

geyser:[英 [ˈgi:zə(r)] 美 [ˈgaɪzər] ]



geyser 基本解释

名词间歇喷泉; (厨房、洗澡间的)煤气热水器[炉]

geyser 网络解释

1. 热水器:南非於2008年发生严重缺电情形,国营电力公司Eskom开始加紧推动电力开源节流计画,由於热水器(geyser)用电占一般家庭用电40%,Eskom希望新屋或新社区装设太阳能热水器,并鼓励用户改换太阳能热水器,以减少用电.

2. 间歇泉:隆隆巨声的火山口等美景,分布在这块约台湾四分之一大的古老火山高原,她更是全美最大的野生动物保留区,清澈的溪流,鱼儿力争上游,如茵的草原,野牛麋鹿觅食其上,其他如黑熊、灰熊、扁角鹿等等亦以此为家. 其中又以间歇泉(Geyser)著称.


3. 喷泉:黄石国家公园最使游客感兴趣的是数以千计的温泉(Hot spring)、喷泉(Geyser)和一座座泥山. 山谷里,温热的泉水喷涌而出. 时疾时息. 极富特色,形成自然界中一大奇观. 在数不胜数的大小喷泉中,以老忠实喷泉最为著名.

4. 间歇喷泉:黄石国家公园中有许多间歇喷泉(Geyser). 以山中的湖泊来说,黄石湖(YellowstoneLake)是美国最大的了. 湖被针叶树所围绕,郁郁葱葱,远眺峰顶,则白雪皑皑,景色优美. 拥有多处养鱼场,饲养丰腴味美鳟鱼(Bulltrout),乃是露营或钓鱼的好去处.

geyser 双语例句

1. Refills the geyser hole and becomes hot enough to boil, the geyser


2. Contrary to popular belief Old Faithful is not the largest geyser in the park.



3. The tallest active geyser in the world is Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone National Park.

世界上最高的活动间歇泉是Steamboat 间歇泉,同样位于黄石公园。

4. The park houses the world's largest active geyser - Steamboat Geyser that is able to throw water more than 300 feet (90 m) into the air.


5. Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, stunned scientists two years ago when NASA's Cassini orbiter discovered geyser-like jets of water vapor shooting into space from its south pole.


6. We entered from the North Entrance of Yellowstone National Park which owns a total area of 8889 km and went to Mammoth Hot Springs, which has many patterns of geyser work such as terraces, hot springs and fumaroles.


7. The existence of large coalesced bubble which leads to geyser boiling is a necessary condition for the occurrence of flow instability, since that induces the fluid flow suddenly accelerating and then coming to a standstill or even reverse flowing.


8. Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.


9. One theory is that the black marks are debris that erupted from under the Martian surface in a geyser-like process.


10. To prevent from long-time overflow caused by contingent occurrence as dysfunction of control instrument and sensor, and etc., the solar geyser must be installed where water seepage into indoors or spurting to result in an accident will not occur, and must have reliable lightning protection measures in place to guard against lightning strike.


11. A bowl - shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser.


12. Grand Geyser: The tallest regularly erupting geyser on Earth, Grand Geyser routinely fires water up to 200 feet (61 meters) into the air.


13. On today's Moment of Science, we'll learn how a geyser works.



14. To understand how a geyser works, you must first understand the relationship between water and steam.



15. When a geyser is depleted, workers will still be able to gather gas at a low rate of 2 per round.


16. Because it is easy to produce slug flow, the geyser pump do not have the weakness such as low suction, low head the traditional air pump have.


17. The application of 8031 microprocessor in testing device of geyser arc resistance


18. A geyser is a vent in Earth's surface that periodically ejects a column of hot water and steam.


19. You can see a geyser named The Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park.


20. But, unlike any other geyser, this one erupted with a poisonous gas.


geyser 词典解释

1. 间歇泉

A geyser is a hole in the Earth's surface from which hot water and steam are forced out, usually at irregular intervals of time.

geyser 单语例句

1. Products of the Crystal Geyser mineral water is seen in this undated ad poster.

2. Some of the Geyser Peak wines are in Hong Kong for the first time and only for this event.

3. The idea is similar to the failed top kill plan that couldn't overcome the pressure of the geyser pushing up.

4. In any case, it's expensive to keep the geyser close to boiling point all the time.

geyser在线翻译geyser 英英释义


1. a spring that discharges hot water and steam


1. to overflow like a geyser