

nexus:[英 [ˈneksəs] 美 [ˈnɛksəs] ]


nexus 基本解释



nexus 网络解释

1. 连结:維吉尼亞大學物理學博士,曾任(Nature)期刊及(New Scientist)雜誌編輯,現在從事科學寫作,替英美兩地的報章雜誌寫文章. 另著有(Ubiquity)、(Nexus). 目前住在英國劍橋郡.

2. nexus是什么意思

2. 网络:欧洲非赢利性组织--多功能微系统卓越网络(NEXUS)对2000~2005年世界MEMS市场的预测报告指出,在2000~2005年期间世界MEMS市场将以每年递增20%的速度增长,到2005年将达到680亿美元的市场份额.

3. 基地:暴雪Twitter:神族的宏核心能力被移到了主基地(nexus)上. 网易游戏频道曾报道,..宝开(PopCap)今日宣布,将于2月15日正式登陆Iphone平台. 游戏发行商同时公布了本作的第一部视频. 展示了在Iphone平台的可触化控制.

nexus 双语例句

1. The Nexus is structurally a broken tower with rotating rings surrounding a column of blue energy.


2. Nicolet550、Nexus670 FT-IR spectrophotometer or similar apparatus allowing one to measure the quantities required for the analytical determination reported. Experiment setup: resolution 2 cm -1, no. of scans:32, beamsplitter: KBr, detector:DTGS KBr.

使用能测出分析要求数值的 Nicolet550、Nexus670型傅立叶变换红外光谱仪或类似仪器,参数为:分辨率2cm -1,扫描次数32次,分束器 KBr ,检测器 DTGS 。

3. nexus的翻译

3. Chakra/Stimulant/30 Minutes/A chakra is thought to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy residing in the human body and there are several basic chakras: Sahasrara is said to be the chakra of consciousness, Ajna is the chakra of time and awareness and of light, Vishuddha is said to be related to communication and growth, Anahata is related to the transition from base to higher energy, Swadhisthana is related to sexuality and creativity, and Muladhara is related to instinct.

恰克拉/兴奋剂/ 30分钟/阿轮被认为是相互联系的形而上学和/或生物能源居住在人体有几个基本的查克拉:Sahasrara被认为是恰克拉的意识,是Ajna该轮的时间和认识和轻,Vishuddha被认为是有关通信和增长,Anahata有关过渡基础,较高的能源,Swadhisthana相关性和创造性,Muladhara与本能。

4. In Chapter three, we first present some stylized facts about the financial development-growth nexus.


5. Google's much-anticipated new phone, Nexus One, could make its debut next week.

倍受业界关注的Google自主品牌手机Nexus One将于下周亮相。


6. Nexus One initially will be available without wireless service for 9 from Google's Web site, or for 9 with a two-year contract from Deutsche Telekom AG's T-Mobile USA. T-Mobile's plan costs.99 a month for 500 voice minutes and unlimited data and texting. The cheapest iPhone plan costs.99 for 450 minutes and unlimited data, with texting extra.

带任何无线服务的Nexus One裸机在谷歌网站上的最初报价为529美元,在从德国电信旗下T-Mobile USA购买两年服务的情况下,Nexus One售价将降至179美元。T-Mobile每月将收取79.99美元,其服务包括500分钟的通话以及不限量的数据和短信。iPhone最便宜的服务费是69.99美元,包括450分钟的通话以及不限量的数据,短信另行计费。

7. In section II of religious sphere, when the thirteen villages in Chong Li were arising, the Hakka got together by the religion belief. The local elites in this region developed their nexus of power by the connecting of the Ping Zhen Yi-min Temple and the Chong Li Rehai Mazu Temple. In Japanese rule, they developed a unique rotating worship system to firm their centripetal force in Taiwan. This is the reason why there was a highly developing relationship between Chong Li and Ping Zhen.


8. nexus在线翻译

8. Corporation bond is a kind of debt lega l nexus, which is ma nifested by securities.


9. Mr. Zhou`s career arc spoke to the nexus of money and political power in China, especially in Shanghai, the financial capital.


10. In healthcare, the cash nexus undermines the doctor-patient relationship.


11. Removing the determination of standards from the cash nexus of the market process means that they are circumventing the information-generating process that would tell providers of rules and regulations whether they are choosing wisely or choosing poorly.


12. According to this, there ought to have been no music, art, technology, or learning before the advent of the bourgeoisie, which alone conceived of subjecting the entirety of knowledge and culture to the cash nexus.


13. For anyone wondering why I did this: partly because I don't see animminent recovery in the PSP scene soon, partly because the hardware isoutdated, partly because it has been sittingin my drawer for months doing nothing, and a tiny bit because I wantedto free up some cash to buy a Nexus One (a quite amazing phone, ifanyone is looking at buying one).


14. Carlyle's attacks onUtilitarianism and'the cash nexus'reductionof the relationship between emp10yer and emp10yeetO a matter of money-are central to the novel, now one of Dickens's most popular.


15. nexus的反义词

15. As Coruscant was the center-point for decisions affecting the massive engines of commerce in the galaxy, it was also a nexus of graft and corruption.


16. nexus

16. The conclusion of this thesis is that we should follow the the nexus of contracts theory and hypothetical bargain, and by doing so, we should maintain fiduciary relation between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders. We should put mandatory controlling shareholders` fiduciary duty in Taiwanese corporation law. It applies to four kinds of Taiwanese corporations. It regulates the activities breaching duty of loyalty of controlling shareholders. When the controlling shareholders breach their duty of loyalty, it adopts disgorgement and property rule in principle, and the exception is damages and liability rule, so that it can reduce the agency costs in Taiwanese corporations.

本文结论为,公司组织理论於采契约连结理论和假设性协商之前提下,我国公司内控制股东和少数股东双方之间应具信赖关系,故我国公司法应引进控制股东受托义务(controlling shareholders` fiduciary duty),其法规范应以适用於我国公司法下之四种公司、以违反忠实义务之行为为原则、并以原则财产法则归入权和例外补偿法则损害赔偿为效果之强制规定为设计,方能降低我国公司治理之代理成本。

17. nexus什么意思

17. Chain called Pizza Fusion delivers in hybrid cars and its restaurants are designed to cut down on energy consumption and water use, and San Francisco`s gastronomes have been emphasizing eco-awareness for years—London has become a nexus of environmentally friendly dining.

同时其他地方的餐厅也开始实行对生态有利的措施——美国新开张的连锁店Pizza Fusion,用混合式动力车进行运输并且它的餐厅都设计成能降低耗源和节约用水。

18. nexus是什么意思

18. The enterprise is a contract nexus of all factor owners.


19. Recently, Google announced that they are sending free Nexus One or Droid devices to developers with 3.5+ stars and 5, 000+ downloads on their applications – making it that much more attractive to become a Android developer.

日前Google宣布将送出免费的Nexus One或Droid手机给在Android上得到3.5颗星及超过5,000次下载的程式开始者,算是提供一个让人成为一个Android开发者的吸引力。

20. Nexus One, though, is not the only new smartphone that uses Android.


nexus 词典解释

1. 联系;关系

A nexus is a connection or series of connections within a particular situation or system.

e.g. The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties.


e.g. ...the nexus between the dominant class and the State.


nexus 单语例句

1. The nexus between money and power in some quarters is the " chief culprit " that has made millionaires and billionaires intrude on public space.

2. Chongqing officials have received just praise for efforts to choke the nexus between organized crime and law enforcement officers.

3. There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year.

4. They start with the outcome and suggest a logical nexus to the genesis.

5. People across the social divide allege that thre exists a nexus among drug companies, hospital administrators and doctors.

6. And it would not be impertinent to ask if there is a dirty nexus between local traffic police and the breakdown service company.

7. The sentencing of former Gome chief Huang Guangyu doesn't mean that the nexus between business people and officials has been eradicated.

8. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship has made the nexus solid and smooth.

9. Apart from the nexus between some officials and polluting firms, the development model of making GDP the top priority is also to blame.

10. It is important that the ASEM has established a strategic nexus based on dialogue and cooperation at various levels.

nexus 英英释义


1. a connected series or group

2. the means of connection between things linked in series

Synonym: link