felt condemned to being alone...


4. 正式宣布(建筑)不安全

If authorities condemn a building, they officially decide that it is not safe and must be pulled down or repaired.

e.g. State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.


5. see also: condemned

condemn 单语例句

1. " We condemn absolutely this terrible act of extremism and of violence, " he told ABC Radio on Tuesday.

2. Cuban officials and a growing number of Americans who oppose US sanctions hope Carter will publicly condemn the trade embargo.

3. I think every Chinese has the right to condemn such remarks, which expose the commentator's ignorance of Chinese value of harmony.

4. So all of us have to make efforts to spread honesty and compassion, and to stay away from and condemn wrongdoings and vulgarity.

5. Citing " grave concern ", the US House of Representatives approves a resolution to condemn the move.

6. It is easy to condemn the callousness shown by netizens toward their deaths, which has inflicted additional injury on the students'families.

7. But it is not enough to just condemn the cruelty of terrorists and remind the world community of the daunting task of uprooting terrorism.

8. We need to review and reflect about this bad social practice from other perspectives, such as how to enhance moral education and condemn negative examples.

9. The under secretary didn't condemn the crimes of the rioters, but absolved them of responsibility and takes the Chinese government and the people as targets.

10. " Women defend right to wear heels as'kill joy'union bosses condemn stilettos in the workplace " wrote the Daily Mail.

condemn 英英释义


1. declare or judge unfit for use or habitation

e.g. The building was condemned by the inspector

2. express strong disapproval of

e.g. We condemn the racism in South Africa

These ideas were reprobated

Synonym: reprobatedecryobjurgateexcoriate

3. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law

e.g. He was condemned to ten years in prison

Synonym: sentencedoom

4. demonstrate the guilt of (someone)

e.g. Her strange behavior condemned her

5. appropriate (property) for public use

e.g. the county condemned the land to build a highway

6. compel or force into a particular state or activity

e.g. His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence