

acne:[英 [ˈækni] 美 [ˈækni] ]


acne 基本解释

名词痤疮,粉刺; 青春美丽痘; 粉剌

acne 网络解释

1. 粉刺:国内的臭氧医疗器械发展前景很好,臭氧可以治疗的有 根据欧洲臭氧医疗协会(Medical SocietyforOzone)和古巴国家科学研究中心的报告,医生使用各式臭氧疗法治疗下列疾病:脓疮(abscesses)、粉刺(acne)、爱滋病、过敏、裂肛、关节炎、关节退化、气喘、恶性肿瘤、脑血管硬是啊,

2. 痤疮:很多人都有痘痘,特别是咱们广东的mm,这里有一片好文章,大家不妨试试,呵呵,好了给我踩踩:) 痤疮(Acne)又称粉刺,是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾患. 好发于青年,主要发生于面部和胸背等处. 表现为黑头粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、结节、囊肿等...


3. 青春痘:青春痘(acne)是经常发生在青春期以后,学名是寻常性痤疮,通常所持续的程度和时间有明显的个别差异,其特徵常混合粉刺、化脓、囊肿及各种程度的结疤. 青春痘的形成原因与下列几项有关:

4. (青春痘用品):peaux grasses:适用於油性肤质 | Acne(青春痘用品) | Body wash(沐浴露)

acne 双语例句

1. Most of us believe that when we get acne, we must be having oily skin.


2. You should visit a dermatologist to determine if you have acne vulgaris or rosacea.


3. May be the treatment of facial acne and Rosacea embolism.


4. It is thought to represent the most severe expression of acne rosacea with a proliferation of sebaceous glands and fibrous tissue.

目前认为鼻赘瘤为acne rosacea最严重的表现型合并有皮脂腺及纤维组织增生。

5. acne在线翻译

5. For example, the condition acne rosacea is caused by permanent widening of the blood vessels of the skin of the cheeks and nose.


6. I have pretty bad acne rosacea and this covers almost all of the redness and scars, even when I dont use a concealer!



7. Male, mental strain, anxious, depression, higher study pressure, Pungent food, greasy food, fry explode food, menstrual disorder, menorrhalgia, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, lose sleep frequently, oily skin, mixing property skin and family history are risk factors for ache; Eat fruit frequently, operate the computer less than 2 hours everyday, dry skin, and neutral skin are protective factors for acne.


8. 4The risk factors of acne are:family history, mental strain, menstrual disorder, lose sleep frequently, Pungent food, male, menorrhalgia, anxious, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, depression, fry explode food, higher study pressure, greasy food, oily skin, mixing property skin, among them, the OR of family history(4.695)is the highest; The protective factors are:dry skin, neutral skin, eat fruit frequently, Operate the computer a short time everyday.


9. But I then noticed a ton of positive side effects. I started to shed the pounds and my acne began to dissapear.


10. Acne is not a patent of young people, in fact, from children to middle-aged could happen, acne is a kind of hair follicles, sebaceous glands of chronic inflammation.


11. Acne is a skin condition that affects the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands in the skin, which secrete an oily substance called sebum.


12. A small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common symptom in acne.


13. A small red swelling of the skin, usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.



14. Eyebrow Shaping 20 yuan Dig ear 30 yuan Point 30 yuan mole General Skin Care 50 A full set of skin care 100 yuan Deep Skin Care 300 Eye Care 100 Oil Eye Care 200 Neck Care 100 Hand Care 100 Hot eyelash 100 Eyelash Grafting 380 Wash the eyes 100 Aroma Ear Candle 100 Acupressure Health 120 Oils open back 380 Living makeup 80 Evening makeup 180 Bridal Make-up 380 Hair Removal 50 --- 400 Beauty Body Treatment Services Aroma Body Care Relax Body Brush 6800-15000/12 times Maintenance 4800---6800/12 times back triple burner General problem skin physiotherapy 4, 800 RMB/10 Moderate problem skin therapy 6800 yuan/12 views Serious problems in skin therapy 9800 Yuan/15 views Facial freckles 4, 800 RMB/12 times Facial acne 4, 800 RMB/12 times Whitening Facial 4, 800 RMB/12 times Sensitive skin, 4, 800 RMB/12 times Jagged wire 4, 800 RMB/12 times Flat wart.

英语翻译,紧急求救!美容价目表修眉20元挖耳30元点痣30元一般皮肤护理50元全套皮肤护理100元深层皮肤护理300 眼部护理100 精油眼部护理200 颈部护理100 手部护理100 烫睫毛100 睫毛嫁接380 洗眼睛 100 香薰耳烛100 指压保健120 精油开背380 生活妆80 晚妆180 新娘化妆380 脱毛50---400 美容美体疗程服务全身芳香放松刷体护理6800—15000/12次背部三焦保养 4800---6800/12次一般问题性皮肤理疗4800元/10次中度问题性皮肤理疗6800元/12次严重问题性皮肤理疗9800元/15次面部雀斑4800元/12次面部粉刺4800元/12次面部增白4800元/12次敏感皮肤4800元/12次铁血丝4800元/12次扁平疣。

15. Pigmentation, Age Spots, pimples, acne, Skin


16. EPL makes use of short wave band glare to kill propanoic acid bacillus of acne inner, makes use of red light, infrared brightness to lower as well as radio-frequency current removes a color while the combination effect reducing sebaceous gland activity and, stimulates the deep collagen hyperplasia, restores a scar.


17. The main efficacy: effective removal of excess facial fat, inhibit the secretion of excess oil, acne bacillus mite damage on the skin surface of the propagation conditions, rapid killing of bacteria and the hair follicle root epidermis of various bacteria, tube plugging the sebaceous glands to remove, restore the skin permeability, increased capillary flexibility microcirculation clear, comprehensive energy and improve the metabolism of skin cells, removal of toxins in human endocrine balance, the eradication of acne, eliminate smallpox and India, and renewable sources of acne can be prevented.


18. acne

18. Increased peripheral vascular pores, congestive, and caused severe acne, there is difficult to heal wounds.



19. The good news is that homeopathy addresses a problem like acne?


20. acne在线翻译

20. Look at it this way you would not put gasoline on a fire to extinguish it but that is the effect you get when you put some of these acne products on your skin.


acne 词典解释

1. 痤疮;粉刺

If someone has acne, they have a skin condition which causes a lot of spots on their face and neck.

acne 单语例句

1. Acne is a difficult enough burden for a young person to bear.

2. One drug used to treat the most severe forms of acne is called isotretinoin.

3. Acne sufferers should check out TCM remedies and pay attention to their lifestyles.

4. From the acne scars on his cheeks to the soft moustache on his upper lip, youth manifests itself on the face of the Living Buddha in saffron robes.

5. His upper lip now has a small mustache and some acne has appeared on the right part of his face in the past few days.

6. The theory that I drink too much coffee certainly hits home, as does the theory that acne is likely to strike at any time.

7. She said many students have consulted about partial plastic surgeries such as nose jobs, acne removal and eye lifts.

8. Others use microdermabrasion or microcurrent therapy to rid the buttocks of cellulite deposits, acne and other skin problems.

9. Testosterone treatment was associated with an increased incidence of acne, but there were no other differences in side effects between the testosterone and placebo groups.

10. Selenium also wards off opportunistic infections, keeps the muscles in your heart healthy and even helps with acne.

acne 英英释义


1. an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin

characterized by papules or pustules or comedones