

skeptic:[英 ['skeptɪk] 美 [ˈskɛptɪk] ]


skeptic 基本解释

名词怀疑论者; 怀疑者; 无神论者


skeptic 网络解释

1. 怀疑者:而事情的发展又表现和说明了主题(main theme)主角(protagonist) 反角(antagonist) c监护人(guardian) 无敌的帮助者. 唱反调者(contagonist) 引诱者感情冲动者(emotion)最有正义感,感情用事,但不是傻子. 老搭档(sidekick) 怀疑者(skeptic)


2. 无神论者、怀疑论者:8. consultant:顾问 | 9. skeptic:无神论者、怀疑论者 | 10. poetic:诗情画意的

3. 怀疑者/怀疑论者/无神论者:skep /篮子/蜂箱/ | skeptic /怀疑者/怀疑论者/无神论者/ | skeptical /怀疑性的/怀疑论的/多疑的/多疑/

skeptic 双语例句

1. I will conclude by bringing out the value of TAs in general via a discussion of a class of TAs that work by implicating the skeptic in a performative inconsistency.50 Consider Descartes'Cogito argument. Even as he agrees in principle with Stroud's rationale for rejecting standard TAs, Stern points out that Descartes'Cogito argument can be read as a transcendental argument of standard form directed at skepticism regarding knowledge of one's own existence, and the argument, even when viewed as such, is not subject to Stroud's general criticism of TAs.51 Stern notes that the Cogito argument can be cast in the following way

我将通过`暗含怀疑论者在performative inconsistency`而起作用的一类TAs的讨论而指出一般性TAs的价值。50 考虑Descartes的`Cogito论证`,即使当Stern原则上同意Stroud拒绝标准TAs的基本原理,Stern也指出Descartes的`Cogito论证`:a、能被解读为标准形式的TA,直接针对怀疑论关于我们自己存在的知识;b、这论证即使这样看,不受Stroud对TAs一般性批评的约束。51 Stern指出Cogito论证能表达为下面方式

2. But at least it neutralizes this evidence. Or so the skeptic


3. So there is a disanalogy between the rain skeptic's successful reply and the Cartesian skeptic's rebuttable reply.


4. It's wise, now, to be a skeptic.


5. I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptic s who claim there is no hope.


6. skeptic的反义词

6. I'm also a skeptic.



7. I was a bit skeptic about this unit at first but after playing with him, I liked it.


8. skeptic的反义词

8. You are free to be a believer, and you are free to be a skeptic.


9. skeptic的解释

9. It might be thought that there is at least one particular kind of skeptic for whom it is.


10. I am entranced by what can be done with them, but remain a skeptic of the process.


11. My character is the sort of crotchety Yankee show-me type, and I`m not there to actually do the cooking, I`m a skeptic, I don`t like a lot of stuff.


12. Stroud`s objection to such an appeal to demonstrate the incoherence of the skeptic`s claims seems to be that we are as confident in our understanding of what the skeptic is saying as we could be in any theory that entails its unintelligibility.


13. skeptic

13. She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head.


14. skeptic在线翻译

14. So the skeptic can always admit that the first premise may not mean what we think it does, so to speak, and thus that the truth expressed by the first premise concerning our mental life is not undeniable or immediately apparent.

因此,怀疑论者能一直承认:可以这样说,第一前设可以不意指我们所认为的,并因而被第一前设所表达的真相(关涉我们的mental life)并不是不可拒绝的,或是直接显然的57。

15. But since (5) is a statement of fact, the skeptic surely would not let Strawson get away with it.


16. skeptic的意思

16. These rationalizations were so illogical that David Friedrich Strauss, a leading skeptic who rejected the resurrection of Jesus, disagreed with Venturini:It is impossible that a being who had stolen half-dead out of the sepulchre, who crept about weak and ill, wanting medical treatment, who required bandaging, strengthening and indulgence, and who still at last yielded to his sufferings, could have given to the disciples the impression that he was a Conqueror over death and the grave, the Prince of Life, an impression which lay at the bottom of their future ministry.



17. The epistemic inconsistency of his position arises, since the truth of the skeptical hypotheses with respect to modal intuitions would undermine their own justification.21 If the skeptic claims that modal intuitions are unreliable, skeptical hypotheses could not be justified.

怀疑论者的立场导致认识论上的不一致,因为怀疑论假说的真是根据modal intuitions的到的,而这破坏了它自己的辩护『即自击败的』。如果怀疑论者主张modal intuitions是不可靠的,怀疑论假说就无法得到辩护。


18. For this reason, the skeptic must grant the reliability of modal intuitions as a method of justification.22 Yet, as will emerge below, modal intuitions are speaking in favour of (2) rather than supporting skeptical hypotheses.

因此,怀疑论者必须承认modal intuitions作为一种辩护方法的可靠性。但是,下面指明的是,modal intuitions被认为`更`支持前设2而不是怀疑论假说。

19. In general, the Moorean response to the skeptic is to respond to the skeptic`s modus ponens argument with the corresponding modus tollens.


20. Finally, the skeptic cannot attack the justification of (2) in an epistemically consistent way.


skeptic 词典解释

1. -> see sceptic

skeptic 单语例句

1. Call me a skeptic but I don't see it as being that simple.

2. One prominent skeptic said that to find the cooling trend, the 30 years of satellite temperatures must be used.

3. He says he is not a climate skeptic and believes humans have contributed to global warming.

4. You don't have to break a sweat to be a finance skeptic these days.

5. He also was a skeptic of sending more troops to Iraq as Bush decided to do.

skeptic 英英释义



1. someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs

Synonym: scepticdoubter